Archived Should There Be A Limit For Just Having 1 House Insteand Of 3?

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Certified dumbass
Mar 21, 2016
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The abyss. duh.
The Reason why I say this is because Lately no one as been able to buy any new house in Regalia, and now because how popular Massive Craft is getting.. I thought that maybe lowering the Limit on how many houses you can have Should be a thing, or at least lower it down by 1 so that you can only have 2 houses at a time. This would make it so Everyone gets a chance to Rent a house making it Fair for everybody. Plus this will make it Easier for staff so they don't have to build many houses So often.. and yes I know some people may not like this since they could be using many house for different Character or using them for shops. But anyways Thanks for taking this time on Reading my opinion on things!
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To be clear- as far as I understand you are only suppose to have 2 houses and a third if you are going to sell it within two weeks.

However, I do agree that the renting system maybe needs a little love with the possibility of making more houses in Regalia.
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@Ampers07 As of a few days ago, the rule is you may own 3 area shops total. That has been a rule for a while, but recently market stalls were added as areashops
Also let it be noted that the worldstaff are currently working on new districts in regalia which will include more properties. So the issue of not having properties to rent should be fixed in due time.
Also let it be noted that the worldstaff are currently working on new districts in regalia which will include more properties. So the issue of not having properties to rent should be fixed in due time.
There are 4 districts that are being worked on, with a ton of houses in each of them. Obviously they take time to become beautiful before being released. Great response!

As for the OP's original idea of reducing the rental limit to 1 house, I'd have to completely disagree with it. For example, I own 2 regions. One is a shop in the harbor district, the other is a summer estate. I use both to fulfill my RP needs. If either of them were removed form my ownership, I'd lose out on resources for my RP.

And if this rule was added, you can already bet that people will use their alts to rent the regions and then just add their main accounts to the region.

If you really need a region, I'd suggest finding a house that looks rather empty, and ask if the owner would be interested in selling. This is really useful to do if the rent is gonna expire soon, and the owner has few regals. Or possibly find someone who rents out part of their region as apartments or hotel rooms. They might like to have someone share rent.

TL;DR there are more rentals coming, and forcing people to lose regions will just cause more people to leave than stay. The rule of 2 rentals per person is a good rule. Also, there are always house auctions available on the forums.
We are aware of the issue and are currently looking into ways to resolve it. We will not decrease the amount of houses people can rent tough. We understand that is frustrating to see people with 3 big houses, while new players can't even get one.
But with the market shops counting as 1 region now, this is a absolute necessity.

For the time being I would suggest looking into creative ways to solve the issue, for example by founding a residential community.

Just throwing more housing on the market or decreasing the regions you can rent won't solve the underlying issues. Right now we are looking especially into possibilities to make houses that are unused or rented by inactive players available faster.

We are also working on a system that allows players to access the different districts easier and faster. That should make it possible that even "remote" districts can develop a fair share of activity and get more attractive for players. So we don't end up with a ghost district at some point.

Of course these changes won't immediately improve the situation, so we are working on 2 brand new districts and will soon release 2 districts that are nearly finished, the Commerce and Church district..

Till then …
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