Preserved Sheet Shen Zhi, The Anti-mage.

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No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Wherever the blood runs pure.
Der Eroberer
Basic Information.

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  • Name: Shen Hakate Fan Zhi
    • しえん~ Shen
    • はかて ~ Hakate
    • ゔあん ~ Fan
    • ぜいえ~ Zhi
  • Age: 50
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Chi'en-ji
  • Main ambition: Explore and domesticate all magic within the bounds of the three realms of Aloria, the Exist, and the void.
  • Special permission: Magic permission. Expert Arcane knowledge.

Skill information.
  • School: School of Statesmanship - Arcane knowledge.
  • Level: Expert.
  • Source: Mentoring from a young age by a teacher, an Azure member, and continued study throughout his travels and life.
  • School: School of Statesmanship - Planar knowledge.
  • Level: Scholar.
  • Source: Working in the Artificaurorum in Farah'deen for 10 years along with various studies across his journeys.
  • School: Celestial Magic - Soul magic.
  • Level: Caster - Student.
  • Source: Tutored by his mentor, later by an ex-Azure member, and then he studied tomes.
Magic: Celestial.
  • Aveyle. - Blinding Flash.
  • Verdai. - Truth Clarity.
  • Kaitis. - Barrier Light.
  • Pervei. - Cleanse form.
Magic: Soul.
Ellon form: Owl at the front, lion at the back. Size of a regular dog with a pair of wings at the front. It can use them to boost itself, but cannot fly. Similar to a small Gryphon of sorts, except with an owl head.
  • Hayvann - Ellon form.
  • Hanatek - Soul Harvest.
  • Tezmilek - Soul Cleanse.

Visual Information.
  • Eye color: Bright golden.
  • Hair color: Dark with greying hairs scattered throughout.
  • Hair style: Short in the sides with long in the front and a few locks hanging down infront of his face and a pony tail in a red silk band.
  • Skin color: Light tan.
  • Clothing: This varies between a long dark fur coat with a high neck and leather strapped bracelets for colder seasons with black pants and boots. In the summer times he wears a black traditional tunic and a light green pair of loose pants and big boots, a typical chi'en-ji farming look compared to his winter outfit
  • Height: Stands rather small for a chi'en-ji at 5,3 ft.
  • Body build: Skinny.
  • Weapon of choice: Always seeks to defend himself and others before fighting. His best hope would be to rely on his offensive Celestial spells, and try to make it off in his Ellon form.

  • Shen has a pair of rather slim, long, and sharp eyes that are defined by his straight and protruding brow. His eyebrows are long and slender and he usually has slight bags under his eyes. His head is adorned by dark greyish locks of hair with a greasy texture which clearly shows that he uses creams and oils to set his hair, it even shines a bit in the light if you look carefully. He also has rather high cheekbones with a long straight nose and thick lips make out his small mouth. He has a very round chin and soft jaw lines that lead up to a pair of relatively large ears. His forehead is a bit wide but is often hidden by his hair. He usually carries a serious, calm, and relaxed expression. He has a rather slim neck and a small tattoo of the chi'en-ji symbol for peace marks the back center of his neck.
  • The chi'en-ji has a rather small and slender build, with long slim arms and legs and fingers compared to his body. He doesn't have very much muscle but however manages to keep healthy and slim due to his work driven and cultured lifestyle which he tries to uphold as much as this foreign land allows him. He is a good tad below even the average chi'en-ji strength. Shen has very little body hair and usually keeps cleanly shaved. (Chin and other).
  • He tends to wear the previously mentioned high necked, body tight, fur jacket in the winter and the a more traditional chi'en-ji outfit in black and red in the summer. On his fur coat, it's inners is adorned by several small pockets designed to hold various items of need, without disturbing the wearer too much.
  • Shen usually speaks in a calm, unbothered, and sly tone. He speaks fast and with fair pronunciation with only occasional hints of accent. Shen speaks the following languages.:
  • Faraddi: Fair. (From his time studying Soul magic tomes.)
  • Tatsugo+Dai-li script: Fluent. (Because he is chi'en-ji and was raised with that tongue and writing)
  • Seraph script: Fair (It was common to be taught in the Seraph and Dai-li scripts in yang-tzu. It is for the most part only able to be written, and a few words can be understood)
  • Common: Fluent. (Because he lives in Regalia and has done so for a long time He struggles to write it however.)

Personality and abilities.

Personality traits.
  • First Paragraph: Shen comes off very honest to those he meets in the passing. He cares little for the trivialities of people he hardly knows and so keeps his business to himself, and doesn't intrude on others. However, if he were to find a fellow life form in desperate need, he can even appear downright Self-sacrificing to help the victim. In conversation, he can sometimes seem a bit prideful and passive-aggressive in a humorous way, as he takes a lot of pride in his experience and knowledge. Though he is extremely respectful towards his elders and mindful of those who have more experience than him.

