Amontaar Skirmish System

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tacit and refined evil
Staff member
Feb 17, 2019
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The Amontaar Skirmish System is a supplementary set of rules for Massivecraft's Amontaar Summer Eventline. The rules and procedures outlined here only apply in Amontaar, and are not applicable in Regalia. The Skirmish system is an autonomous CRP system that requires players be part of a Registered Mercenary Company. Utilizing this system is not a required part of the Amontaar Eventline, however, at multiple points in the Event, certain items, information, and questlines will require a Skirmish Victory to progress or achieve a desired outcome.

A Skirmish is a multi-day long event that is announced by Lore Staff, but strictly handled and self-moderated by players. Skirmishes do not need to be OOCly scheduled, they do not need Lore Staff active moderation or oversight (but players can always ticket for assistance if something comes up), and will count as valid even without any Lore Staff present. Players are free to self-determine when they fight, where they fight, and who they fight, based on in-character decisions and considerations. Skirmishes do not have a required time (unlike divinium/artifactspark raids), as long as they happen within the announced start and end time. When a Skirmish is announced, it will have a start date & time, an end date & time. . During this time ,whenever Mercenary Companies fight one another in a Skirmish Zone, they earn Skirmish Points, which are tallied at the end of the Skirmish, and determine the overall winner.

Skirmish Zones
In the Amontaar map, multiple regions will be marked with a region pop-up that designates them as a "Skirmish Zone." Skirmish Zones are the only places in Amontaar where the Skirmish System applies. Players cannot initiate, or complete, Skirmishes outside of these Zones. Conversely, Skirmish Zones are always "open CRP," meaning, anyone who is a part of an applicable Mercenary Company, who enters a Skirmish Zone, is liable to be attacked by other Characters, and cannot decline CRP. If for any reason a player cannot, or will not, CRP, they are not obligated to, but if they are in a Skirmish Zone, this will count as a Loss for the Skirmish System. Each Skirmish zone is designed for a specific range of combatants. Meaning, groups of 2, or groups of 10, should go to different Skirmish Zones to ensure they are fighting groups of equal size. Fights that happen with a team size in the wrong Skirmish Zone do not count.

Team Size: 1
Skirmish Zone: The Scaffolding

Team Size: 1
Skirmish Zone:
Ancient Gateway

Team Size: 2
Skirmish Zone: Broken Gateway

Team Size: 3
Skirmish Zone: Loading Docks

Team Size: 4-6
Skirmish Zone: Silent Tombs

Skirmish Points & Calculation
Skirmish Points are awarded to Mercenary Companies who win a CRP versus another Mercenary Company in the appropriate Skirmish Zone. Because outnumbered fights are inherently very unfair, characters are only allowed to initiate fights in Skirmish Zones appropriate to their group size, to ensure they match up with others who are roughly the same in size.

Victory Skirmish Points: 1 Point
Loss Skirmish Points: .25 Points

If there are multiple Mercenary Companies taking part in a Skirmish (skirmishes can be between two groups, or three, or multiple), the teams that come in second, or third place, are awarded some points. Placement is determined by order of KOing, meaning, if a Company was the 2nd to last to have all of its members KO'd, it is "second" place. When this occurs, reduce the Skirmish Points rewarded by .25 for each place following first. If it would go to 0, stop reducing, and award all subsequent teams .25. (ex. A Skirmish between 4 groups, 1st: 1, 2nd: .75, 3rd: .5, 4th: .25).

While there is no cap on the number of different Companies that can join a CRP once a CRP has started, Mercenary Companies no longer gain points if they join after the "lockout point." The Lockout Point of a CRP happens either when: 1 participant is KO'd (or leaves), or when one participant of the CRP reaches 4 HP (does not inlcude max HP reducing Abilities like Tech Assimiliate), whichever happens first. After the Lockout Point, only teams that were a part of the CRP before that point can gain points. Other teams can still join the CRP to make it end faster, but will not be included in point calculation.

