Preserved Sheet Silvian Alexy Elking

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@PonyoWantHam updated life story + life goal + personality + weaknesses + strengths!
In more recent development, he goes out of his way to try and protect those who had ended up giving more then a few shits about
Please remove the profanity here. It's unnecessary.

Make that small fix and I'll re-approve this app.
i interrupt your day by
-extending things into the personality traits that really just does some more explaining ( will color if needed )
-adding ANOTHER themesong
Why you gotta make it so damn small man.
I cant read this shit.
@PonyoWantHam heya, could i have a re-review for the template update? yeah thanks.
bumps but highkey??
Only thing that stands out about this app that might be an issue is that amoral is listed in both the strengths and the personality traits, when it's more of a strength. Make the small edit and I'll re-approve this app.
Only thing that stands out about this app that might be an issue is that amoral is listed in both the strengths and the personality traits, when it's more of a strength. Make the small edit and I'll re-approve this app.
diggity done and made in red!
heck heck heck its silv once again up for review
@PonyoWantHam its me, i did things with the personality for the update
It's no secret that Silvian comes off as an annoying person if not let off as persistent or influential. Silvian also emits an air of confidence around himself. Proud of himself and what he's brought in to do. Besides the two obvious traits, he's noted as a nosey, or curious person. Willing to sneak into other's businesses to satisfy his his curiosity.
The only issues I could find was this small typo and "vampirism" as a talent, as it has its pros and cons which should both be taken into account - so it cannot truly be considered a talent.

Make this small edit in another colour and tag me when you're done! @Pastellanar
The only issues I could find was this small typo and "vampirism" as a talent, as it has its pros and cons which should both be taken into account - so it cannot truly be considered a talent.

Make this small edit in another colour and tag me when you're done! @Pastellanar
done diddly done! deleted vampirism becuase he wasnt infected anymore anyways and uh. fixed that typo!
Updated app! Silvian was unable to retain his Blood magic due to his months in Vampirism. Replaced with Nothing (tm)
updates app again but its only for a better explanation of his personality + fixing up his mutations