Sinaht Elxisys

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by ArbysChan, Jun 16, 2020.

  1. ArbysChan


    Jun 16, 2020
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    ❆~Basic Information~❆

    Full Name: Sinaht Dquakun Elxisys

    Age: 76

    Gender: Male

    Race: Voltalar Isldar

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Preferred Weapon: Warhammer
    Custom Weapon (bought and paid at Enki's Forge): The Warhammers head is made out of the dwarven material known as "Khazalitra" with runic carvings covering the head, the hilt and handle is made of "Pattara", making the hilt unbreakable via normal means.

    ❆~Skill Information~❆
    Total Points: 50 +10 Talent +10 Hobby

    Core Proficiency:
    Two-hand Blunt Combat - 20
    Fists Combat - 13 (Boosted from 8)
    (28 Total)

    Hobby Proficiency:
    Theater Arts - 10 (10 Hobby)
    (10 Total)

    Talent Training Category:
    Strength Training - 10 (Talent Points)
    Perception Training - 10
    (20 Total)

    Ritualism - 12
    ~Ritualist Ghostmutter
    ~Ritualist Phaseblade
    ~Ritualist Clothweave
    ~Ritualist Predation

    ~Ritualist's Implement
    ~Ritualist Counter
    ~Ritualist Rustward
    ~Ritualist Weapon-Spite

    (12 Total)

    ❆~Body Shape~❆

    Physical Stat: 30 (Isldar Racial Limit, 20 Two-Handed Blunt, Fists 13, Strength Training 10, Theather Art 10 [5 effective])
    ***Can be increased to 45 with Wyvernborn Form

    Body Shape: Ripped

    Body Fat: Low



    Sulley Elven (First Language)

    Common (Learned)


    ❆~Visual Information~❆

    Eye Color: Violet (from Archblood)

    Skin Color: Pale, almost white.

    Height: 6ft 5in

    Clothing: Wearing a dark blue overcoat and a greyish undershirt, he is dressed for average weather. His trousers are clean but hardy, his boots made of thick leather with his overcoat sagging around his form, a size too big for him with its sleeves hanging low.
    Appearance: Long white hair flows off his head, bundling down in large heaps. Going well past his back and to his hips, its overabundance is almost absurd. It is the most striking feature besides his face, which seems to hold an ironic expression of disbelief. Some may even call it ‘derpy’.



    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Personality: His face ever aloof, and his actions even more so, he seems to take everything thrown at him with a sense of irony. He seems rather sturdy, all his movements fluid. He stands with perfect posture, though it's hard to notice with his rather unkempt amount of hair.

    Religion: Dragon Worship.


    ❆~Special Traits & Abilities~❆

    Wyvernborn Isldar:
    -Wyvern Form

    -Archblood Scrying
    -Archblood Arsenal
    -Archblood Mindwall
    -Archblood Scalehide
    -Archblood Siphon
    -Calling of Old
    -Calling of War
    -Calling of Lords
    -Calling of Faith


    ❆ ~Life Story~❆

    Birth - Childhood - Adolescence

    Sinaht Elxisys was born into an Isldar Hold on December 12th, 232 AC. His childhood was spent like any other, given enough food to eat, working when he was told, and contributing to the society around him. For his childhood, he spent most of his time doing manual labor and helping those around him, partially out of a drive to do what's good, but also to keep doing something. This turned into body training in his later years, and with being the eldest child in his family, it was all the more guaranteed he would end up in the third pillar. Besides his interest in martially attuned topics, his drive to help landed him into a few interesting endeavors, giving him exposure to rather unique scenarios. He learned how to act around his elders and was instilled with a strong sense of seriousness and structure. Some would call him the perfect child, others would say that he held no personality outside of others.

