You're hilarious firstly oml, yet really, really helpful and welcoming. I've seen you interact with players, both new and old, and I really have to praise the way you handle situations so well. You're informative and helpful all the time, and I've never seen you lose patience with a player.
Thanks for puttin' a smile on this big fat face o'mine.
While I've had a huge bunch of friends on this server over the past 2, nearly 3, years, I can't detail all of them as it'd likely take up an entire page. So, to those who haven't been mentioned, I give you this gif which makes me grin.
And now for some honourable mentions I'd like to.. well, mention:
While I've had a huge bunch of friends on this server over the past 2, nearly 3, years, I can't detail all of them as it'd likely take up an entire page. So, to those who haven't been mentioned, I give you this gif which makes me grin.

And now for some honourable mentions I'd like to.. well, mention:
- @Eledana to start off with. You and I have shared some jolly chuckles over the time we've been friends, and much like you said for me, I find that you're a very welcoming and friendly person who never ceases to go out of her way to help others and keep high spirits all around. And P.S. I sent you another faceswap pic on snapchat with Donald Trump. Enjoy.
- @BillyTheScroofy gets a mention due to his cheery demeanour and the fun we've gotten up to in Mithril. I started off in Mithril knowing very little about anybody there, and after a year and a bit of nonsensical antics in TS and RP, I consider him a reliable pal. I still hate you to the bottom of my heart Billy. Never forget that.
- Another mention goes out to @Shayin because his guidance and assistance gave me a lot of confidence and helped me into the Lore Staff in the first place, if memory serves correctly. When looking back on the old Nenyarina Order days and the times we used to role-play more frequently together, I have nothing but amusing memories of gallivanting around with Shayin and Telvos, or having mischief.
- @TyrolleanEagle for giving me the chance and introducing me to the Typhonus Family, noble roleplay, and a rollercoaster ride through the noble scene and other such shenanigans. Thanks mate, and I hope we can have a sensible chuckle together soon.
- To the rest of the Lore team, including but not limited to @MonMarty @babayonce @Ryciera @Plecy @TheBioverse @Jared4242 @JakkDhread and all the others, I'd like to say a fond thank you for the support and help you've given me in my time with you all, and the fact that you've had to put up with me for so long now :>. Ever since first stepping afoot the gilded decks of the Contessa II I've had nothing but fun. And luxury. And decadence. And so on and so forth.
- @Springheel & @Elven_Queen Thank you both for nominating me as your daddi I guess
- To @darkarely @Squeakachu @Adventurecait8 @iMcMuffins @PonyoWantHam and all the other Mithril bunch, cheers for all the boundless fun and games. You're all special snowflakes and that's why ily.
- I've nothing to say that isn't positive about @SupremeCripple apart from my distaste for his similarities to Ewan McGregor. Sorry, strike that, that's another positive thing. You're a lad and a champ.
- Last and not least, probably the most important mention I have to give is to @Eccetra ! She's been around as my friend ever since I was a poor-with-lore, bad-spelling, derpy, etc etc player a few years back. Ecc was the first person I frequently role-played with and is somebody with the most amicable demeanour I can think of aside from @darkarely . Keep on doing what you do