Preserved Sheet Shen Zhi (rework)

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No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Wherever the blood runs pure.
Der Eroberer
Basic Information.
(((Link to previous approved application )))
  • Name : Shen Hakate Fan Zhi
    シェン ~ Shen
    ハケート ~ Hakate
    ファン ~ Fan
    ~ Zhi
  • Age : Thirty eight ~ 38
  • Gender : Male
  • Race : Chi'en-ji
  • Main ambition : To continue his current lifestyle and work hard. He hopes to one day open his own Herb and flora store or apothecary.
  • Special permission : Expert level Anti-Magic
  • Shen Zhi has been in Regalia for roughly eighteen years, leaving from his home on Yang-Tzu at the age of twenty. He lives in a smaller remote residence a good distance from the troubled day of the Regalian mainstreet. He originally ventured here to study and work within the Azure order, however, his mind was deterred shortly after. He currently lives off of mercenary-ish jobs exclusively for mages, selling herbs and fauna, and doing any small jobs he can come across wether he has expertise with it. As long as it pays a bit he'd rather work than relax.
  • Shen was raised in a rather common family, he lived with his sister and mother as his father had passed away in the wulong conflict when he was nine. His mother was a peacemaker and as such had learned anti-magic a long time ago from an Ithanian traveler who had settled down in Yang-Tzu for some years. She was always around to stop and hostilities amongst the towns folk and subdue eventual magic wielders. She even earned the nickname Heiwa (Peace).
  • He always had a very strong sense of justice and especially for rights and wrongs on the subject of magic. Therefore he wishes to use his abilities to subdue and educate (Or turn in) anyone who misuses or wrongly wields any type of magic. Even anti-magic.

Visual Information.

  • Eye color : Bright golden.
  • Hair color : Dark greyish.
  • Hair style : Short in the sides with long in the front and a few locks hanging down infront of his face.
  • Skin color : Light tan.
  • Clothing : This varies between a long dark fur coat with a high neck and leather strapped bracelets for colder seasons with black pants and boots. In the summer times he wears a black traditional tunic and a light green pair of loose pants and big boots, a typical chi'en-ji farming look compared to his winter, "Spanish Inquisitor" looking outfit.
  • Heigh : Stands rather small for a chi'en-ji at 5,3 ft.
  • Weight : 54 kilogrammes or 120 lbs.
  • Body build : Small and slender.
  • Weapon of choice : Shen usually subdues his targets or defends himself using his expert level anti-magic with either distortion or rune block schools. Otherwise he will take use of syringes to inject either paralyzing or sleep inducing toxins. Alternatively and only if he was pretty desperate, he would use a small, sharp herb knife he always has on him.
View attachment 101111
(His hair is NOT the right color on this ref)
  • Shen has a pair of rather slim, long, and sharp eyes that are defined by his straight and protruding brow. His eyebrows are long and slender and he usually has slight bags under his eyes. His head is adorned by dark greyish locks of hair with a greasy texture which clearly shows that he uses creams and oils to set his hair, it even shines a bit in the light if you look carefully. He also has rather heigh cheekbones with a long straight nose and thick lips make out his small mouth. He has a very round chin and soft jaw lines that lead up to a pair of relatively large ears. His forehead is a bit wide but is often hidden by his hair. He usually carries a serious, calm, and relaxed expression. He has a rather slim neck and a small tattoo of the chi'en-ji symbol for peace marks the center of his neck. ( On the back) Tattoo seen below here