  • Second Paragraph: In truth, Shen often has a difficult time telling what he feels. He spends a lot of time Self-reflecting and meditating. Shen is an individual who doesn't put much value in himself as he believes his value is defined by how valuable he has been to others, causing him to constantly strive to help and protect. His actions are mostly driven by the desire to help others.
  • Third Paragraph: His friends and family would see him as a stern yet caring man. He likes to discuss his philosophies with his close ones, and it is not uncommon to receive a word of wisdom or a piece of moral advice. He likes to trick his friends with wordplay and lay back with a smirk as his partner gathers their thoughts.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Shen strictly follows the moral code held by his monastary, that was drilled into him from childhood. It is referred to as the Jin-Seikun.
  • To neglect the dragons is to neglect yourself.
    • (It is only by the sacrifice of the dragons that you exist. Therefore they have part in your existence. Only goes for Loong)
  • Only those who are prepared to die themselves, should take the lives of others.
  • To lay down your respect for others, is to lay down other's respect for you.
  • Man's life is like making a long journey with a heavy burden. One must not hurry.
  • If you regard discomfort as a normal condition, you are not likely to be troubled by want.
  • When ambition arises in your mind, consider the days of your adversity.
    • (Make no promises when you are happy, and no decisions when you are sad).
  • Patience is the foundation of security and long life; consider anger as an enemy.
  • He who only knows victory and does not know defeat will fare badly.
  • Blame yourself, do not blame others.
  • The insufficient is better than the superfluous.
    • (Realize your limitations. It is the biggest dew drop that falls first from the leaf).


  • Perceptive "What was that?" : Shen has a keen eye for details and an excellent ability to remember faces and tiny details about a place or a room. This makes him very good at finding his way around town and also a good reader. His memorization ability allows him to learn things very quickly, just by reading it a couple times over he can remember most of the important parts.
  • Focus "Mmrm- N-Not right now Laleath" : Shen is an excellent learned and has a very concentrated and focused mind. Combined with his level-headedness and sleight hands, he can multi-task to an almost ridiculous degree and finish all tasks fairly decently. He is quick to adapt as well, which has proven an asset for working with so many various tasks and jobs.
  • Arcane knowledge: Having been tutored from a young age, and growing up in a culture where magic is appraised, Shen has a very broad understanding of the different concepts of dimensional essence and Seraph words and texts. He has rigorously pursued knowledge in the deepest shelves of the most remote libraries to find and acquire knowledge. His anti-magical mindset also inspired him to increase his knowledge of the various means of counteracting negative magical effects.
  • Magical aptitude "Intriguing. Astonishing." : Shen has studied all manners of magic from a young age. He was introduced to Celestial magic through his adoptive father who brought him around the Yang-Tzu islands to supposedly expel demons and bad omens from peoples homes. He was taught in various cleansing and curing spells such as truth clarity and cleanse form. Later on in his life after many other years of study, he traveled to Regalia and met an ex-Azure caster who introduced him to active mage and demon hunting. Shen researched various different Soul and Celestial magic tomes there, and eventually inducted a few new ones into his arsenal.

  • Injury: Shen was once in an unfortunate run-in with a demon mage which ended up damaging some of his organs, such as one of his kidneys. This injury has left him twice as suceptible to poisons and alcohol that enter his bloodstream, as anyone else. Any amount of alcohol larger than a normal ale will have seriously nauseating effects on him, and he may gain alcohol poisoning if he keeps drinking beyond three drinks.
  • Near-sightedness: Shen's eyes have degraded with age, and whilst he sees quite sharply at close range, he struggles to recognize figures and people at a distance of 10 meters or more. He is assisted by his spectacles for far-seeing purposes, but cannot do so on his own.
  • Limited knowledge: Due to having spent so much of his life dabbling in matters of the arcane, his knowledge extents very little beyond that area of expertise. He doesn't know the names for the vast majority of commonly known places, nor for common fauna or flora unless told. His writing abilities limit themselves to Seraph and Dai-Li scripts, not being able to write or read more than a few disconnected letters of common.
  • Shen doesn't appear to be a very entertaining person and his company can feel a bit dim and boring. However the more you get to know him and the more he trust you, he will start loosening up on his facade and let's out a suprisingly quirky personality. For starters, Shen hates everything he doesn't understand, he is generally very good at solving riddles and explaining mysteries with agreeable solutions, however when he is faced with something he can't understand he'd get VERY annoyed and stressed.

