Character Information
Born into a military family of raiders and skilled fighters in the tight tunnels. Born in Rammuur. He was always a silent person in heart. His family one of the few trained to deal with the horrors of the tunnel. Battle with Isldar, Vampiric, and Dakkar. He was once a jolly man, but time slowly took its toll on him. Battles took their toll on him as he fought to help reclaim lands. Until… one battle went horribly wrong. His comrades had made a powerful advance, but were met on a holy sight where there was a large Glacial Followers who had a fort set up, turned into a holy site. They attacked with no mercy. The attack went well at first, but a priestess of Ravaal was left who uttered a prayer for their downfall. This lead to the goddess appearing. She offered the choice to aid in giving proper burial and leave. Siegfried dared not take and mocked her divinity, in the name of his kin. So, she placed a curse upon this party. The cruel power of the bear flowed in them all as they roared in fury, pitted against each other. Of the team of a dozen, only four remained. Siegfried was lucky to subdue the two and bring them home. He felt shame for not saving his comrades and self-exiled himself, forcing himself on a lonely road.
He comes to Regalia to look for a new place to belong, maybe find kin, or offer any aid. Yet… his anger still persists.
Isldar and ordial casters, be wary as he his marken half will, at times, take hold in grudge hold at time.
He enjoys drinking with lovely company and eating good food.
He loves a good contest.
If you bring him something broken, he'll fix it for free.
Vampires are "kill-on-site" with him. A Bad event for him.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7 (Stance Cap:8) - 17
Defense Stat: 5 (Stance Cap:6) - 15
Rules of Profienecies and Combat: Link
Combat Terms: Link
- Full Name: Siegfried Runic
- Heritage / Culture: Ellador(Rammuur) Marken Dwarf
- Age: 90 (appears to be 20-21)
- Gender / Pronouns: Male - He/Him
- Religion: Fornoss
- Occult: Marken (Brawl)
- Character Occupation: Monster Hunter
- Eye Color: Brown Eyes
- Skin Color: Brown
- Hair: Dark Grey
- Height: 4'5"
- Body Type: Round-built Dad-bode
- Additional Features: Marken form has a thicker form, and claws look to be made of stone.
- Hobbies and Talents: Brewing, Smithing, Hunting, reading
- Mechanics:
- Dwarf Mechanics:
- Free Packs
- Dwarves can choose one Pack from either the Training or Athletic Point Buy categories.(Athletic)Dwarves can choose one Pack from either Tech or Athletic Point Buy categories. (Alethic)
- Dwarves gain +1 Main Defense Stat while another Dwarf is within a 5 block range, which can break Cap up to 11. This mechanic can stack up to a +2 bonus.
- Dwarves are barely affected by Alcohol that gets other people drunk, needing insanely high proof, and always being able to keep their drinks down.
- Dwarves have perfect vision (night vision) underground and in dark surroundings, needing no light.
- Dwarves are masters of the forge, able to perform feats of metallurgy in half the time of other craftsmen. Additionally, any metal item that a Dwarf produces is considered master class when compared to others.
- Due to their vast understanding of architecture and metallurgy, Dwarves may gain additional insight from event items that may not be obvious to others (inquire with DM/Event Hoster for opportunities).
- Free Packs
- Marken Mechanics:
- Transformations:
- Quartermarken Form: Is when a person who is a Marken only applies some aspects of Markenism, but their head is still very distinctly humanoid and they are still recognizable as their normal self.
- Halfmarken Form: Is when a person has a Marken head and some qualities like claws and a tail, but still walks in an upright humanoid stance, more akin to an Asha. This is a Disguise, but Marken status cannot be Hidden.
- Fullmarken Form: Is when a person fully transforms into a more bestial Form, becoming more monster like and hunched over, and becoming larger. This is a Disguise, and a Monstrous Transformation, but Marken status cannot be hidden.
