Design An Outfit Contest!

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Contest ends tomorrow!

Last day to turn in entries!
Geez you people are all so talented! Wish I could arty like dat!
The "Wild" concept clothing that I just don't have time to lineart and flesh out :(

Entries are now closed.
Alright, so these entries were all really hard to judge because I like so many!
So in thanks, I will also be sending 50 regals to 2 Honorable mentions,
whose outfits I may wind up using as well.

Contest Winners:

1st Place:@Nammish
This design sticks true to N'omiel's original color scheme, the design is simple but suiting and is baggy/roomy which suits her.
Love this design, thank you for submitting it!
2nd Place: @Annju
Much like the above design, this one is simple and sticks to the original color scheme.
It also suits N'omiel and the medieval style well. It was a tough decision between this and first place.
3rd Place: @ptokki
Another very simple, clean design which is quite lovely. Thank you for the submission.

Honorable Mentions:

2 Designs: @Feyona
1 Design: @da_CamelQueen

Thanks to everyone who participated!
I really enjoyed seeing the designs, and the lovely art as well!

Even though it is over this needs to be seen.
All rewards have been sent out.
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