  • The chi'en-ji has a rather small and slender build, with long slim arms and legs and fingers compared to his body. He doesn't have very much muscle but however manages to keep very healthy and slim due to his work driven and cultured life style which he tries to uphold as much as this foreign land allows him. His strongest bodypart would probably be his fingers (In comparison to normal finger strength, not arm strength) due to the amount of work he does especially with them, all from magic, drawing, alchemy, and other sorts of work. Other than that he is a tad below average chi'en-ji strength. Shen has very little body hair and usually keeps cleanly shaved. (Chin and other) Down his arms, chest, and entire back there are burn marks and scars. Most of them are the qadir symbols of the sun and other various curses and mocking names in Faraddi. Most of his upper body skin looks completely deform as if he had been fully lit on fire, however, it is just hundreds of burn marks ontop of eachother. It can be difficult to look at for some.
  • He tends to wear the previously mentioned high necked, body tight, fur jacket in the winter and the a more traditional chi'en-ji outfit in black and red in the summer. On his fur coat, it's inners is adorned by several small pockets designed to hold syringes, vials, and herbs without disturbing the wearer. He also weasrs a black leather belt with a large pouch on the back where he tends to keep plants and such. In the front it has silver signet with a blue stone in the middle which experienced mages would easily recognize and feel as lapis lazuli.
  • Shen usually speaks in a calm, unbothered, and serious tone. He speaks fast and with good pronounciation with only occasional hints of accent. He's taken into learning Zasta because it can be used in many alchemical situations. Shen speaks :
  • Faraddi : Fair. (As he was a Qadir slave for a couple years)
  • Modern Elvish : Fair. (As it comes into use in alot of magic related subjects)
  • Tatsugo : Fluent. (Because he is chi'en-ji and was raised with that tongue)
  • Zasta : Semi-Fluent. (Because his step-father was Allar and it comes into use with alchemy)
  • Common : Semi-Fluent. (Because he lives in Regalia and has done that for a long time)

Personality and abilities.