- Mechanic 1: Marken have enhanced senses, even when not transformed. They can see better (even in darkness), or hear quieter sounds from further away. (Consult with Event DM if this would reveal any new info).
- Mechanic 2: Marken have a danger sense that borders on precognition, and are "warned" of their possible impending death during Combat or Events, allowing them to prematurely disengage or avoid fighting something.
- Mechanic 3: Marken, if at a God Summoning of the God that cursed whatever Marken infected them (however far back), can possibly be given "Redemption Quests" to free them of the curse or help them master it. (Not Guaranteed, at Discretion of Lore Staff).
- Mechanic 4: Marken fare better in extreme temperatures and climates (cold or hot), and are not hurt or slowed down where other people might be, but this only applies to weather.
- Mechanic 5: Marken can declare Rental/Estate/Shop/Base Region or a Wilderness Cave as their "Territory" granting them +1 to Attack Stat (break cap up to 11) while fighting within and around it. If another Marken declares the same area their Territory, neither gets the bonus, and they must fight over the area, with the winner getting the bonus.
- Transformations:
- Brawl:
- Brawl Marken Mechanic 1: While in Quartermarken Form or greater, Gain +1 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9) when fighting within emote range of a Temple.
- Brawl Marken Mechanic 2: While in Fullmarken Form, a Brawl Marken can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
- Fullmarken Mechanic 1: Fullmarken Forms cannot make use of weapons or armor at all, instead their body (fists, claws, teeth) is their weapon, and their thick hide counts as Armor.
- Fullmarken Mechanic 2: Fullmarken Forms are forced to use Strength for Attack and Constitution for Defense, and gain +2 Strength and +2 Constitution. Additionally, they have any Dexterity Proficiency converted to Strength capped at 7.
- Fullmarken Mechanic 3: Fullmarken Forms regress into a more instinctive mindset, barring them from abilities. While in Fullmarken Form, they may only use point buy abilities from Melee, Shielding, Tanking, Bruiser, Athletics, Training, Cutthroat, or Roguery.
- Fullmarken Mechanic 4: Fullmarken Forms are unable to speak (but they can still understand others). They can produce bestial noise Marken Speech, which any other Marken can understand, even while untransformed.
- Fullmarken Mechanic 6: Fullmarken, if they are not in control of themselves, gain +2 Attack +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 11/9), but must attack anyone and everyone around them without discretion. This Mechanic does not work if they have no allies present.
- Languages:
- Common
- Oortaan (Guttural Fantasay)(Oor) - Urlan
- Barrudh (Old Norse)(Dw) - Dwarves
- Brix (Unique)(Brix/Bx) - Bralona
- Common
Born into a military family of raiders and skilled fighters in the tight tunnels. Born in Rammuur. He was always a silent person in heart. His family one of the few trained to deal with the horrors of the tunnel. Battle with Isldar, Vampiric, and Dakkar. He was once a jolly man, but time slowly took its toll on him. Battles took their toll on him as he fought to help reclaim lands. Until… one battle went horribly wrong. His comrades had made a powerful advance, but were met on a holy sight where there was a large Glacial Followers who had a fort set up, turned into a holy site. They attacked with no mercy. The attack went well at first, but a priestess of Ravaal was left who uttered a prayer for their downfall. This lead to the goddess appearing. She offered the choice to aid in giving proper burial and leave. Siegfried dared not take and mocked her divinity, in the name of his kin. So, she placed a curse upon this party. The cruel power of the bear flowed in them all as they roared in fury, pitted against each other. Of the team of a dozen, only four remained. Siegfried was lucky to subdue the two and bring them home. He felt shame for not saving his comrades and self-exiled himself, forcing himself on a lonely road.
He comes to Regalia to look for a new place to belong, maybe find kin, or offer any aid. Yet… his anger still persists.
Isldar and ordial casters, be wary as he his marken half will, at times, take hold in grudge hold at time.
He enjoys drinking with lovely company and eating good food.
He loves a good contest.