A winner of a Skirmish CRP is determined when all combatants are KO'd, (or have left), and is settled on by the players present. When CRP ends in a Skirmish Zone (when everyone participating is KO'd, or has KO'd everyone else), after points are calculated, all participants of the CRP are given a "grace period" wherein they cannot have CRP initiated on them again, until they leave and re-enter the Skirmish Zone. When a Skirmish CRP is completed, one player should send in a Ticket to Lore Staff with the following information: companies involved in the CRP, victor, difference in team size (if any), and a screenshot with at least one player from each Mercenary Company involved acknowledging the outcome of the CRP in text. Skirmish points are recorded on the "Mercenary Companies" tab of the Custom Kit Repository, and can be considered public knowledge (not treated as literal "points" in character, but an abstract representation of who has "control" over the region and who is "winning the most fights"). When a Skirmish ends (based on the announced time/date), all Skirmish Points are tallied, and the winner is whoever has the most points.

Skirmish Additional Rules
Because the Skirmish System is systemized, it has some extra rules that regular CRP does not.
  1. Combat must be done using System Combat, as written, with no alterations to the functions of Abilities, rules, or "handshake" agreements to change how things work.
  2. No Advanced Roleplay Mechanics involving Ability Alteration, or anything like it, can be used.
  3. For the purpose of Mercenary Company sheets, when it says "Once per Skirmish" that means only once during the multi-day long Skirmish, but at any point before, after, or during, one of the CRP's.
  4. Characters cannot be kidnapped or taken prisoner/hostage as a result of a Skirmish. All Characters are presumed to escape/be freed by the Amontaar Guards.
  5. Artifacts and Event Resources can be stolen during Skirmishes.
  6. Characters who are not a part of any Mercenary Companies can take part in a Skirmish, but they must "temporarily" join one Mercenary Company to count as being on "their side" for the purposes of counting combatants. If a character enters a Skirmish CRP with no interest in joining one side, but only to attack one (or more) characters on another team, assign that Character to one of the opposing Mercenary Companies. Please note, that even if a non-Company Character fights in a Skirmish and wins, only members of the Company are allowed to sign up for the follow-up event.
  7. Players are allowed to, and encouraged, to Ping for Roleplay in the Discord when their group is looking for a fight in a specific Skirmish Zone.
  8. Players are not allowed to OOCly/ICly collude to game the system and "farm" one another for points.

Rewards and Purpose
When a winner is determined for a Skirmish, Lore Staff will announce the Company that won, and reach out to them either In-Character through NPCs, or via Ticket. The reward for winning a Skirmish is usually the same: a private DM'd event. These events are by sign up only, and will usually be limited to 10 or 15 players, so that we can give a more personal DM'd experience to a smaller group. Players that sign up must be part of the winning Company, and cannot be from other Companies, or characters who are not in any Company. Winning a Skirmish is always supplemental to the larger plot of Amontaar, but taking part in Skirmishes is a great way to earn favor with NPCs (even if you lose), by publicly fighting for their cause (or disfavor, if you're acting against them). These private events will give players more information, resources, and usually some kind of "loot" to help them as the plot progresses. It is entirely possible for a group to lose every Skirmish they take part in, and still achieve their overall "goal" in Amontaar, so long as they attend other events and make the right choices.
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Added a provision that awards Skirmish Points to the losing team if they are vastly outnumbered
Added a provision to prevent "vulture-ing," that prevents CRP intitation on a character that has just finished a CRP in a Skirmish Zone.
Changed Point Drop off from 1-2 to 2
Added a provision that prevents point reduction in multi company fights, where two companies are evenly matched, but one company has much less, to prevent the participation of the smaller company from completely negating any possible point gain.

Radically changed structure for the system. Instead of skirmishes in one zone only, now all zones are used, and different sized groups are sectioned off to different zones (making it impossible for there to be a 1v5 fight, for example).

Clarified that point reduction for multi group fights can't go below .25.

Added a lockout point for point calculation in CRP's

Adjusted Skirmish Zone distribution.
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