Personality traits.
  • Calm "Let's all take a second to breathe" : Shen is always very calm and collected. He prefers taking his time, though not slacking off. He dislikes being told to hurry up but only very few things actually trigger him. If someone tries to intimidate or trigger him he will usually just wave them off with a dismissive gesture and a scowl, argumenting that "He had better things to do, and so did the "attacker" probably as well.. Otherwise that's just sad and you don't have much to live for." Which would probably be the most offensive line you could possibly pull from him through non violent means. He's always admired the allar cultures and their way of life and tries to make a perfect balance between that and his own chi'en-ji lifestyle.
  • Serious "I don't get it.. Now get back to work" : Shen takes his tasks, job, and most other endeavors he engages in, quite serious. He hates when people slack off or joke around at work and sees it as bad discipline, maybe even weakness that he can't joke and work at the same time. He doesn't tend to joke too much and can often come off as a bit cynical, though in truth he might've just not understood whatever there was to laugh about. Atleast what was funny about it. But to Shen, all of his work is equally important, wether it be a simple favor as taking care of a neighbors cat or watering plants, or official jobs like mage hunting and the like. Shen is also the least judgemental person you could imagine. He believes everyone deserves another chance and could probably even make friends with a serial killer or a dictator if he tried.
  • Helpful "Need a hand?" : If you ask kindly it is very rare for Shen to deny a request or a favor. Shen doesn't mind having his personal plans interrupted if it means he can get to work or help someone out. He keeps a very strict discipline and he is very reserved. An example of a tough day could be up early in the morning for twelve hours of straight work, then home in the evening for three hours of anti-magic practice and studies, then sleep. He doesn't mind doing things for free, but expects some sort of compensation for his troubles, otherwise he might not help you out again and will find it slightly disrespectful. Wether it be payment in gold or a favor in return is of equal worth to Shen. A favor is almost valued higher because it shows the second party's appreciation and gratitude, that he is willing to work for Shen in return.
  • Secretive "What 'was' is not important. What 'will be' is what matters" : Shen tends to be careful about what he lets out about his past and personal life, afraid that he will be judged by it or that a person would let his past define him and not their experiences with him. He also just likes to keep people out of his buissnes, and the subject people ask the most about is typically the one he doesn't like talking about.
  • Blunt "You're not as hot as you think lassy." : As the previous quote in the Calm trait, Shen can be rather blunt when saying his opinion or just generally conversing. It is hard for him refrain from being completely honest, or just not considering his words completely. Though whilst he is generally well-spoken and puts alot of thought into the things he says, he tends to forget about kindness and other peoples responses and feelings. As such he can come off a bit rude and with little consideration for others.
  • Hygienic "Your house cleaners are less proficient than a Bathogg in a pottery shop." : Shen is very frantic when it comes to cleaning and hygiene. He takes regular baths and always keeps his nails, teeth and especially hands clean. His home, whilst being a bit of a mess, is almost shining as he uses all the time he isn't working for either sleeping, cleaning, studying, practicing anti-magic, or looking for more work. Despite there being alot of plants in his home there is not a single dead leaf or spot of dirt on his floor. Shen also has a fear of germs tends to carry a hankercheif he generally cleans his hand with. Having dirty people or ill-smelling people forced upon him will cause him to completely freak out.
  • Sinister "If you bend his nail this wa- I mean. Good day to you too sir." : Shen has been through alot and is rarely fazed at the slightest by even open stab wounds or torn off nails. He hates to admit it and always tries to keep his mind occupied but if he should drift off into thought it would usually be straight up repulsive and sinister thoughts, all from severe torture of his previous qadir masters to creative new hypothesises of growning flora on live subjects. This dark side of him in continously neglected, ignored, and frowned upon but remains as a source of sinister darkness he can tap into in his subconciousness, should a certain event trigger him he could go completely insane and try to go on a horrible torture streak, a side which he keeps at bay with daily mediation in the park.
  • Perceptive "What was that?" : Shen has an incredibly keen eye for details and an excellent ability to remember faces and tiny details about a place or a room. This makes him very good at finding his way around town and also a good reader. His memorization ability allows him to learn things very quickly, just by reading it a couple times over.
  • Sleight "Let's get started *Stretches fingers*" : As a magic practicioner, herbalist, alchemist, and formidable drawer, Shen is very sleight. He has splendid elegancy and stillness with his hands and fingers and he can operate his hands and fingers with surgeon-like precision.
  • Focus "Mmrm- N-Not right now Laleath" : Shen is an excellent learned and has a very concentrated and focused mind. Combined with his level-headedness and sleight hands, he can multi-task to an almost ridiculous degree and finish all tasks fairly decently. He is quick to adapt as well, which has proven an asset for working with so many various tasks and jobs. This allows him to utilize his anti-magic fairly easily and on an advanced scale. Especially along with his sleight fingers and ability to make clear and strong gestures.
  • Level-headed "*knife narrowly passes head* Woah close one" : Shen is able to gain insight into a situation, understand it, and work out a response, action, or reaction in a matter of seconds. He has very quick reaction times and greatly uses it as an asset. Practicing magic has trained this ability and it helps a great deal and allows him to easily cast his magic in very short amounts of time and with very little effort. He has an incredible oversight and barely ever gets stressed. This is due to him usually having to keep a tight schedule of his day in his mind and also his great memory.
