Archived Small Suggestions That May Help Players A Little

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Bad Cop
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
So this thread is just a few small ideas I thought of that might be handy to have. They are as follows;​
  • A Nickname checker command. As in, Person A tells Person B about Person C out of character. Person B doesn't know who Person C is in character, and so therefore cannot meet them unless they mail and things, which gets complicated. Person B types /nick see PersonC and finds out without the need of any long-winded conversations.
  • I know this has been suggested multiple times, but alternate item textures for Regalia. A hoe is a cane, a stick is a stake, the possibilities are limited to the community's imagination and the limits of texture creation.
  • Trait suggestions- within reason. We don't want another suggestion overload, as of which happened to the races, but some community feedback might be nice to maybe consider unimagined yet easily-codeable traits to balance things out and give players a say.
  • Tweaking to mcMMO levelups- It takes too much time for an RPer to level his mcMMO up to a level where he can compete with even a decent PvPer, and will lose most battles if they solely RP. Also, PvPers are always saying there's no-one to PvP with. If mcMMO levelled up faster, RPers could get to a decent-enough level to fight properly. Then, both problems are solved.
  • TeamSpeak Karaoke Channel- Self-explanatory. Less important and non-essential, but still kinda fun.
  • TeamSpeak New Players Channel- Maybe new players could meet and stuff in it? I don't know, maybe like a discussion room or something.
So, what do you guys think?
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The altering of McMMo would not be ideal. Basically it would be the same difference as it is now, but with higher levels. So lets say RPer is level 2 axes, and PvPer is level 485. With your idea it would be like Rper 300, and PvPer 783. And honestly, if you want a decent McMMo ability rating, just spend fifteen minutes a day in a dark room, and do that everyday. Hell, you could probably get away with just doing three or four times a week.

The other ideas seem interesting, and I especially like the karaoke idea.
All pretty good ideas, I'm not sure about he MCMMO change. The Two reasons I think this would be a bad idea is that. Cay can't change MCMMO in anorexic ways like that, and it will allow PVPer to level faster so there will still be a big gap.
So this thread is just a few small ideas I thought of that might be handy to have. They are as follows;​
  1. A Nickname checker command. As in, Person A tells Person B about Person C out of character. Person B doesn't know who Person C is in character, and so therefore cannot meet them unless they mail and things, which gets complicated. Person B types /nick see PersonC and finds out without the need of any long-winded conversations.
  2. I know this has been suggested multiple times, but alternate item textures for Regalia. A hoe is a cane, a stick is a stake, the possibilities are limited to the community's imagination and the limits of texture creation.
  3. Trait suggestions- within reason. We don't want another suggestion overload, as of which happened to the races, but some community feedback might be nice to maybe consider unimagined yet easily-codeable traits to balance things out and give players a say.
  4. Tweaking to mcMMO levelups- It takes too much time for an RPer to level his mcMMO up to a level where he can compete with even a decent PvPer, and will lose most battles if they solely RP. Also, PvPers are always saying there's no-one to PvP with. If mcMMO levelled up faster, RPers could get to a decent-enough level to fight properly. Then, both problems are solved.
  5. TeamSpeak Karaoke Channel- Self-explanatory. Less important and non-essential, but still kinda fun.
  6. TeamSpeak New Players Channel- Maybe new players could meet and stuff in it? I don't know, maybe like a discussion room or something.
So, what do you guys think?

1. You can do /player or /show and their nickname is one of the details shown
2. Massive texture pack works well enough, if you don't like it then find or make another texture pack, no need for server changes here
3. -
4. The PVPers had to go through the grind just like RPers do if they want to efficiently pvp. The options are make it easy and then mcMMO is worthless because every noob is top quality or keep it difficult like it is.
5. Perhaps karaoke events would work better, which a channel is not needed for because there are already rooms that could be used. I don't think this channel would get much use
6. Perhaps a channel for older players to meet/help new players, but again the current rooms work fine for this as well imo
Tweaking to mcMMO levelups- It takes too much time for an RPer to level his mcMMO up to a level where he can compete with even a decent PvPer, and will lose most battles if they solely RP. Also, PvPers are always saying there's no-one to PvP with. If mcMMO levelled up faster, RPers could get to a decent-enough level to fight properly. Then, both problems are solved.

This would make no difference. If the PvPers grind more than the people who mostly roleplay, they'd still be higher leveled than the RPer's. The only difference here is the numbers.
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