Archived Small But Important

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Consistently Inconsistent
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania
This is a relatively small suggestion compared to what is usually posted here but I think it is important.

Suggestion: Change the direction the player faces when they spawn into Essalonia so they are facing the city's exit.

For the first time in many months I decided to teleport to the factions hub so I could see the state of the roads right outside of the spawn. To my surprise, I could not find out how to leave the start city in Essalonia. I assumed that it would be as simple as walking forward and following the street, but I soon found myself lost in a city that most new survival players won't be very interested in exploring.

I went back to the spawn and saw that if I made a 180 turn, the gate to leave the city is mostly visible.

Reasoning: New players might be more inclined to explore survival MassiveCraft more if they are able to launch right into the Wilderness. Most new players (and idiots like myself) will just walk forward and assume they will reach the exit at some point. Changing the direction so the player faces the exit might allow new players to immediately experience what they joined MassiveCraft for.

Thank you!

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
In all seriousness, the spawn should be turned around so that people who are coming to essa spawn face west instead of having to navigate through the entire city to find a gate.

New players have found their way through the hub, tutorial and maybe even regalia accidentally. Make it easy once they reach the factions world to exit spawn and enter the wild.
Make /tp wild or /tp wilderness or both teleport you to the gate. How long does this take to do? I assume with the correct rank, this could take 15 minutes, there's no reason not to do it, and of course can be changed later. I know staff "have a plan" to introduce a random tp or something relating to /tp wild, but there's a few things that wouldn't hurt.

Seriously the randos in chat asking how they get to wilderness are getting annoying. Almost every player that logs on asks it.