Preserved Sheet Silyoran Haaven

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Basement Goblin
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
A place where trains are really loud.


Basic Information
  • Elven Name: Noä'riëllá Niëväelloá Hállëvandëia
    • Imperialized Name: Silyoran Haaven
  • Nicknames: Sil, Sily, Fleur, Yoran
  • Age: 37
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Crystal Spire Isldar
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Arcol Recurve Bow
Skill Information

Total Points: 42 (37 From Age +5 Bonus) +10 Hobby Points

  • Combat Proficiencies
    • +10 Light Bow Combat Skill (+10 Invested)
    • +5 Throwing Combat Skill (+5 Invested)
    • +4 Fast Blades Combat Skill (+4 Invested)
  • Knowledge Proficiencies
    • +5 Hunting Knowledge (+5 Invested)
    • +5 Linguistics Knowledge (+5 Invested)
  • Science Proficiencies
    • +5 Medical Sciences (+5 Invested)
    • +3 Anima Care Sciences (+3 Invested)
    • +5 Natura Care Sciences (+5 Invested)
  • Arts Proficiencies
    • +5 Visual Arts (+5 Hobby)
    • +2 Literary Arts (+2 Hobby)
    • +3 Culinary Arts (+3 Hobby)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 24 (+10 Light Bow +5 Throwing = 15 +4 Blades = 19 +5 Hunting = 24 Total)
  • Body Shape: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Common (Learned, Fluent)
  • Sulvaley Elven (Taught By Parents)
  • Zasta (Taught by Es-Allar mentor) (Can read/write/understand but not speak.)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Werebeast Soul-Line: Rappran | INACTIVE
Rappran Soul-Line
Hollow Bones

Eagle's Call
Glaring Sun
Falcon's Call

Visual Information

❖Eye Color: Icy Blue
❖Hair Color:
Strawberry Blonde
❖Hair Style:
Twin Braids
❖Skin Color: Pale Pink
❖Clothing: Dresses with sashes
❖Height: 6'6


