Archived Silver And Copper (maybe Gold) Again?

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Sep 26, 2013
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A long time ago this server used Silver and Copper as its money system. One silver was equal to ten Copper. This is similar to how many mmo games have their currency. The system in the end was changed to regals to make it easier. However! It is extremely easy to convert.

One regal is one Copper. It is easier to think of this currency as place values. In this example gold follows the same format as silver (1 gold is 10 silver)

1 gold
1 silver
5 Copper

115 regals
Example 2:
10 gold
3 silver
4 Copper
1034 regals

It can be read straight across. Super easy. Now that we covered what the change actually is let's discuss WHY.

Without giving a history lesson a long time ago people did not use dollars or euros etc. everything was paid in gold. The slips of paper made it easier to carry the value around though and was soon given value itself. Massive is a Medieval server. It makes sense to use gold silver and copper.

Will this change be good for old players?

Will this change be good for new players?
At the start, no it won't. But after learning the system it makes it much easier.

Yes this thread was all over the place but... thoughts?
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many mmo games have their currency

Playing one of those MMOs I can tell we ignore copper, refer to silver as fraction of gold and measure everything in gold.

Splitting's pointless, you can do it IRP any time.
Added to this, regals were introduced to uncomplicate things. It is harder to split the currency into three. The idea of how much money someone has will be different, as opposed to 120 regals its 1 gold 2 silver. That is harder for me to work out and convert. The idea holds no use, it would be a hindrance as opposed to a hand.
Is the only reason you want it changed back is because you think it makes the server more medieval?
Added to this, regals were introduced to uncomplicate things. It is harder to split the currency into three. The idea of how much money someone has will be different, as opposed to 120 regals its 1 gold 2 silver. That is harder for me to work out and convert. The idea holds no use, it would be a hindrance as opposed to a hand.
You can also read across. Since it's by tens. It's the same as saying a one in the hundreds place, 2 in the tens, and 0 in ones
Let's ask a question here. In the factions economy, would you rather use smaller quantities of more valuable currency, or larger quantities of less valuable currency? Consider the diamond standard, two regals a piece. While I would prefer silver, a smaller unit makes more sense in the factions economy. Diamonds for 2r, or diamonds for 0.2 silver, or two copper? The standard unit comes into play here. While diamonds already feel invaluable, they'd feel less valuable in this system, prompting, most likely, a raise in the diamond standard. We associate value with higher numbers, so this just kind of messes with the economy in an unnecessary way.
Let's ask a question here. In the factions economy, would you rather use smaller quantities of more valuable currency, or larger quantities of less valuable currency? Consider the diamond standard, two regals a piece. While I would prefer silver, a smaller unit makes more sense in the factions economy. Diamonds for 2r, or diamonds for 0.2 silver, or two copper? The standard unit comes into play here. While diamonds already feel invaluable, they'd feel less valuable in this system, prompting, most likely, a raise in the diamond standard. We associate value with higher numbers, so this just kind of messes with the economy in an unnecessary way.
It's the same as using dollars and cents. Do you have 1000 cents or 10 dollars? It's the same idea
It wasn't changed to make it simpler. It was changed because the old system kept a backlog of every single transaction. This was putting unnecessary strain on the server, causing more lag.
I've been looking at the conversion thing and I still don't get it. Just keep it regals, please.
While the conversion makes sense, I really don't see the point. Many years ago, we switched from silver to regals for the express reason that having a split system made things more complicated than they needed to be. Changing this back now would only add more complexity to many of the systems that we currently have in place, which helps nobody.
EASY SOLUTION= no economy= no issues
Your basically saying we scrap shop and make plug-in shops in my eyes for this comment, this would put too much strain on the server and would cause a lot of people to most likely quit.

While I see the point of currency tiers, trust me if massive was even a little more realistic and less child-friendly (and had more game speed) id completely support this but I believe that it would complicate things.
Your basically saying we scrap shop and make plug-in shops in my eyes for this comment, this would put too much strain on the server and would cause a lot of people to most likely quit.

While I see the point of currency tiers, trust me if massive was even a little more realistic and less child-friendly (and had more game speed) id completely support this but I believe that it would complicate things.
I think he was joking
You know everyone jokes when they say #BringBackSilver, right? Nobody really cares. They just like the nogstalia. Regals are definitely better, and make chestshops SO much easier
I could get behind a possible physical representation of money. You mentioned the bank slips, which I would totally love. I have always wanted to have a way to collect money and not be taxed for it. Though you could just simply have an alt that is taxless/factionless but sometimes this isn't available.

I don't think that splitting it up is necessary for the server. The splitting up of currency IRL is for convenience and more exact prices. On Massive, all of our currency is done in direct deposits and withdrawals meaning that there is no physical currency and it works the same as a debit card. So convenience is kind of pointless. Though, if our economy crashes and prices are incredibly low, a smaller system may become more necessary, but probably only a decimal system (like cents). With a crashed economy, prices would be so low that you would have many things that costed less than a single regal.

I don't think that having groups for whole regals would ever really be needed. Of course this would probably be necessary for a physical system because nobody wants to carry around a 4 stacks of silver. This idea would be great for roleplay purposes but maybe not necessary for actual use in Massive's economy.

In conclusion, I don't think this is a great idea. At least, not for whole regals. As @4tv said, it would be more complicated than needed.