If you bring him something broken, he'll fix it for free.
Vampires are "kill-on-site" with him. A Bad event for him.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7 (Stance Cap:8) - 17
Defense Stat: 5 (Stance Cap:6) - 15
Rules of Profienecies and Combat: Link
Combat Terms: Link
- Strength: 7 - Veteran Point Buy
- Veteran Stance (Range: Self / Type: Stance Technique) - During Veteran Stance, the user cannot use any Abilities from the following categories: Magic Point Buy, Cleric Point Buy. While in Veteran Stance, the user's Attack and Defense Stat Cap are raised to 8 and 6. Additionally, once per Combat Scene, the user can set the Range of any X Block(s) Range Veteran Point Buy Ability to 6 instead of whatever the Block Range is by default. Veteran Stance can be maintained indefinitely and can only voluntarily be ended by the user, though when ended, Veteran Stance goes on a 20 Minute Cooldown.
- Veteran AntiMagi (Range: Melee Range / Type: Instant Technique) - While Veteran AntiMagi isn't on Cooldown, it passively grants the user +1 Attack Stat. Veteran AntiMagi cannot be actively used until an enemy uses an Ability from one of the following Categories: Magic Point Buy, Cleric Point Buy, or Theurgy/Shaman/Paladin Point Buy. When actively used, target an enemy within Range, and apply the Silenced Status Effect to them for the next 2 Turns. When the Silenced Status Effect ends, set the user's minimum Attack Dice to 5 for their next Attack Emote made against that target. Veteran AntiMagi has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
- Veteran Impurity (Range: Melee Range / Type: Instant Technique) - While Veteran Impurity isn't on Cooldown, it passively grants the user +1 Defense Stat. Veteran Impurity cannot be actively used until an enemy uses an Ability from Puretek Point Buy. When actively used, target an enemy within range, and apply the Weakened Status Effect to them for the next 2 Turns. When the Weakened Status Effect ends, apply a -1 Attack or -1 Defense reduction to the target (user's choice) for their next 3 Dice Rolls. Veteran Impurity has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
- Veteran DemonSpite (Range: Melee Range / Type: Instant Technique) - While Veteran DemonSpite isn't on Cooldown, it passively grants the user +1 to their minimum Attack or Defense Dice Roll (user choice, but once one is chosen, the other doesn't apply for that combat scene). Veteran DemonSpite cannot be actively used until an enemy Mystech uses an Ability. When actively used, if the user has no Block Tokens, grant the user 1 Block Token, or grant an ally in range 1 Block Token instead. If the user has Block Tokens, instead choose an enemy within Range that also has Block Tokens, and apply the Marked Status Effect to them. Veteran DemonSpite has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
- Veteran Tri-Slash (Range: Melee Range / Type: Instant Technique) - As a part of this Ability, the user makes an Attack Emote on an enemy within Range. Instead of rolling once for this Attack, the user rolls 3 times and chooses the highest result. If 2 of the Dice Rolls were above 15's (without post-roll additions), this attack does -3HP Damage. If 3 of the Dice Rolls were above 15's (without post-roll additions), this attack does -4HP Damage and applies the Prone Status Effect. Veteran Tri-Slash has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
- Veteran Sentinel (Range: 4 Blocks / Type: Instant Technique) - To create a zone of control, use this Ability to create a persistent area around the user equal to the range. Whenever an Enemy takes the Move Action within this Range, if they are within Melee Range, make an Attack on them out of turn and without using an Action, but with the maximum Dice set to 10. If they are outside of Melee Range, instead apply the Brittle Status to them, out of turn and without using an action, but this can only apply once per target, even with different users of Veteran Sentinel. Veteran Sentinel can be upheld indefinitely, but ends when the user Moves, uses a Movement Ability, or has an ally use a Movement Ability on them. Veteran Sentinel has a 4 Hour Cooldown once ended.