  • Alchemical and Floral expertise "And don't let the Melodin over bre-.. NO WAIT!" : A large part of Shen's daily life consists of studying alchemy and flora. He can usually be found scooting around the park and searching for new plants to study when he isn't working. His affinity for this delicate subject comes into use in many situations, all from healing to poisoning.
  • (( I did not include his Anti-magic as I thought that to be an obvious advantage for him, as such there'd be no real reason to mention it here))
  • Physically inferior "By a Wulong's furry arse, that's HEAVY" : Shen has the arm and upperbody strength comparable to that of a twelve year old girl (Not to be sexist but generally those I know aren't that strong at all). Whilst his work gives him the neccissary exercise to keep healthy and fit, he tends to struggle alot when it comes to more physically demanding tasks such as laboring work or climbing. If a fight ever came down to strength or conditioning, Shen would be rendered completely useless. However his lowerbody is a bit stronger and he is rather quick, it isn't anything to cheer for.
  • Misjudgement "Wait what?" : Whilst this is a rare occurance, when Shen gets insight into a situation or judges it according to his own mind, he usually takes it for fact. Therefore he can easily be overumpled if he accidently underestimated someone or misjudged a certain factor. This fault can leave him with pretty big issues, whilst he usually /is/ paranoid enough to consider and check for ambushes, it isn't difficult to trick his sence of judgement if you know Shen well.
  • Obsessive "No, no come over here- No not that way. WAIT DON'T GO WITH HIM!" : Shen has a terrible history with losing people, therefore when he finds someone he likes or loves, he will become almost dangerously obsessive of them. Especially if he got a girlfriend he'd be extremely overprotective and loose a fair chunk of his common sense. He will go to insane lengths to protect, keep, and carefor a person he loves even doing things that he'd usually frown heavily upon. All from neglecting of chores to care for the person, to torture and crime to defend them. One thing is for sure. With a mind as sinister as Shen's you don't want to mess with his lover.
  • Phobia "Nyeh- D-d-d-don't smudge me or I swear you will lose something precious" : Shen has a pretty bad phobia when it comes to germs and filth, it can even cause him to loose focus or mess up his magic if he was in a filthy place or was grabbed with dirty hands or the like. He hates dirty people and if he spots a certain dirty person around he will, in a very bad case approach them and try to clean them.
  • OCD "DON'T. TOUCH. THAT!" : Shen has a case of OCD when it comes to order. Shen likes to place things in exactly the order and places where he wants them, if something isn't right he will take note rather quickly and try to correct it, This is perhaps his biggest disturbance for concentration. For an example if someone moved his candle to the wrong end of the table whilst he was reading or someone placed down a drink in the wrong place, he could respond a bit excessively and maybe even rash decisions. It can also heavily disrupt his concentration which can put him at a disadvantage in battle as it can interrupt his cast. However considering his skill, he has learned to block it out whilst casting. There is no real boundries to what can annoy him, it can be all from the design of a chair to a messy bed. Ironically enough his own home would be deemed "Completely trashed and a mess" by most common folk. But a clear order of things is established in Shen's mind.
  • Shen doesn't appear to be a very entertaining person and his company can feel a bit dim and boring. However the more you get to know him and the more he trust you, he will start loosening up on his facade and let's out a suprisingly quirky personality. For starters, Shen hates everything he doesn't understand, he is generally very good at solving riddles and explaining mysteries with agreeable solutions, however when he is faced with something he can't understand he'd get VERY annoyed and stressed. Shen is also an incredibly sore looser and perhaps even a worse winner at times. If he crushed someone completely in fx a game of chess, he wouldn't act superior or arrogant, he'd simply nod and shrug it off with something like "I've just had more experience and time to learn it." To some this can come off very annoying and to make it worse he will often let off a very sly smirk which a person would've noticed him doing over certain points in the chess game, usually right before he made a crucial victory. However when he looses he tries to be as respectful as possible, however he'll usually be a bit grumpy and try to start a new subject of conversation. Occasional gritting of teeth and a smile is usually good signs that you pissed him off. Ironically depsite, his memory, sleightness, and oversight, Shen finds it near impossible to play a piano, something about it just doesn't makes sense to him and he always gets frustrated when a person displays their talent with the instrument. Also when surrounded by people who are displaying their talents he can "at times" try to compete by displaying his own strong suits. However he rarely cares enough to do that unless someone asks.
  • Shen always had an intrest in astronomy and religious insight. He likes to study the stars and has a fair bit of knowledge when it comes to what the chi'en-ji know. He is also decent with managing numbers as his original anti-magic tutor was also a academics teacher. Shen also is a decent cook, he knows his way around spices and plants so he can make amazing salads or diffrent spiced up rice meals. It isn't expert level stuff but not many people could do it. Also because he takes so many diffrent jobs, he is VERY knowledgable about all sorts of subjects. With his memory and his accesability to knowledge leaves him knowing stuff not many people know. Not all of it at once atleast. Shen also has a pretty sensetive nose when it comes to smelling. He has earned this ability through years of identifying plants blindfolded as training by his step-father.
  • Despite those I've mentioned in the strengths catagory, Shen has expert niveau alchemy and herbalist experience. There is very few people who knows as much about plants and alchemy as him atleast in Regalia. He can name every plant known to civilization and their effects in up to ten diffrent combinations and their effects with eachother when it comes to potion brewing. His step-father was an allar so from his childhood he was taught alchemy and herbalism on a high level and he can brew grade five (Hardest difficulty rate on the Wiki's alchemy brewing difficulty chart) With relative ease as long as he has the neccisary ingredients at his disposal. He is equally suffecient in matters of poisoning, luxury remedies, and medicines and actually knows a fair bit of general doctorship(?)

