Skin Contest! Now With Art Prizes! Woo! (final Day!)


Fiber Viber
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Well, someone (cough Leah Kade) went and got knocked up, so her usual dress with that cute little brown belt just isn't going to fly anymore. Long story short, I love treating Leah like a dress up doll. I need maternity dresses for her, ones that may even suggest at her baby bump if you can manage it. But that's not all! I'm looking for:

Pajamas (night gown)
Swimming clothes (likely a dark dress)
Summer attire (bare arms. Woohoo fashion statements!)
House gown (comfortable dresses)
Day wear (for everyday RP, during and after her pregnancy)
Exercise clothes (can't be lifting weights in a dress. Need pants on this one)
Party dresses (from high tea to crashing a friend's house, and everything in between)
Anything else you can think of! I love having multiple dresses to play with.

Also note that I love changing up her hairstyle as much as her clothes. Leah may tend to wear her hair up as a respectable lady thing, but lately she's been apt to letting her hair down more loosely. I encourage you to play with her hair, even though it's not very long. I also LOVE playing with the outer layers, so anything like a coat, shawl, wrap, something she can take on and off, that wins bonus points.

So here's the part that's fun! PRIZES! Art is either colored pencil or watercolor paint.
First place: 1000r and full color, full body art
Second place: 600r and upper body art
Third place: 300r and headshot

ALSO! Anyone who submits a skin that I end up keeping for use will receive 150 regals per skin, so feel free to do multiple submissions if you choose to! One person may win multiple prizes!

Contest ends 7/1/15
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Reference Guide


Leah has short, wavy black hair that is borderline curly. It falls below her jawline, but doesn't go all the way to her shoulders. She almost always has some rebellious curls on the side of her face, but she does try for doing her hair nicely sometimes. She enjoys make up and femininity more than most people would think, and does have a fair face. Her eyes are a dark shade of blue. She's fashionable and current, and doesn't mind flashy or exquisite dresses. She wears the Kade colors on most occasions, which are blue and purple. She prefers to wear dresses more than anything else. If her arms are bare I'd like if her muscular arms were shaded appropriately.
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I legitimately thought you meant she got beat up. But then I realized.
Leah has conformed to being a womanly woman!
Rofl! She is a womanly woman :P She's talked to like three women about how to be obedient wives. Also, the standard of femininity isn't that you get beaten up #triggered
Question! Would we need to keep the eye style of the original skin? Cause I'm more of a fan of the 3-pixels-across version. nightgown and possibly more entries incoming
Question! Would we need to keep the eye style of the original skin? Cause I'm more of a fan of the 3-pixels-across version. nightgown and possibly more entries incoming
Please take artistic liberty! I just like to make sure she's feminine and pretty still. Take out those butch stereotypes XD
Uhm. Yes. I'm going to take part now. Arts. I must have all the arts. :>
So, I gave it a shot. I suppose this can be her summer attire? It's not too fancy, so I s'pose it could be everyday, I'm not entirely sure. I went with the Calemberger style from this post, assuming that'd be the type she'd most likely fall under ^^; Furs are hot, so... I... Excluded it :x

She's even got a 3d baby bump ou o

So, I gave it a shot. I suppose this can be her summer attire? It's not too fancy, so I s'pose it could be everyday, I'm not entirely sure. I went with the Calemberger style from this post, assuming that'd be the type she'd most likely fall under ^^; Furs are hot, so... I... Excluded it :x

She's even got a 3d baby bump ou o

;w; dat hairstyle doe <3 squee~
I made a skin, having a purple dress with a blue dress jacket with golden coloured straps going across the arms.

without the jacket (Requires removal of every second layer aside from the head layer)
novaskin (14).gif
Not really sure what kind of dress this falls under, perhaps summer or party?
I went for some sort of exotic kind of dress, presumably for after she gives birth as she has her stomach revealed.​