• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
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    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.


Jul 19, 2014
Reaction score
Argost Domain

The following would be pinned near most thoroughfares of New Town, especially near Arena Court and Greygate.
To the most esteemed cowards Lord-Sera Aiden Vaedra, Lady-Sera Catherine Vaedra, and Sera Mary Zu.

I challenge you to defend your actions in the Greygate cells last evening, after assaulting wounded Archon in the clinic. Attacking the Occult of this city without cause, especially wounded ones, has consequences. Unfortunately for you, the bringer of these consequences is me. Decline these Honour Duels to your own shame. If you have any of that left, that is.

Wilvamair Arnyn
Wydd-Knight of the Aelriggan Order
Augur of Regulus
@NoRezForYou @JamiJam017 @Gabigailll
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The following words were pinned on the board right over this posting. It was a response by Sera Westheizen.

"You speak of us being cowards, Aelrrigan, what about your honor, you do not know the meaning of it. You continue to prance around the streets of regalia aiding those that would harm our city.

Where was the honor when you attempted to strike a Lady in the face while she was unarmed and cuffed.

Where was the honor when you attempted the same on the Lord that was in the same situation as the Lady.

Lastly where was the honor, when you defended an Archon that killed and twisted one of our own brethren into a disgusting undead. As per our orders code we were purging the ex-lothar undead, in which you had no right to intervene in.

It is not we who needs to prove ourselves, for it was you that struck the cowardice blows when the Lord and Lady couldn't even defend themselves. I will accept your challenge and you will beg for mercy for your cowardice actions.

May you be judged in the light of the Everwatcher.

Sera Mary Zu Westheizen
Knight-Confidant of the Darkwald Order."


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The following was pinned directly underneath the Lothar's response.

"When you attack people and take hostages in a clinic, you get punched. That's the combat medic creed. The Lord was neither unarmed, nor cuffed.

It was a mercy from the Archon that your brethren was allowed to continue walking the city, instead of being destroyed. We don't create Undead. Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised that a Lothar would be ignorant on Occult matters."
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The following would be pinned near most thoroughfares of New Town, especially near Arena Court and Greygate.
To the most esteemed cowards Lord-Sera Aiden Vaedra, Lady-Sera Catherine Vaedra, and Sera Mary Zu.

I challenge you to defend your actions in the Greygate cells last evening, after assaulting wounded Archon in the clinic. Attacking the Occult of this city without cause, especially wounded ones, has consequences. Unfortunately for you, the bringer of these consequences is me. Decline these Honour Duels to your own shame. If you have any of that left, that is.

Wilvamair Arnyn
Wydd-Knight of the Aelriggan Order
Augur of Regulus
@NoRezForYou @JamiJam017 @Gabigailll
A parchment was pinned to the challenge in front of Greygate.

The blood of evil stains my hand not my honor.
This challenge is declined.​

Lord Aiden Vaedra
Confidant-Knight of the Grauwald Brothers & Lothar Order.
A final response was pinned beneath the replies, in the same hand as the announcement.

"Let it be known by all that Lord-Sera Vaedra and Lady-Sera Vaedra both refused an honour duel when challenged. Two out of three Lothar being cowards is good odds for any would-be defenders of the Occult."
"To bleed them on public sand is too kind.

It is their very flooring that will need cleaning."

The identity of this newly attached note was easily discernible by the golden rose used as a pin.