Personally.. I don't know if you recently discovered the forums, but it seems like you're thread-happy. You seem to be making a bunch of threads for suggestions, but don't have a huge amount of reasons for said suggestion, besides "It should be made.". Also... Adding a bunch of exclamation marks won't really add to people wanting the suggestion. Perhaps if you want your idea to be seen through, or people to consider it, or even want it; provide proper reasons, and make it less than one long sentence.
I'm not saying that offering your idea's is bad, but making a bunch of threads that contain only (at most it seems) a few sentences isn't really needed. As I said, if you want to give your idea's all you need to do is make a list of them, and provide proper reasons for your suggestion.
P.S: Perhaps have less exclamation marks, and it is Regalia, not Regila.
This is not made to be rude, or anything like that, but a harmless advisory/suggestion.