Archived Silverwind Rules Discussion

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


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Aug 30, 2016
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It seems that the Silverwind project is stuck. I say, lets work on this and get it going and make a proposal. Try to keep the discussion constructive, when possible find a a compromise and conciliate the interests of different groups. I'll try my best to moderate the discussion and keep it structured.

Priority points to discuss

✧ How PVP should affect the map.
✧ The price of plots and how to get them.
✧ When, how often and how long is pvp enabled.
I'd suggest discussing these points first.

Secondary points to discuss
Role of Silverwind territories in the lore.

If I missed a point, feel free to point it out.
Having said that, lets start with the first point (see post below).
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
1) How pvp affects the world.

Can we all agree in the following points?

A) Spawn killing is not desirable.
Players and their allies may want to come to the map when pvp is enabled.
Being killed the moment they spawn does not allow time to react or cooperate with allies.

B) Having a neutral spawn point is a good compromise to avoid spawn killing.

A neutral spawn area allows allies to gather together and prepare before raiding.
The neutral spawn area also allows some rp opportunities.

C) The system should protect the integrity and possession of player built bases.

Factions invest time and energy in creating unique and beautiful bases. PvP should not affect the integrity or possession of player build bases.
Possession of a territory containing a player built base should only be lost by:
Willingly transferring the territory.
Renouncing the property.
Failing to pay rent.

D) Having combat to have an effect on the mechanics or lore of silverwind is desirable. This can be latter added to the basic implementation of Silverwind.
Combat could determine the possession of special structures, the time of war/peace and lore titles or decisions.
All these mechanics could be added to a basic implementation of Silverwind.
Can we agree to discuss first the basic implementation of Silverwind?
We need to get a basic Silverwind before we can make a complex Silverwind.


If don't agree with one of the points state why and suggest an alternative.
When we kind of settle this point I'll try to move the discussion to the next point:
2) The price of plots and how to get them.
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Marking this as Under Review and I would be interested in seeing more player input for Silverwind. It has not been our top priority but it is still in the line-up for us to discuss. There have been no solid plans made for Silverwind at this time.
Since there was not much discussion (what I originally hoped to get in this post) I came up with an idea on how to implement Silverwind using tools that the server already has.

That proposal can be found HERE