  • Chi'en-ji : Shen generally takes great pleasure in surrounding himself with the company of his kins folk. He feels as if they're some of the few people he can actually talk to and can understand him and also those he feels like he has the most to talk about with.
  • Hygiene : He likes to be around people who are very clean and smell nice, smell in perticular is important to Shen as years of identifying plants through all sorts of means have left him with a pretty sensetive nose.
  • Respect : As especially respect is a big part of his culture, Shen likes when people show an amount of respect equal to what he gives. This is yet another reason why he likes to be with other chi'en-ji as they usually show the required and expected respect. Usually when people disrespect Shen they don't tend to get along with him very well.
  • Hard Work: Having quite a hardcore working morale and discipline for himself, he enjoys mingling with those who also work hard and keep disciplined. He will usually tend to look a bit down at a person if they're out of a job, but tends to then try and help them get a job, or atleast give them advice the best he can.
  • Allar : Allar are the only real exception to the previous mentioned like of his kin, as he enjoys the company of allars smiliarly to chi'en-ji. Sometimes even more depending on their specialization. If it's regarding herbalism, alchemy, or Allar philosophy Shen wouldn't be shy to carry hour long conversations if he has the time. He tends to bestow both chi'en-ji and Allar an extra amount of respect.
  • Yanar : Of all races, Shen would "obviously" take a liking to the Yanar in perticular, where as his intrest in them is not as much social or romantical as it is scientific. He likes to study their various anatomies and try to find similarities in behavior patterns. This also bugs him a bit as he doesn't quite understand how they are even alive. He has come to accept that it must simply be a magic he doesn't know about. Which also annoys him.
  • Wulong : As to be expected by a chi'en-ji. Shen grew up constantly being told to hate the Wulong race and also has quite the distaste for their barbaric ways, the only reason this stands out as a perticular dislike compared to fx Orcs and Dakkar which are equally crude and brutal, is because the Wulong killed his real father in the war. He doesn't attack them on sight but he will usually try to avoid them as much as possible, only sending occasional frowns of disgust.
  • Qadir : Shen tries his best to remind himself that not all qadir are malicious slavers who are out to severely torture him and force him to do their bidding, however after his traumatizing experience with them he can't help but dislike qadir and whilst it is not impossible for one to win his favor, it is deffinetly harder. He treats them with distaste and suspecion.
  • Women : It's not that he literally "Hates" women just for being women, but he dislikes their company to some degree (Atleast if they get too close) As they leave him very flustered, embarassed, uneasy, and pressured. He doesn't like strong and oncoming women, but maybe that is exactly what he needs more of in his life?
  • Pianos : As previously mentioned, the chi'en-ji has a certain dislike for this perticular instrument. It has always frustrated him and whilst he always comes to the conclusion that he should be good at it each and every time he questions someone about their affinity with a piano, he has always been terrible at it. This is a very ironic thing as pretty much all of his abilities fit that of most good piano players.
  • Theft in any sense of the word : To Shen, theivery is one of the most repulsive acts a civilized being can resort to. He even understands murder better than this. He simply can't wrap his head around why and how anyone would be so lazy and crude as to steal the money or an item that someone else worked hard to aquire. Even if that thing was stolen. He views it as a complete disregard for standard respect, ettiquette, and work morale.