  • Shen always had an intrest in astronomy and religious insight. He likes to study the stars and has a fair bit of knowledge when it comes to what the chi'en-ji know. Shen also is a decent cook, he knows his way around spices and plants so he can make amazing salads or different spiced up meals. It isn't expert level stuff but not many people could do it still.
  • Despite what was mentioned in the Strengths category, Shen has a strong, natural intellect that allows him to solve intricate puzzles with ease.

  • Chi'en-ji: Shen generally takes great pleasure in surrounding himself with the company of his kins folk. He feels as if they're some of the few people he can actually talk to and can understand him and also those he feels like he has the most to talk about with.

  • Hygiene: Having a lighter phobia of germs and the like, Shen generally prefers well-kempt and clean people. He might even refuse to touch someone who is filthy.

  • Respect: As especially respect is a big part of his culture, Shen likes when people show an amount of respect equal to what he gives. This is yet another reason why he likes to be with other chi'en-ji as they usually show the required and expected respect. Usually when people disrespect Shen they don't tend to get along with him very well.

  • Hard Work: Having quite a hardcore working morale and discipline for himself, he enjoys mingling with those who also work hard and keep disciplined. He will usually tend to look a bit down at a person if they're out of a job, but tends to then try and help them get a job, or atleast give them advice the best he can.

  • Al-Allar: Allar are the only real exception to the previous mentioned like of his kin, as he enjoys the company of allars smiliarly to chi'en-ji. Sometimes even more depending on their specialization.

  • Yanar: One of the few races that Shen can be romantically attracted to. He also admires the kind, firstly due to their mysterious and magical origins, their mostly peaceful culture, and their gender neutrality.

  • Wulong: As to be expected by a chi'en-ji. Shen grew up constantly being told to hate the Wulong race and also has quite the distaste for their barbaric ways, the only reason this stands out as a perticular dislike compared to fx Orcs and Dakkar which are equally crude and brutal, is because the Wulong killed his real father in the war. He doesn't attack them on sight but he will usually try to avoid them as much as possible, only sending occasional frowns of disgust.
  • Theft in any sense of the word: To Shen, theivery is one of the most repulsive acts a civilized being can resort to. He even understands murder better than this. He simply can't wrap his head around why and how anyone would be so lazy and crude as to steal the money or an item that someone else worked hard to aquire. Even if that thing was stolen. He views it as a complete disregard for standard respect, ettiquette, and work morale.


Childhood and early teens. (0-15yrs)

Born the 10th of April 255 AC, Shen was an orphan from his earliest week. His parents had put him at the doorstep of a Dragon temple. He was taken in by an old monk by the name of Zhiao. An astrologer was called in from a local town to see the stars under which the boy had been born. He was named in a paradoxical light. The one who controls magic, by inspiring it. Zhiao was soon after allowed custody of Shen who was inducted into the monastery under the premise that he would grow into an apprentice of the old monk. He was taught in Tatsugo, Seraph scripts, and the Dai-li scripts. As the child grew, he became increasingly zealous in the worship of the Loong dragons. He accompanied his Zhiao on occasional trips to the local villages where the man would use magical abilities to cure illnesses and perform some nonsense superstitious protocol ritual to ensure that the locals were aptly convinced. Spending so much time around these magical rituals and the high concentration of magical essence that existed in the Loong temple- It wasn't long until Shen started to have dreams of vast white expanses, empty of anything but himself. As he aged fourteen, his training begun.

Late teens and early adulthood. (15-20yrs)

The teen was taught in Celestial defensive measures first, teaching him many principles about the usage of his gift. Barrier light and Truth clarity were his first spells, followed by Cleanse form. Not much was done in the next couple of years apart from study and a few opportunities for practical application in their local village runs. As the boy increased his power, his mentor took his studies to a new stage, mentoring him in the subjects of binral and planar essence, and expanding upon his understanding of the arcane.

Early and late adulthood.(20-40yrs)

As Shen approached maturity, he was finally taught an offensive measure. Blinding flash, which was taught with heavy morals of disciplined and restrained use. His training was soon complete, and as a parting gift, was granted a tome by his mentor, in a language which he could not yet understand. He travelled first to Farah'deen where he sook out various libraries out of curiosity and to further his understanding of binral and soul essence. Shen worked at the Artificaurorum in the Qadir captial for a ten years time, as an apprentice, both to make a living and pursue knowledge. In his free time, he also would to try and decipher the tome. For the next many years, he roamed the desert lands, investigating magical anomalies and assisting in their removal and carrying out various forms of research. He eventually happened upon an aging Qadir soul mage, who instantly recognized the tome that Shen had, as a soul magic spell. The old man instructed Shen, that he could not learn this spell until he had learnt the first spell of Soul magic, Ellon form. Offering gold in return for training, the old man turned Shen down. He was too old to teach another student he said, but he gave Shen the name of an old apprentice who had gone to Regalia to investigate, regulate, and combat the magical insurgencies that always seemed to occur in the area. And so Shen ventured onwards, to the Holy city of Regalia.

