Preserved Sheet Silvian Alexy Elking

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p l a t i n u m   l i z a r d
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score



;;introduction. ♔
birthright name. Silvian Alexy Elking
&& He doesn't particularly go through fake names anymore; unless he's in some sort of disguise.
age. Twenty-two winters
date of birth. October thirty-first ;; ♏

ender. Male
ace. Ailor of Ceardian-Anglian culture ( 1/2 Ithanian. )
&& life ambition.
Knowledge, specifically knowledge in things that are not known to the public - for good reasons. Being a conspiracy theorist, it's only natural that he wants to know secrets that shouldn't be heard by anyone else but themselves. This was formerly his main goal; but that changed when he has realized how much in danger he was in. Plus, he had managed to improve his lifestyle.
&& Silvian is a young man who grew up in the poor district, Regalian-born. Of course, this leaves his social standing poor, as he still lives this.

&& Silvian is an only child with two parents - Willow and Marion Elking, and a recently found, distant cousin, Avril, and knows vague information about her parents. Unfortunately, since 10/8/304, both parents are deceased.

&& continue living.


;;visuals. ♔
eye color. Green - left eye blinded.
hair color. Dark brown - could be taken for black.
hair style. Long, and reaches down to his shoulders in a ponytail, he has a side hairline and it's extremely curly.
skin color. Ailor pale, his skin is covered with ink writing.
attire. Worn and slightly torn - Everyday wear.
height. 6'0 - 182.88cm cm. | 72 in.
build. Sinewy - ( weight. 171 lb. )
favored weapon.

A steel shovel.
Sometimes a kitchen knife.
Iron seven-flanged mace.
&& Silvian has a bit of an androgynous facial structure - though can still be easily identified as a man. Having an oval face-shape and an oval-shaped eye structure, he could be considered decently attractive, maybe. He currently has two extra eyes - one third eye on the front and an extra one at the back of his head. He also has small horns and a significantly sized - very shallow mouth on his back. The horns and formerly excessively sharp teeth have been filed down, thankfully.

&& The brunette has a rectangular body build, with no defined hips or waist or thighs or anything else - seeming like a literal ironing board. However, his legs have more strength than that of his arms, due to the usual walking he does on a daily basis.

&& The Conspiracy theorist currently covers himself in rather colorful fabrics, such as a black undershirt, a red vest - an open dirtied blouse in between, and some orange and purple sashes around his waist, and a jacket tied around it. Also gray-brown pants and boots like a little belt on his left side for easy knife-grabbing.

&& Silvian is very prone to stuttering, but has a rather loud voice, especially if he unable to hear someone over something else. Very rarely does he have any sort of soft tone.


;;personality abilities. ♔

→ Personality
First Paragraph | to strangers.
It's no secret that Silvian comes off as an annoying person if not let off as persistent or influential. Silvian also emits an air of confidence around himself. Proud of himself and what he's brought in to do. Besides the two obvious traits, he's noted as a nosey, or curious person. Willing to sneak into other's businesses to satisfy his curiosity. He's also unable to realize that he would be able to cause any sort of pernament harm on anyone, due to this, he's not afraid of hurting those who come near him without a second thought behind it. But besides that, he's generally a sociable person to be around.
Second Paragraph | himself.
Silvian is uncertain of his existence as a living, breathing person. This is mostly caused by the neglect done to him as a child, however. He just sorta thinks of himself as some sort of imaginary friend that hangs around actual people. This then causes silvian's actions to feel fake, and more then often, scripted, in some way. he is mentally unable to wrap about the fact that he is capable of doing serious or permanent damage to a person, or to himself, due to himself being "illusionary". with that, he ends up being pretty careless in dangerous situations.

Now, going back to the fact that he's not real at all. he has a very distressingly large disconnection from the rest of the world. Due to this, he's basically apathetic at heart. As for why he portrays himself is through copying his first best friend's surface personality, allowing him to act a little more in-touch with reality. Due to the fact that if he had completely shut off, he felt like he would've drifted off from the ground. - which would be a bad idea.

Third Paragraph | to friends & family.
Silvian is more than often -- extremely protective of his friends and whatever remains of his family. Often to the point where he kidnaps someone to ensure their safety, whether they wanted it like that or not. While being caring, he's also unable to adapt with them as situations change and mold them. Silvian needs to replace those missing or fallen from his life in an attempt to retain an unchanging pillar of support when things begin to change once more. But without, he's more prone to changing instead. As incorruptible as he is, if he lacks an unchanging lad to have his back, he'll be very, very changeable. For example if one friend goes closer to an end of the moral spectrum, silvian will follow to that same spectrum to stand in a congruent distance between him and that other person, in their new location just so he could continue to exist in their life.

