Archived Siege Warfare

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
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This is purely a concept I was thinking this might be utterly rejected as it is quite drastic and different. But if accepted could make things more fun.

Give the cannon the ability to temporarily break iron railings and fence, because they will be broken and repaired in reality mid siege. could be a nice way to storm a gate.

Reprogram the gate mods to open if the enemy is stood in the chunk uncontested for said amount time, this would allow the citadel cities with many gates to be penetrated right through. (Kind of like capture the flag)

It should work in favour of the enemy so if two enemies stand in the chunk and only one defender are present then the countdown is continued as normal, if two or more enemies are uncontested then then capture time halfs.

But if the enemy die and the chunk becomes successfully defended then timer should reset. But only upon death or the chunk become innactive' to allow them to progress further into the enemy city and not get trapped.

The command to contest a gate should be /contest gate

If a gate is being contested a warning should pop up in chat "enemy at the gates!"

If an enemy stands on a chunk for said amount of time uncontested they should be allowed to temporarily place ladders, but once innactive or destroyed by defenders timer should reset, would allow players to literally surround a city and get a successful ladder to storm the walls.

The command to contest for ladders should be /contest ladder

When a plot of land be contested for ladders an alert should tell the defenders "enemy at the walls!"

Get rid of the Ender pearl ability, no medieval character should be able to teleport, this ability is OP and should
only work for Mage type characters, or a magical race like the yanar.

I feel this would encourage more realistic siege warfare. Cause raids suck, there is rarely any time to jump to the walls and defend with archery like real wars.

I'm not a java guru no idea if this would be a possible creation but would be ideal for the massivecraft community in its developing pvp
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This sounds like a really good addition to Massivecraft, and for all those that believe allowing cannons to break gates will render capturing them useless imagine how hard it would be to hit something from however far their claimed land is from the gate.
This sounds like a really good addition to Massivecraft, and for all those that believe allowing cannons to break gates will render capturing them useless imagine how hard it would be to hit something from however far their claimed land is from the gate.
Or if they have a second wall inside
Hmmm, sounds pretty interesting. As I have said before, I would prefer to have breakable blocks that regen, but the contesting idea seems really interesting. It would provide attackers with a goal while giving defenders a place to concentrate a defense.
I love the idea. Very well trought out. And it will make for very awesome RP to.

There is a mod that exactly does what you want. But i cant name another server, so i cant link it.

But it's possible 100%
I love the idea. Very well trought out. And it will make for very awesome RP to.

There is a mod that exactly does what you want. But i cant name another server, so i cant link it.

But it's possible 100%

I think it would make warfare tonnes more realistic and fun
The raider automatically wins if there are no defenders online. This is a problem with most siege ideas.
I still think it would be good if ladders could be placed in enemy territory, the ladders could break and drop on the ground after maybe 5 minutes. Ender pearls would also have to be removed for this to work. So you need to actually climb a wall and defenders can stop you rather then just begin able to jump over it. Actually I think I will make a proper suggestion regarding this.
Yes, This would be so good.. It would actually make having walls around towns mean something.
This would definitely make battles more RP and realistic. This new form of combat has my support.
The raider automatically wins if there are no defenders online. This is a problem with most siege ideas.

Nope it should be set so a faction can only be assaulted so the message can go in faction chat
Pretty sure it can also be set that you can only break blocks or capture points if someone in the faction is online
Well, something to consider, what is the purpose of a raid? To kill the other factions members, and their livestock if you can get to it. Because of that, if you have your livestock sealed off in blocks that cannon or the contest can't get through, then it is almost useless to get into a faction if no members are online. There are still uses though, like surprise! I'm already here when you get online! Kind of thing, so I do agree with only if a faction member is online.
I dont like the idea of it working when a faction member is online. So 1 new player logs on and the rest of the faction is offline. The enemy break down the gates and the new player has no idea what is going on. The enemy get into the faction, kill the new player over and over (because he keeps using /f home to get because because he still has no idea what is going on) then wait until the other members log in.
It could be when at least two faction members are on. That is a bit better, then there is a smaller chance of endless noob killing, and it will still work against smaller factions. However, invaders still can't get through doors, so it still adds some noob friendliness.
I dont like the idea of it working when a faction member is online. So 1 new player logs on and the rest of the faction is offline. The enemy break down the gates and the new player has no idea what is going on. The enemy get into the faction, kill the new player over and over (because he keeps using /f home to get because because he still has no idea what is going on) then wait until the other members log in.
That's called spawn killing and is against the rules, and besides this happen right now with the endear pearl the difference is that they teleport right next to em and kill em and not breaking down a gate and killing em, it should be up to the recruiter to train the newer players so if there clueless that is bad training. :)
Hate to say it but I think this would have the opposite effect of what people would want & destroy the last little bit of player based RP left here. Sadly there would be a huge decline in the usage of the Portcullis mod as people changed their builds to protect themselves from this. It would only be active as long it is took players to switch to piston doors, iron doors, or even just covering entrances with blocks that were only removed as they passed in & out. Nice idea, but to me, it will do more harm than good for RP.
It would make for some more interesting battles, and more strategizing, but what would happen if there were 2 (or even more) members of a small faction who came online with nothing. Then, 3 raiders from an enemy faction wearing god armor come to their f home. Then, not only can they get through the gates easily, but the members of the faction beating raided would get killed in the process. This would make camping in f homes easier for enemies. Besides - as Symptomy said, people would just get smart and build piston gates.
Hate to say it but I think this would have the opposite effect of what people would want & destroy the last little bit of player based RP left here. Sadly there would be a huge decline in the usage of the Portcullis mod as people changed their builds to protect themselves from this. It would only be active as long it is took players to switch to piston doors, iron doors, or even just covering entrances with blocks that were only removed as they passed in & out. Nice idea, but to me, it will do more harm than good for RP.