Friends :
  • Bram Eversnow @BrammekeH : "We have a long story." An old friend of Shen's. They met through the dissapearance of one of his other good friends and followed the case together for awhile. There have been defenite faults and complications in their relationship, but nontheless he considers him a friend.
  • Laleath Heiwynn @Seaaaaa : "Dear to me. More than she knows." The only person Shen has ever truly had romanti feelings for. Even if they are brief and spontanious, they are present. He cares for her in a way, strange to him. He does not obsess over her. On the contrary he tries to distance himself from her, afraid of himself. Afraid that HE would hurt her.
Neutral :
  • Alexis Orbryn @FlossyBerry : Shen met this lass awhile ago along with Bram.. He doesn't really care much about her.
  • Appolonia Tzavaras @Manatee_ : "Very special lady. Unique so to say." Shen met Appolonia a while ago, during an uncomfortable situation in which he was trapped in a booth with around six other women. He was more crimson than a Drachonet apple.
  • TBA
Enemies :
  • None as of yet.


Childhood and early teens. (0-14yrs)
Shen was born the 10th of april 266 AC and brought up in a smaller farming village a few miles out of Daishima on the Yang-Tzu. His father was a water mage and his mother, an anti-mage. Just as soon as he could talk he began studies as a herbalist as expected of a farmer, and also water magic as it was his father's family icon magic but they were brought to a sudden halt when his father was called to war against the wulong and died. After that his mother began teaching him anything she could at his age about anti-magic, and, being told that this was a way to protect people, Shen swore his life to the study of anti-magic after his traumatizing loss of his father. He has had a fear of loosing people ever since.

Late teens and early adulthood. (14-20yrs)
A couple years after his father's death, his mother found a new husband, an Allar named Zell. This man was an experienced alchemist and philosopher who had come to admire the ways of the chi'en-ji a few years ago and was so enticed by them that he stayed. Shen was a bit unsure of him at first, but soon grew to hold a great deal of respect towards him as he explained and tutored Shen especially in Allar philosophy. Zell also saw great potential in the boy and began teaching him all about herbs and alchemy. He had forty years of experience himself and Shen, being the fast learner he was, sucked it all up and a mere ten years later, he could nearly match his step-father's abilities. It was also about now that his mother couldn't teach him much more and he had reached caster level. So his mother found her own tutor who still lived in Yang-Tzu and he was quick to take Shen under his wing.

Early and late adulthood.(20-30yrs)
Around the age of twenty five, Shen easily matched Zell's ability and was closing in on reaching mage level in Anti-magic. He had been trained in various methods of identifying herbs and alchemical mixtures, all from just looking at them, smelling them, and feeling their consistency. He was almost right everytime he guessed. Upon his twenty fifth birthday, he was gifted a boat by his step-father, an anti-magic tome by his tutor, and his mother gave him a herbal knife with their family inscriptions that he would always carry. He had heard about the Azure order in Regalia and how they protected the city against mages, he thought to himself that it could only be the /bad/ mages they take care of and they helped them restore their balance. So Shen set out to join them. He stopped in farah'deen to stock up on materials before heading off again, it was a two week journey in one little lonely boat and he had heard many tales of people growing insane on boats like these so instead he began practicing anti-magic runes and use some of the plants he had to experiment with. Time flew by with that and soon he could glimpse the coast of the holy lands of Regalia. He was greeted by a small convoy and was told to identify himself and his purpose of coming to Regalia. Afterwards he was escorted to the harbor and after unpacking the boat, he sold it for a fair bit of regals to a local sailor and rented a room in the tavern. A few years went by and one day, Shen managed to get his application approved and was accepted into the Azure order, however his enthusiasm didn't last long and was soon terrified and disgusted by the way they did things, this wasn't helping anyone.. This was punishment the mages rechieved and Shen quit soon after.

Late adulthood to now (30yrs - now)
It didn't take long for Shen to find a new purpose in this city, there were alot of people constantly in need of help with all sorts of jobs and a few months of work later he purchased a small remote location house on one of the isles. One day as he was strolling along the mainstreet to buy some goods, He noticed a large crowd of people gathering around a podium. A large portion of them were qadir and Shen had afterall seen alot of them lately. A fat Qadir packed to the teeth in gold and jewels could be seen standing on the plateu yelling at the crowd. And behind him there was a line of ragged tigrans and dressolini women. He himself had only put on some old pyjamas looking clothes as he was just going out shopping and when one of the tigrans left the stage, he was suddently pushed in line by a violent qadir, confused and scared, Shen kept trying to convince him that he did not belong there but to no avail. He was dragged onto the plateu and sold to a qadir master, ripped away from his home and what he owned.
It wasn't too long after his enitial sell, that the Regalians took back their city, Shen tried to flee to the soldiers and stop his masterfrom escaping but to no avail, he was dragged with them onto a ship and sailed off to Farah'deen, so close to freedom, and so far from. For the next five years Shen lived in a world of pain, with his morning routine being three diffrent types of torture and a burn mark on his torso, then the rest of the day serving his master, brewing tabacca and opium for his pleasure, medicine for his health, and poison for his enemies. Then more torture in the evening. His master enjoyed having his friends over and they laughed loudly at home he squeeled when they put out a sigg on him or stung him with a sabre. One day, Shen realized what had to be done, and whilst he didn't like it, he had enough of his master. One day he decided to switch out the poison meant for a certain bussines rival, with his master's daily medecine. Upon serving it Shen stood back with a sinister grin on his face, though shrouded by the weak torchlight. Shen had made sure to lock all the doors and bring his entire alchemy kit. The qadir widened his eyes as his body began to numb and he fell limp into his chairs, eyes flicking violently about and small grunts escaped him. Shen casually strolled over to his set up lab, and soon descended on his master, delivering pain unrivalled by many other sensations for three hours before the qadir died of a heart attack from the sheer pain. Shen packed up his stuff and left the man's mangled body in his private treasure chest, locked away. After that, Shen tried to forget everything he could about these years, but his scarred body will serve as a constant reminder for all eternity.
Five years later Shen returned to his home after making an escape from his qadir master, and has been living there until now.
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add firuza
she may be dead but i at least want here where she should be,,
m e m o r i e s
Well.. I tried to kinda void the whole part where he likes.. Becomes insane and starts raping ppl.. It was supposed to be a new beginning for the char XD And I don't think they left off as much friends.
☼ Peer Review! ☼

