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Played Character Silvanus | Nature’s Guardian

This character is actively played.


british gremlin
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
Silvanus Tlazohtzin

Character Information
  • Full Name: Silvanus Tlazohtzin
  • Nicknames: Si, Silas, Silvan
  • Race: Xotik Maquixtl
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: Exist Arkenborn (Nature)
  • Guild: Gloomfolk Order
Core Concept
  • He is a good-natured Maquixtl, who despises seeing living things suffer. An Arkensire of Nature, his loyalty to the natural world is irrevocable. He is trained in magic, using it to protect nature from harm. He is generous with what little he has and demonstrates remarkable ferocity when his community is threatened. A devout follower of Estelley, with Aseia and Mana his patrons.
Appearance Information
  • He stands at 5'10" and carries a toned body build. His skin is an earthy tone and decorated with tattoos in dulled brown hues. These tattoos are the glyphs of nature, and so glisten an iridescent silver when he invokes his magic. His irises are silver with blue limbal rings and his hair an oak brown colour. He wears simple, practical attire in natural shades of green and brown.
Combat Style
  • True Mage (7 Attack; 5 Defence)
Hobbies and Talents
  • Alchemy Hobby and Magical Talent
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 2
    • Chem Cleanse Pack
    • Chem Mend Pack
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 12
    • Magic Bolts [Free Pack; Maquixtl Racial]
    • Magic Snare [Free Pack; Maquixtl Racial]
    • Magic Smog
    • Magic Curse
    • Magic Resist
    • Magic Cleanse
    • Magic Bolster
    • Magic Warp
    • Magic Isolate
    • Magic Counter
    • Magic Feather
    • Magic Shove
    • Magic Summon
    • Magic Revenge
  • Common
  • Altalar
  • Nātl
Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Environmentalist
    • He has concerns about the industrial path Regalia has set off on and how it is coming at the expense of nature. He hopes to be a mediator in the defence of nature, hoping to help Regalians understand how to live in respect and harmony with nature, and use her resources sustainably.
  • Gloomrot Guardian
    • He has become a member of the Gloomfolk Order since arriving in Regalia. He can be found tending to the flora and fauna of the forest, whilst he can also be seen wandering the roads of the woodlands to ensure the region remains at peace and devoid of those who would do it harm.
  • Manaseia Protector
    • He is a follower of the Estelley Gods Mana and Aseia, and tries to live his life in accordance with their teachings. He can often be found browsing books on flora and fauna, whilst also commonly found tending to various gardens and groves, and the creatures which roam within them.
  • Arkensire of Nature
    • He is the son of Nature Arkenborn, and thus strives to emulate his heritage by becoming a paragon of the natural world. He has an instinctive desire to be close to nature, obsessing over the serenity and protection of it.
  • Nature's Embrace
    • He is a Mageborn of the Exist, as per his birthright, with his magic taking on the aspect of nature, and granting him minor command over flora and fauna. He refuses to use sinistral magic unless in dire straits, as his mission is to preserve the natural world of Aloria, not bring about its destruction.