- Veteran Swiftstrike (Range: 2 Blocks / Type: Instant Technique) - To strike as many opponents as possible, target all enemies within Range, displace them backwards and away from the user by 3 Blocks, and target one enemy displaced by this ability. Teleport the user next to target enemy, without using the user's Move, or triggering Opportunity Attacks, and make an Attack Emote in the same turn. For this attack only, grant the user +2 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11). Veteran Swiftstrike has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
- Veteran Solitude (Range: 10 Blocks / Type: Instant Technique) - To use this Ability, count the number of Enemies within Range, and determine this Ability's effect based on the number. Thresholds are always greater than or equal to, and only one threshold can be used. >8 Enemies: Target 3 Enemies in Range, apply -2 Attack or Defense Stat Reduction (user's choice, must be the same for all 3) for their next 3 Rolls only. >5: Target 1 Enemy in Range, and apply a Status Effect to them (excluding Cursed and Warned), that the user chooses. The Status Effect lasts for 2 turns, unless it is a consumable Status (like Marked or Brittle). Also, remove one Status Effect from the user. >2: Grant the user 1 Block Token, and apply the Marked Status Effect to one enemy within range. 1: The user chooses: set their minimum Defense Dice Roll to 5, or their minimum Attack Dice Roll to 6. Then, grant the enemy in range whichever wasn't chosen. Veteran Solitude has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
- Veteran Stance (Range: Self / Type: Stance Technique) - During Veteran Stance, the user cannot use any Abilities from the following categories: Magic Point Buy, Cleric Point Buy. While in Veteran Stance, the user's Attack and Defense Stat Cap are raised to 8 and 6. Additionally, once per Combat Scene, the user can set the Range of any X Block(s) Range Veteran Point Buy Ability to 6 instead of whatever the Block Range is by default. Veteran Stance can be maintained indefinitely and can only voluntarily be ended by the user, though when ended, Veteran Stance goes on a 20 Minute Cooldown.
- (Free) Break Down (Range: Melee Range / Type: Instant Technique) - To tear down enemy barricades, use this ability to target any 1 block thick stone or wood wall, gate, or doorway. Physically smashing through, the user additionally knocks back anyone on the opposite side of the wall by 3 blocks. Break Down has no Cooldown.
- (Free) Steady Body (Range: 10 Blocks / Type: Instant Technique) - The user braces themselves against (or avoids) a single Displacement or Trapped Status Effect, rendering them immune to the Displacement or Trapped Status Effect only. The Ability that would apply it is still used as normal, and any other effects activate. After using this Technique, the user can perform a basic attack directly after. Steady Body has a 3 hour cooldown.
- (Free) Weapon Throw (Range: Emote Range / Type: Instant Technique) - To throw a side-weapon, use this Ability to make a Melee Attack against an enemy, with range of Emote Range. Also, make the roll with -2 to Attack Stat. Weapon Throw has a 30 minute cooldown.
- Constitution: 5 - Mounted Point
- Cavalry Summon (Range: Self / Type: Mount Technique) - The user may whistle or shoot a flare or other method of summoning, to call their Mount to them. The user may then use the Pets plugin to summon a pet, and mount it, as if their Mount has arrived on the scene and they are able to mount it. From this point onwards, the user is Mounted. While Mounted, the user gains an additional 5 blocks of movement each turn. Cavalry Summon has a 30 minute cooldown, once exited.
- Mounted Evasion (Range: Self / Type: Instant Technique) - To quickly move across the battlefield, use this ability immediately after landing a successful attack on a target, which does not consume an action. Once used, the user moves up to 5 blocks in a chosen direction before stopping and going on a 1 Hour cooldown.
- Mounted Getaway (Range: Melee Range / Type: Movement Technique) - To make a swift escape with a friend, use this Ability to target an ally within Range. Picking them up and placing them on the mount the user is on, both characters are moved up to 10 blocks in a chosen direction (which can include diagonals) before the Target is placed back upon the ground. Mounted Getaway does not use the target's turn or movement, does not trigger Opportunity Attacks, and has a 1 hour cooldown.