He's also very superstitious to those around him -- since he's more comfortable with sharing his beliefs with those that he trusts.

Fourth Paragraph | morality.
Silvian wants to be the Chaotic Good sort of fellow. Where he doesn't particularly do things just to be evil - but also attempts to have a good reason behind them. But the intention doesn't make up for what means they did it through, and therefore -- Silvian, under multiple conditions, have become a Neutral Evil sort-of lad. As much as he'll reject it, his means of helping are not as functional as he thinks they are. However, he's more Amoral then anything, and therefore could probably care less about his morality if he really stopped to think about it. However, he is quick to be a complete hypocrite by pointing out other's corruptions when he shouldn't be one to speak.

}confident 」
The 'detective' doesn't have pride - it's moreso regular confidence in himself as he often walks like he has all the time in the world, moreso. With that, he can easily ignore comments and especially believe in himself to get things done. Of course, he's smart enough to not let this get in the way of his goals, but it's audibly - visually and you can feel it beaming off his. However, this often causes him to unintentionally come off as some sort of narcissistic figure - an d when hes not trying; a self-depreciating personality. There seems to be not in between these two types of impressions, and more then often -- he'll probably just try and make a joke about it. Though that fact that he doesn't consciously put himself up upon a pedestal, he often enjoys to talk about his good morale when it comes up in any conversation he may be able to butt in into. This also allows him to believe in himself more easily, using it to fuel his determination.
}curious 」
Having much time on his hands - he's a rather curious boy, having seen multiple curious things in his child; he's willing to find out more about his surroundings and maybe put up a few theories and some detective work on the side of it all. Though this may give others a bad view of him - due to his nosy nature. This means he's more then likely to go into people's privacies and business just to see what they got going on down there. Along with that, he's also curious in what happens behin the scenes of all this. With that, Silvian does in fact means this with good intentions, but tends to get him not only into a bad position in conversation, but often in bad situations where he can get hurt. However, is he capable of getting free for some reason, and theres a doubt that he'd ever stop. He knows a lot of things because of this, and is, in fact, proud of it.
}annoying 」
Sure, if you can call anything he does not a small bit persuasive, he will annoy the breath out of anyone to try and get them to do what he does, whether it be the manipulation of the lowest or to just simply bring it up again and again. He doesn't really give up until he gets what he wanted, you see. This often irritates many, many people into wanting to leave his sie but he's persistent enough to try and get them back to where he was. He often knows how to turn his annoying trait into a fun one, casually playing with people as he attempts to purposely irritate them for the sake of a goo laugh at mostly everyone would be able to get behind. Though this still makes people wan to know him less, and even crept out by his actions. He'll probably stop if you ask him politely, but only if it's for a reason good enough, and if he finds it to not be one that a loser would whimper out.
ⅱⅱ }obsessive 」
His determination goes beyond being simply motivated, he's extremely zealous to what he wants, unlike others. Anything - mysterious or something he doesn't quite understand, he will be after what it is; to the point of joining something completely shady just to see the means of the shadiness. This also goes into even people, protecting them, he'd claim. But in reality he's actually trying to track down every move that they might proceed their daily routine is, and stalk them while doing so. With that, his obsessive intentions may also make him exaggerate the situation more then it has to be, since even if it oesn't matter to the person whose involved in something he's zealous too, he'll absolutely panic about the situation. While this is a horrible habit of his; it also gives him the motivation to go into snooping around to find it's roots. Wherever it goes, he'll follow. The only way it's gonna stop ifs if you break his legs. Even then, there's guarantee.
}amoral 」
Silvian really doesn't care who he hurts to get to his goal,With that, he's obviously one of the more uncaring and moreso cruel people to be around. Though, it's not like he is actually out for blood, however. It just means that any obstacle, moving or inanimate, will most likely be destroyed if they refuse to move out of the way. Of course, this doesn't mean that if they're in danger he won't try and support them through it -- he's not a completely horrible person. He's actually willing to go through disgusting deeds to help out a person who he cares about, though he's always willing to accept anyone back into his life while having them refuse the offer to stop budging into his goals whenever he tries in a heartbeat -- more then often ironically, just to have their tears of complaints feed him like his mom's spaghetti. With that, he's also willing to get himself hurt to get something done, if needed so. Of course, they may be a time where anyone betrays him, with that -- he'll immediately rip them out of his life for nearly an eternity, avoiding them and probably hurting them as he did so.
}protecting 」
In more recent development, he goes out of his way to try and protect those who had ended up giving more then a few heckers about - close friends and whatnot. Though he questions why he had somehowly became a more nicer person; he doesn't question it - as having more traits doesn't particularly give him an unsettling feelings unless it was forced. In panic, he'd probably do something irrational just to do something to help -- though this mostly only applies to hose he has met for quite a while, all the while, he'll do it to get someone to stop doing something that would actually make things for horribly wrong, or if he was paid -- or if he was just doing it to impress someone, show off his qualities of a good person that he claimed to be.
}incorruptable 」
No money nor power could blind him from what he does enjoy doing best; finding the unknown. It would be noble of him to not accept corrupting offers of things that a normal person in normal conditions would generically yearn for, but the reasons why he's doing it is possibly a reason why he doesn't have much friends in the first place. This means that it's significantly harder to get him to stray from something he had originally set his mind to, such as making him stray completely from being in the least moral person to a full-on psychopath, and vice versa. Along with that, the mind of duty will never fully reach him since he's more focused on protecting close peers first.
}superstitious 」
He will always believe there is a significant force behind each event, those events being in a manipulated timeline conducted by a possible mastermind - he takes the mysterious quite seriously, and would do many, many things to try and get to the bottom of things once he sets his mind to it. He also doesn't settle for normal explanations, either - often wanting to bring up some fancy propaganda and maybe some conspiracy theories. Silvian is still confused why sometimes people do not believe him when so many things in the current year had became what they had become.