    Militant Career

    As soon as Sinaht was able to join the Wind Watchers, he did so with gusto. Eager to fill his role, he began training, then hunting, and then braving the harsh terrain outside their hold. This went on for some time, and his dedication earned him much respect. Within time, in around 30 some odd years of service, he gained enough respect to be deemed a Lessay. This soon even went even further, to the point he was one of the main few planning expeditions into the cold dark of night. During his time in these lands, they braved the harshest storms, the cruelest of nature's wrath, and merciless animals that would rip them to shreds in a heartbeat. To them all, this is how they proved their lives to the universe. Then, the fateful day that ended this tranquil lull of satisfaction was put to an end with one swift motion by the fates.
    The original mission went without a hitch. The scouts relayed the information, everything was within reasonable numbers. The number of them was manageable, the area wasn't known to be packed with surprises, and it was turning out to be just another hunt. And it was. After Sinaht and his allies left the Hold, they traveled… camped… and eventually made it to the place the pack was said to be. After one more day's rest, they rush the pack in the light of the morning sun, and all but put to waste a small pack of dire wolves. Unfortunately, they sustained more damages than they expected and were forced to camp back at their initial spot before the attack. This proved to be a fatal mistake, as after the day had ended, they were attacked when they were at their weakest. Soon enough, they were all killed just as viciously as they had done to the wolves prior. After the snow was painted in blood and half-eaten corpses, the dire wolves left, their territory soiled by Isldar stench. Sinaht was not lucky enough to survive, but his soul refused to stay in the afterlife. A one in three thousand chance… a freak occurrence that changes everything in one's life. The dragons he worshiped so feverishly sought to give him one last chance, a second life as a scion of his faith.
    He was reborn as an Archblood, but this did not help the situation at hand. Left incapable of moving, and completely lost in a never-ending dream. What happened next was outside of his consciousness, but when he awoke (over a month later), he was in a small room that seemed hastily made, with signs of life other than him. Standing over him and treating his faded wounds was a man he had never met before this, and still holds many mysteries.
    Sinaht had been in a coma for a month and a half, stuck in dreams so vivid he swore they were real. Whispers of powers beyond his recognition yet felt like second nature. The witchblood infection, or at least that's what the mysterious man had referred to it as. The next year Sinaht spent on bedrest, the near-death experience breaking both his mind and body. For almost this whole year, few words were exchanged between the two. Sinaht was too far broken, and the man was short of conversation. Besides some mumbling, the man never spoke, and never made eye contact, not that Sinaht was in any condition to converse.


    This bizarre situation Sight found himself in was slow work. After a whole year, he had only gotten three to four steps and even fewer words. During the next few years, they exchanged few pleasantries. The barest of words to obtain necessities is the extent of these interactions. Sinaht soon became more and more conscious, regaining full comprehension of his surroundings. While his body still ached and was too weak to support much movement, he took solace in the mumblings of the man caring for him. It was here that he learned of methods of faith beyond his knowledge, and of rituals that are done by those who revere the dragons. The prayers, the teachings, and all of what the mysterious man spoke of. With little else, he soon memorized all the man uttered, adapting it to his faith.
    After five years had passed, Sinaht had learned the man's name. In the barest of conversations, Sight had asked him and gotten the most simple of answers; “Darcassan”. The man didn't say anything else for the rest of the week after that. The bright side was most of his aches had faded to a point where he could stomach moving, even if doing so was slow and painful. His determination was all but broken, it was a long process. Over the next two years, Sinaht learned quite a few things while working his body back to a usable state. The man caring for him had unusual humor, finding comedic value in almost every situation. Almost sociable during rare instances. He seemed to warm up with each passing year, or perhaps it was just that long since the last one Darcassan talked with, that he too had to find himself again.
    The next few years flew by as more and more progress was made. From walking to running, to fighting, the progress was steady but slow. Before either of them had known it, ten years had passed since fate thrust them together. Soon, Sinaht found himself ready to depart but was stopped at a realization. He was dead, anything he would have returned to is gone. Those who may have grieved were most definitely healed, and he had paid his life to that cause. With nothing to return to, he decided to instead travel, searching for something else to die for. The man was all but changed, who he had died on that day so long ago, and what remained was made anew.

    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    #1 ArbysChan, Jun 16, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
  2. Mollymock

    Mollymock Regalian Citizen

    Feb 25, 2019
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    Hey there! Claiming this app for review! Let's get started.

    Please include a Physical Stat value and calculation.

    Make this edit in Purple and tag me when complete.
  3. ArbysChan


    Jun 16, 2020
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  4. Mollymock

    Mollymock Regalian Citizen

    Feb 25, 2019
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  5. ArbysChan


    Jun 16, 2020
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    Edits were made with the change to proficiencies. Changes made in Purple, and ill also list them below:
    1) Removed Magical Knowledge, as it doesn't well reflect the Militant Nature of the character, and put the 8 points into Extra Heavy Proficiency (which is now capped at 25) and Athletics Training (which was increased by 3; with a new total of 15)
    2) The Isldar physical limit was increased and has been recalculated accordingly.
  6. Mollymock

    Mollymock Regalian Citizen

    Feb 25, 2019
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  7. ArbysChan


    Jun 16, 2020
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  8. Mollymock

    Mollymock Regalian Citizen

    Feb 25, 2019
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