Hmmm that's true I didn't think of that, piston gate are ugly maybe they should make piston gates illegal, allow the modding teams to ask owners to Create a portcullis, give them a time limit, then bam they just get deleted, or maybe they could include pistons as a captureable gate, so they open like the portcullis after captured? Anyways the majority use the portcullis cause it looks good, only the really tight people would use piston gates.
It would make for some more interesting battles, and more strategizing, but what would happen if there were 2 (or even more) members of a small faction who came online with nothing. Then, 3 raiders from an enemy faction wearing god armor come to their f home. Then, not only can they get through the gates easily, but the members of the faction beating raided would get killed in the process. This would make camping in f homes easier for enemies. Besides - as Symptomy said, people would just get smart and build piston gates.

This situation happens regularly on a daily basis.
It would make for some more interesting battles, and more strategizing, but what would happen if there were 2 (or even more) members of a small faction who came online with nothing. Then, 3 raiders from an enemy faction wearing god armor come to their f home. Then, not only can they get through the gates easily, but the members of the faction beating raided would get killed in the process. This would make camping in f homes easier for enemies. Besides - as Symptomy said, people would just get smart and build piston gates.
My bad - when I wrote "piston gates" at the end, I meant iron doors or anything that wasn't a fence gate.
I do not think that is a good idea. It is fine for a faction to be able to be completely secure, but if they want to roleplay, then they will use gates, even though they can be broken down. It should be perfectly doable to put iron doors blocking their f home and raiders to not be able to get there. The breaking down fence gates is ok, but breaking down other things is not. Also, breaking down fence gates will probably not be implemented for the reason of people using other types of doors, which is undesirable.
Well in my opinion, I think adding both the cannons breaking blocks then regenerating plus ladders able to be placed in enemy faction land then break after a while(with enderpearls disabled) would make raiding more realistic and more fun, gives a way for prems and non prems to raid. Maybe adding the fact that the cannon has a long reload time to prevent complete destruction of towns or a limit to how many cannons one person can place at any time would make it fairer for the defenders. This idea brings a choice of stealth when doing ladders if you are on an assassination mission. Maybe to make it easier on the defenders they could make it so cannons wont destroy chests or furnaces to avoid chest bugs and maybe iron doors but every other block. Towns could avoid the ladder raiding by having overhangs on the walls.(prevents ugly plain walls too) But this is just my suggestion.
I am extremely conflicted on this.
While I agree, this would make raiding more fun and give siege warfare a place on the server, it really only makes it more fin for the attacker. The defenders would have their nice looking castle, only to see it ripped to pieces and made stupid looking. Image if they had a huge spire? Then the bottom levels would be destroyed leaving a floating tower of WTFness. What if people decided to build walls out of protected chests? Wouldn't this encourage more deep underground bases that most people will never find?
I really don't know what the right answer here is, if there is one. But I think that people should really consider both sides, which many are. While the benefits of this idea are good, I am not convinced that they would out weigh the negatives.
I am extremely conflicted on this.
While I agree, this would make raiding more fun and give siege warfare a place on the server, it really only makes it more fin for the attacker. The defenders would have their nice looking castle, only to see it ripped to pieces and made stupid looking. Image if they had a huge spire? Then the bottom levels would be destroyed leaving a floating tower of WTFness. What if people decided to build walls out of protected chests? Wouldn't this encourage more deep underground bases that most people will never find?
I really don't know what the right answer here is, if there is one. But I think that people should really consider both sides, which many are. While the benefits of this idea are good, I am not convinced that they would out weigh the negatives.
It was stated that any damage would be regenerating. But I do think that not all blocks should be destructible, just iron bars and fences.
I am extremely conflicted on this.
While I agree, this would make raiding more fun and give siege warfare a place on the server, it really only makes it more fin for the attacker. The defenders would have their nice looking castle, only to see it ripped to pieces and made stupid looking. Image if they had a huge spire? Then the bottom levels would be destroyed leaving a floating tower of WTFness. What if people decided to build walls out of protected chests? Wouldn't this encourage more deep underground bases that most people will never find?
I really don't know what the right answer here is, if there is one. But I think that people should really consider both sides, which many are. While the benefits of this idea are good, I am not convinced that they would out weigh the negatives.

What cruall said
It was stated that any damage would be regenerating. But I do think that not all blocks should be destructible, just iron bars and fences.
My point was it would inspire people to make stupid looking structures to avoid all damage. Meaning you would still have a stupid looking tower until it regenerated. That said, your idea of only iron bars and fences would solve that anyway, so statement ended I guess.
Ummm...... lol?
Not sure why you needed to quote me when you were just agreeing with Cruallassar.
My point was it would inspire people to make stupid looking structures to avoid all damage. Meaning you would still have a stupid looking tower until it regenerated. That said, your idea of only iron bars and fences would solve that anyway, so statement ended I guess.

Ummm...... lol?
Not sure why you needed to quote me when you were just agreeing with Cruallassar.
I believe it was he says what I said, to what you said.
My point was it would inspire people to make stupid looking structures to avoid all damage. Meaning you would still have a stupid looking tower until it regenerated. That said, your idea of only iron bars and fences would solve that anyway, so statement ended I guess.

Ummm...... lol?
Not sure why you needed to quote me when you were just agreeing with Cruallassar.
I believe it was he says what I said, to what you said.
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