Hello there! My name is Eccetra and I'm here to help you out with some tips and ideas on how to make your application even awesomer. I'm not lore staff so none of these changes are mandatory, but they are just a few ideas to think about or improve upon!

Basic Information
  • All seems good here!
Visual Information
  • Not necessarily something to add, but something to bare in mind: where does he get the syringes and paralyzing toxins? Syringes don't tend to be commonplace in Aloria to my knowledge.
Personality Traits
  • All seems good here!
Strengths & Weaknesses
  • In his life story you mention that Shen's alchemy and herbalism was enough to match an experienced Allar. If this is so, add it as a stength. Otherwise be sure not to overstate it in roleplay. If it gives you an advantage in combat: it's likely a stength.
  • I'm surprised anti-magic isn't mentioned! Maybe add this or twine it with "focused"?
  • Though you state "misjudgement" is a rare occurence, don't forget to play this out!
Life Story
  • Fabulous!

I really loved the neat formatting and writing style of this application, it had a perfect amount of detail in my opinion. I wish you the best of luck in your staff review!
- Eccetra
☼ Peer Review! ☼

Hello there! My name is Eccetra and I'm here to help you out with some tips and ideas on how to make your application even awesomer. I'm not lore staff so none of these changes are mandatory, but they are just a few ideas to think about or improve upon!

Basic Information
  • All seems good here!
Visual Information
  • Not necessarily something to add, but something to bare in mind: where does he get the syringes and paralyzing toxins? Syringes don't tend to be commonplace in Aloria to my knowledge.
Personality Traits
  • All seems good here!
Strengths & Weaknesses
  • In his life story you mention that Shen's alchemy and herbalism was enough to match an experienced Allar. If this is so, add it as a stength. Otherwise be sure not to overstate it in roleplay. If it gives you an advantage in combat: it's likely a stength.
  • I'm surprised anti-magic isn't mentioned! Maybe add this or twine it with "focused"?
  • Though you state "misjudgement" is a rare occurence, don't forget to play this out!
Life Story
  • Fabulous!

I really loved the neat formatting and writing style of this application, it had a perfect amount of detail in my opinion. I wish you the best of luck in your staff review!
- Eccetra
Thanks alot for this. Alot of useful info here. I chose not to state his alchemical expertise in strengths as it doesn't really give him any sort of advantage in combat. It's not like he can just pull up a kit and make trembling smoke in the heat of battle, however it is a big part of what makes this character so I think I might add it. And I didn't add Anti-magic because I think I was once told by lore staff that it's kind of self-explanatory and therefore no reason to add it. And when it comes to syringed and the neurotoxins... Find out IC ;) However I will take these things into consideration and again thanks alot. I hope to rp with Ni sometime and Shen has already aquainted himself with some of her family I believe.. Heiwynns right?
"Mmrm- N-Not right now Laleath"
i just realised
Laleath Heiwynn @Seaaaaa : "Dear to me. More than she knows." The only person Shen has ever truly had romanti feelings for. Even if they are brief and spontanious, they are present. He cares for her in a way, strange to him. He does not obsess over her. On the contrary he tries to distance himself from her, afraid of himself. Afraid that HE would hurt her.
i just realised
well uh
sorry for breaking your heart