- Mounted Lancer (Range: Self / Type: Movement Technique) - To extend ones reach, toggle this Ability while mounted for the next 30 minutes. While active, Mounted Lancer extends the range of Melee range attacks to 5 blocks, while granting a -2 to Attack Stat in turn. Once ended, Mounted Lancer goes on a 2 hour cooldown.
- Mounted Armory (Range: Self / Type: Passive Technique) - To last longer on your mount, this Ability activates the moment the user is considered Mounted. When active, Mounted Armory grants an additional Block Token that cannot be regained until the end of Combat. Additionally, the user's movement speed while mounted is reduced by 3 blocks, while they have this Block Token.
- Familiar Disrupt (Range: 5 Blocks / Type: Passive Technique) - The user is born near, finds in childhood, (religiously) manifests, or magically creates a familiar that is life-linked with them and grows old with them. This familiar can be sampled from any domesticated animal no larger than a domestic dog. This pet can accompany the user, and aesthetically interact with the environment and other people. To hinder an enemy, the user targets one enemy within range, and knocks them Prone with their Familiar. Familiar Disrupt has a 4 Hour Cooldown.
- Intelligence: 2
Safeguard Pack - The Safeguard Pack allows the user to become less affected by Afflictions, which has a couple of effects. Firstly, they are unaffected by Vampire Charm or Mortisphage Charm. Secondly, while they can be infected with Afflictions, they are not affected by the mental changes and keep their conscience. Thirdly, while normally curing from Afflictions would cost Divinium, those with Safeguard Pack do not have this cost incurred, being curable by the same persons without a currency cost. Finally, they cannot be fed upon by Vampires or Mortisphages, as their body becomes caustic to them. This can all be achieved through a combination of mind-guarding nanites or chips, or bloodstream alchemy.
- Magical Variant: The character has inlaid enchantments into their clothing, able to achieve the same effect. Additionally, they are able to pass this enchantment onto other items. While within emote range, the character can extend the benefits of this pack to another person to prevent them from dying. Finally, the user can create magical items with aesthetic benefits (or curses, removed with Exorcism or by a specific method per item, left up to player freedom) while out of combat, and pass them onto other characters. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
Shapeshift Pack - The Shapeshift Pack allows a Character to change the fundamental genetic composition of their Character through for example the use of body-changing Alchemy or body-morphing technology like nanites. The Character can change their heritage (for example from Ailor to Eronidas or Solvaan, or even a combination of the two or three), including but not limited to taking visual aspects of individual peoples and combining them visually, though this never changes their Heritage Traits. Furthermore, they can change Gender Presentation, Biological Sex, Height, Hair, Facial Structure, Body Shape, Hair Color and texture, and even apply visual effects on their body like Tattoos, Mutations, and additional (non-combat) functional limbs or body parts. The Mundane version of this Pack does not count as a Disguise but is applied indefinitely, meaning the Shapeshifting does not break until an antidote or reversal is applied. Keep in mind that Shapeshifting should not be used in anti-RP ways to avoid consequences perpetually, while it can help with Crime RP or to keep one step ahead of one's enemies, making a character completely untouchable may result in Staff intervention. Also keep in mind that Shapeshifters have a bad reputation in the lore, your Character may receive hostility for openly Shapeshifting in front of other Characters
- Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of this Ability has all the same functions, except that the Shapeshifting does count as a Disguise, and can Hide Affinity Traits, but never Affliction Traits. Additionally, Magical Shapeshifters are capable of mimicking the appearance of another Character exactly while Mundane Shapeshifters cannot. Keep in mind that passing off convincingly as someone else, still requires a modicum of behavior mimicry as well, otherwise Characters may see through the ruse. Shapeshifting can be done as many times and as quickly as the user wants. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
- Wisdom: 0
- Dexterity: 0
- Faith: 0
- Magic: 0
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