A small wax and ink depiction of the Bastion, created by Ser Côme Ombre.
To the citizens of Regalia - peerage and common alike - I ask, will you truly allow such a terror hold us in its vice grip for any longer? It took only two days for these self-labeled "Dragon Knights" to kidnap the newly made Lord Commander of the Violet Order, the Baron Edmond du Pont. I repeat myself, it was a matter of a few DAYS of the honorable Ser being in office before he was taken and now remains imprisoned within the occupied Fort Bastion.
And what can our law enforcement charters do in retaliation? To enforce the justice that is beyond deserved to these heretics? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They are bound to watch, bound by none other than Jared Kade and the preposterous law of his forbidding the possessed to be arrested. Two open Dragon Worshippers donning obviously illegal armor loosed arrows upon not only myself, but a Violet and Vigilant guard as well. Why should these criminals be protected by the laws that they ignore and mock?
I call upon the Assembly to show their support of our law enforcement charters, and further, to finally make real advances towards ending this tyranny of terror Regalia finds itself under. I propose the following:
i. The "Dragon Law" be amended, giving all weapon baring charters the right to arrest and transfer open Dragon Worshippers (those that don illegal armor, strike at Regalian citizens, or publicly praise the Dragon Witch) to the appropriate law enforcement charter.
ii. A united effort be made to rescue the Lord Commander du Pont from the Bastion. Not only has he been the only one to actually slay an Arken - making him an obvious threat to the Dragon cult - but by allowing him to remain imprisoned we expose our own inaptitude.
ii. A united effort be made to rescue the Lord Commander du Pont from the Bastion. Not only has he been the only one to actually slay an Arken - making him an obvious threat to the Dragon cult - but by allowing him to remain imprisoned we expose our own inaptitude.
Will we simply allow these heathens to walk over our laws and those who try to enforce them? Or will we declare them the true criminals and cowards they are and treat them as such? Let it be known House Ombre valiantly fights this Dragon menace to the best of our ability - and hope others of the city will as well.

Ser Knight of the Oakenshield
Knight of Mariposa
Scholar of the Azure Order