logician. --
Silvian had a problem of overthinking things. From this was his ability to cover any routes that a conversation could create. If something doesn't go his way in any sort of chat; it is quite possible that he had some back-up to speak of. Though, the same couldn't be said when it's something such as a simple topic causing someone to trigger into punches.

cold-reading. --
This usually means that he's taking shots in the dark, but he's better at it then most. As seen as how he usually is able to pick up on small thing sthat could possibly lead to the person's personality -- and possible backstory. There were a afew times a well where he could guess a mage's abilities just by their appearance -- however, that was mostly luck. Though for common readings this means he can easily pick up on how they often act, and differences between their emotion's phases.

reaction time. --
He can at least know that you're going to take a kick at him, due to this he can quickly react as fast as the other does something that could be counted as physical attacking. Though he never uses this to counter someone; he can quickly dodge and at times where he's actually prepared -- the Theorist can block it, though rare.


hyper. --
When something that seems to be rather exciting happens, he tends to get significantly more active. Due to this, his attention span could be derailed if something surprised - and abnormal happens right near him. Or at least something in his interests, aside from that - he could be rather apathetic and lethargic to everything else.

lack of self-care. --
He's not exactly a prime example of good fitness, as rarely as he ever decides to practice or actually do anything related to exercise aside from walking around a lot. Due to this he's a lot weaker than people who can actually throw a punch at someone, but he doesn't mind this at all. He also is in need of some 'well-deserved' sleep. With that, he can also get sick very easily as well.

Cheimatophobia. --
As of recently, due to the seed planted into him every winter in the Poor district in the child watching the even less unfortunate suddenly drop ea before his eyes during harsh winters; what happened recently would be the amount of time he was forced to either survive the harsh weather or just die, with no sight of a merciful escape in sight. No longer going through such hardships, the memory still haunts him. Influencing him through cold breezes to wear and prepare or else suffer the chilling winds. He can't exactly wash off the memories of frozen exhaustion like washing your hands with hot water.

〈 violently 〉 emotionally unstable. --
He is easy to snap, and can easily feel no shame in pulling a knife on someone if they bother him too much - and will probably feel no regret to do so. Though he avoids more - major things like stabbing and god forsake; killing. Though his frustration towards another can easily build up within seconds - just by watching them breath. Silvian brushes this behavior off as 'Normal.' Along with that, he has also comes to term with concluding that he's simply an elaborate hex, probably. Seeing as the fact that he continues to lose, and lose and be practically non-existant had caused him to come to this reasoning to simply cope with how he's losing too much.


  • WIP
  • WIP
  • WIP
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.


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&& relationships.
I cmis ng nymnl W'g ikltmk qbvtp.
extra details.
religious belief. Very loose Unionism.
Ethnicity. Ceardian-Anglian, and Ithanian-Regalian.
political view. Lemtos Lethargic Centralist

information masterlist



Silvian Elking has been pronounced deceased.