Personality and Abilities
Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Entertainer
      • Mind: 88% Extraverted, 12% Introverted
      • Energy: 34% Intuitive, 66% Observant
      • Nature: 10% Thinking, 90% Feeling
      • Tactics: 15% Judging, 85% Prospecting
      • Identity: 58% Assertive, 42% Turbulent
  • Character's Religion
    • Dragon Worhip 2/10
    • Unionism 5/10
Life Story
  • Born 281 AC to two Frisit loyal Isldar in Ellador, Silyoran was an only child at first, and was taken from her home only a few months after birth due to her parents desire for exploration of other places. However, due to her parents both lacking the funds and being unable to travel all that much, at least in their minds, with an infant, they settled for Regalia instead for a steady life yet with all of the various wonders and races of the world wandering about. To them, it was like traveling, yet more affordable.
  • Age 1-8); Sil was brought up in a flowery district, her parents seeming to take on the Regalian's light-hearted and cheerful demeanor. Silyoran was raised with Sulvaley Elven and Common tongue. At the age of around three, the child had managed to follow a butterfly out of the city, and spend a night in the woods. Her parents, on the other hand, were worried sick, having no idea where their daughter had gone, they went out in search of her, eventually finding the small sleepy Silyoran wandering around by the city outskirts. From then on, her parents sheltered her away in their home, teaching her some things such as growing flowers and making tea, forcing her to live in a much more isolated and secluded life, fostering part of her naivety in later years. At age seven, however, a new family member was introduced to her. A baby brother by the name of Hielo. One she constantly tried to look after and spend every moment she could within the little time she had with him.
  • 8-10); At age eight she was sent out to get flour and sugar, and other baking ingredients. Having not found anywhere to get them she eventually got lost while trying to find it. By that time it began to get dark, she gave up, trying to find her way home now, but, it was no use, the young Isldar hadn't left the comforts of her home in a while, and therefore had little knowledge of the city layout. Being now lost from home, she went to the park and stayed there for the night… And the night after, and so on. Her parents never found her, and in her mind had given up. She was soon after taken in by a guard named Adam, her first friend in the city. He had unofficially adopted her for around a year, giving her free roam of the city and independence, however, he eventually had to give her up, not having the time for a child. Then she was taken in by Eric Decimar for a small length of time, and she had Sselliaz, an Es-Allar teaching her basic things, such as reading and writing. In addition to this, per her request, Sselliaz and another Es-Allar helped teach her firstly how to read Zasta, then how to write in it, and finally how to understand the language. Despite not being able to speak it, Sil was rather happy that she had that knowledge to be even closer to her scaled friends, as well as being able to understand them properly. Eventually she was adopted by an ailor, one who was very strict, and whom she didn't attach to well. So, she soon left that family, to be permanently adopted by a Yanar named Rowan Haaven.
  • 10-12); Over the two years Silyoran had gained quite a bit of friends through her method of handing out flowers, as well as adapting to her new family. Being taught medicine by her grandfather. One day, however. The child had gone out into the woods to find her father, mistaking a feral grey bear for a friend, and almost being mauled by it. The bear, however, was quickly shot and killed by a certain Yanar. Said Yanar, had warned her of the consequences and gave her a talk on how to go about the situation better. Soon after, she agreed to take on his teachings of the woods and such, and so she did. Being taught things such as navigating the woods and how to swim. The Isldar had been in another traumatic event at the age of twelve, being attacked by a vampire, and brought to a sense of fear for her life, this showed the young being that people can do bad things, that they can be horrid monsters.
  • 12-16); Over the four years Silyoran had been fully accepted into her new family, only vaguely remembering her Isldar parents whom she assumed had left regalia. She also over these years mostly abandoned the dragon worship she grew up being taught, due to several warnings from her family and friends, she is now a unionist. She was then a field medic in training in the Alchemia Order.
  • Throughout her childhood, the young Isldar for the most part only had eyes for one person. A crush that slowly developed into a hidden love due to him being a noble. Yet, eventually after a while they mutually decided to break it off so that neither got into trouble, despite how much it hurt.
  • On her sixteenth birthday, her father carved a Howling Javelin for her, crafted from the bones of the bear in her childhood and from other hunts, to commemorate her growing skill.
  • Having only just recently found her younger brother, Hielo, Sil has fully taken him into the Haaven family and had her father adopt him as her official brother.
  • Over the course of the next two years, Silyoran had mostly spent her time getting to know her new lover, as well as being trained by her father and cousin alike in preparation for being sent abroad to the School of Altalar Rangers. For the most part, such consisted of her cousin making her do laps around the countryside every morning. If she couldn't manage, he made her do push-ups instead.
  • Finally, the Isldar was sent off to the School of Altalar Rangers. In her time there she passed the first trial, having done a lot better than she would've had her family not helped her out prior to her arrival at the school. A bit later she also managed to pass the second trial and officially graduate the school, purely due to her father having taught her how to properly navigate the woods. What's safe to eat, what Isn't, how to avoid certain animals and the likes.
  • Having broken up with Nollin and gotten together with the childhood lover of hers once more, Silyoran found herself pregnant with twins. She had made the decision to leave Regalia for the duration of her showing and instead staying in Ithania. When the kids arrived, however, she would return with them to Regalia, and claim that they were her half-siblings instead of her own children. The two half-elves were named Leilani and August. This was due to it being illegal to have children before marriage during this this time.
  • After her return to Regalia, Sil made the decision to officially marry the father of her children, Alarik. So that she could claim her children as her own, and not have to hide it.
  • A couple of years later, the couple, by choice this time, had a third child. A son by the name of Eliolrun. Sil wanted a more elven sounding name for him since the first two had more Ailor-like ones. As such, her brother assisted in naming.
  • In recent times, Sil's father had re-infected as a Werebeast, and as a result, infected her as well. However, due to the family entirely lacking the stealth factor that they were meant to have, a majority of them were rounded up and cured. Herself included. It took her a bit to get over such, staying at home with her family for quite some time before deciding to venture out once more.
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Claimed for aspirant review.
  • Skill Information:
    • Given your character's age, you are permitted only one other language with common. Remove two of them.
  • Personality:
    • Add one more sentence to the first paragraph.
    • Add two more sentences to the fourth paragraph.
  • Life Story/Basic Information:
    • Is your character a Loyalist Isldar or a Forsaken one? She was definitely born inside the hold, yet her being taken to Regalia so soon after that and it doesn't even imply her biological parents ever taught her of the Frostweaver and their race's goal. Please add either Loyalist or Forsaken in the race section.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me once done!
If you are having two languages, even one that isn't entirely fluent, you will need to be 20 years. Either adjust your age or remove one language.
If you are having two languages, even one that isn't entirely fluent, you will need to be 20 years. Either adjust your age or remove one language.
Huh. Nobody ever clarified it for me so I figured you could start learning another language after ten years, not that it took ten years each. Either way, it's been removed.

Hi, sunshine!
  • Common is no longer a free language. With it being ten years per language, you will either need to bump up her age to twenty or drop Modern Elvish.
Please make this change and tag me when you're done.

Hi, sunshine!
  • Common is no longer a free language. With it being ten years per language, you will either need to bump up her age to twenty or drop Modern Elvish.
Please make this change and tag me when you're done.
Yep, I found this out a bit ago! Is there a way to place it as she's less knowledgable in common than elvish? I was planning an age up in a bit but not for a few days at least.
@Athelois Aaannndd-- Magic added to my bab! Changes from the magic made in purple. As well as all proficiency points removed-- Also, the blue changes are from my previous update that didn't need a re-review. I just left them in, in case you wanted me to keep it blue instead of black for some reason?? But uh- Requesting Re-Review, please!