Late adulthood to now (40yrs - now)

It took a fair bit of effort to find the man. Shen was a complete stranger to this culture, and he was not welcomed very warmly. He understood not a word of the language, but luckily, or by sheer coincidence, Shen happened upon a group of chi'en-ji fishermen. When he inquired about the name, the fishermen seemed to recognize it. Apparently one of the chi'en-ji had once been brought in by the man for improper magical conduct. As it turned out, the man Shen had been looking for, was an ex-Azure order member who had been expelled from the order following an unfortunate series of events where he had injured a noble in the process of trying to subdue a mage. Shen found the man after a few days of searching, and they managed to communicate with the help of the chi he had met, that he desired to learn the art of Soul magic. Shen was first taught the ellon form which he spent a few years perfecting. He was taught in Soul harvest by the ex-Azure as well. Shen has spent his most recent years, learning Soul Cleanse, from the tome he was given by his master, and now travels the crown isles, dabbling in the arcane and helping those affected by the Black mages or expelling poltergeists and bad omens much like his mentor had done.
Last edited:
Here's my review -
  • Visual Information
    • Specific weights are no longer permitted as result of a rise of powergaming involving such. The body-build will suffice for the sake of this character sheet.
Otherwise, this character sheet is nicely written and balanced. Complete the above change and tag me when you're done.
Here's my review -
  • Visual Information
    • Specific weights are no longer permitted as result of a rise of powergaming involving such. The body-build will suffice for the sake of this character sheet.
Otherwise, this character sheet is nicely written and balanced. Complete the above change and tag me when you're done.
Large Overhaul.
  • Changed entire backstory.
  • Replaced several strengths
  • Added Magic permission. (Yes I am Trustee A-level)
  • Best to just review it all over. Its an old char sheet anyway.
Claimed for re-review:
  • Most Magi of a high degree of skill are going to be physically inferior. Please replace this weakness or tack another weakness onto that section.
Claimed for re-review:
  • Most Magi of a high degree of skill are going to be physically inferior. Please replace this weakness or tack another weakness onto that section.
  • Removed Weakness "Physically inferior"
  • Replaced with weaknesses "Injury", "Limited knowledge", and "Near-sightedness".
  • Replaced strength "Sleight" with strength "Arcane Knowledge"
  • Added School of Arcane knowledge at Expert level. (Do review if you believe that is fitting.)
  • Made subsequent changes in the backstory to fit the new school.
  • Changes marked in red
ハケート ~ Hakate
ト in Katakana reads 'to'
ハタケ is the spelling you are looking for in regards to ha-ta-ke
The dash you have between 'ta' and 'ke' also implies the pronunciation to be ha-ta-a-ke.

ジ also reads 'ji' instead of Zhi.
'Z' sounds aren't very common outside of words like 'zettai' or 'zen'
Sounds that are used with the 'z' follow only za-zu-ze-zo. The zzzz alternative for 'shi' turns into 'ji'.
Just making sure you're aware!
Last edited:
ト in Katakana reads 'to'
ハタケ is the spelling you are looking for in regards to ha-ta-ke
The dash you have between 'ta' and 'ke' also implies the pronunciation to be ha-ta-a-ke.

ジ also reads 'ji' instead of Zhi.
'Z' sounds aren't very common outside of words like 'zettai' or 'zen'
Sounds that are used with the 'z' follow only za-zu-ze-zo. The zzzz alternative for 'shi' turns into 'ji'.
Just making sure you're aware!
I need to put this over in hiragana anyway. That, I actually know. Arigatou gozaimasu
Alright, let's get right into the review, shall we?
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.

Skill Information (Optional)

  • Your character can only have attended two schools at maximum. We have this rule so that there are no unfair advantages. Please remove one of your chosen schools to aid in the overall balance.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Please ensure that each paragraph is between four to five sentences long.
Weaknesses (Optional)
  • Ensure that each paragraph has at least three sentences expanding on the specified weakness.
  • 'Injury' is too broad of a weakness. Please specify what kind of injury he has in terms of labelling the paragraph.
Alright, let's get right into the review, shall we?
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.

Skill Information (Optional)

  • Your character can only have attended two schools at maximum. We have this rule so that there are no unfair advantages. Please remove one of your chosen schools to aid in the overall balance.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Please ensure that each paragraph is between four to five sentences long.
Weaknesses (Optional)
  • Ensure that each paragraph has at least three sentences expanding on the specified weakness.
  • 'Injury' is too broad of a weakness. Please specify what kind of injury he has in terms of labelling the paragraph.
Waiting with overhauling him till the new combat/intellect overhaul goes live :)