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;;backstory. ♔
→ Silvian was born to Marion and Willow Elking in the Poor District, being born in a rather poor establishment, they didn't have too many resources on them. With that, Willow - the mother - grew rather sick after her birth due to illness. Though she survived, she was weak.
→ Silvian was a lonely child, having no friends - those who would hang around him would only do so over pity for the child. Aside from that, he was in isolation due to his lack of interaction from other children.
→ His parents were too poor to teach him how to read, with that - his mother had to teach him how to do so. With the knew knowledge he gained, he began to want more teachings and know more about literature. With that, due to the fact that his mother could only give him so many lessons - he began to try and sneak into schools.
With that, he began to sneak into random tutor places in the common districts, often sneaking into the ( Unlit ) chimneys of schools, or hide somewhere a bit more uncomfortable during winter - when they had to be lit. Nevertheless, he did learn a bit.
→ Of course, he would soon be caught by a rather observant student and was promptly kicked out during a certainly rainy day. With that, he went into more petty things.
→ These petty things being pick-pocketing. As a child, he went into pick-pocketing others for money, trying to steal the most of their valuables and attempting to run off as many times as possible. With that, he gained a strength in running away easily. This went on for until he could afford enough money - by selling those things - to go to a school.
→ No one exactly knows why, but Silvian's mom suddenly had passed away. It seems that he had been killed by her weakness and old age; however to the young child, it seemed rather different.
→With that, his father began disappearing more then often, leaving Silvian to fend himself as he started having to work harder - coming home at least once a week, or in some cases, once a month.
→After quite a few Regalian events, due to his superstitious nature, he wanted to really see what was going on - seeing as how there were many things that happened with barely an explanation. With that, there came the many other things that came and went.
→ Due to his interest into explanations, he became indulged into theories and whatnot, soon becoming rather questioning of most things around him, including himself.
teenage years
→ Soon enough he then dropped out of school to donate all of his time to creating conspiracies, of course - that was most likely not a good idea in the least. With that, he also ended up getting a drinking hobby as well.
→ He began to simply isolate himself from the outside for the rest of his teenage years, only rarely goint out to work, get some sort of loan, and on a bue moon, go out without a need to go outside.
→ Eventually be forced to start working after his father, upon coming home to his problematic son, kicking him outside until he managed to find a job.
→ Silvian sneaked into someone's attic and slept there for as long as he needed to until he found a job.
→ While he eventually finds a job as a bartender, which was easy being one of the only people who could read, he promptly kicked out of the attic he sneaked into.
→ And so, he eventually goes to find another house to live in due to the fact that he no longer wanted to associate with the home that smelled like his mom's ashes. He continues to live uninvited in people's houses until he meets his first actual friend in years.
→ While getting to know eachother, Silvian manages to let him sleep in his house.

And then Emerson went missing.
♃ young adulthood ✘ present
  • After freeload after freeload, loan after loan, and shift after shift, he soon went to move right out of that district, away from his memories to live in a house - all by himself.
  • [ whole lot of other things ]
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update im changing the name due to th cOUNTLESS STEPHEN JOKES I GOT
OMG, this reminds me of Rasper from D6 mafia!!!
Overall this is a great character application! Just a few minor tweaks here and there. Since this is just a peer review and I am not Lore Staff, you don't have to necessarily take my edits into consideration, just trying to lend a hand:)

Basic Information
  • Try and expand on you're characters main ambition as knowledge is to broad of a statement. What does your character want to have knowledge in?
Personality & Abilities
  • I suggest you add a couple sentences here and there under you're 6th trait that is listed. Expand more on your "crafty" idea.
  • Being "unstable" is more of a weakness then a personality trait, I suggest you move it and expand more on the idea.

I find in you're character approval sheet that you state your character is in fact a male, but as I read I see you refer to your character multiple times as a "her".

Here and there, I notice that there are some grammatically incorrect phrasing. I suggest when you go to make your edits, you keep this in mind and try and phrase said statements in a different way.
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there can never be too much aesthetics
updated lifestory with recent events, added magic thanks to penelope aaaand edited the family parts
updatd relationships
Sorry for the wait! Here's my review:
  • I wouldn't consider 'amoral' a weakness, and at times, it can even be used as a strength. Please remove it from the 'weaknesses' section.
  • So, despite his lack of self-care and sleep, he still has stamina? From the way you described him in the 'lack of self-care' weakness, he shouldn't be physically fit or have any sort of stamina if he doesn't exercise.
  • Where was he born?
  • Make the edits above in another colour and tag me when you're done!
semi-vilitatei now woohoo
added onto weapons of choice
added onto life story
i will do the relationships one day trust me​
bump bump bump! adjusted a bunch of aesthetics and added a very large masterlist of a lot
boy oh boy:
updates are in red! goddamn boy
battle screech
ay yo homeboi can you teach me how to do the aesthetic on my app

like just hop in a call w/ me and spend like two hours working on ushio's aesthetic that'd be ace man kthxbye