She Is Back. The Banshee Is Back. And She Is Not Alone.


Arvanion Cyladhras of Avallónë
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
Havenreach is on fire!

The last time I saw her... It was white. White as the winterball on last years wintersfeast.

Had I not seen it myself I would have thrown the rumors to the wind. And the warnings into the night. I was there. That day that started sooo blissfull...
It started with the sceams of a shepherd. Calling for the aid of others. As I was visiting Havenreach that day on my way to relatives in the south, I could not help but act to this call. Being prepeared for a dangerous journey I believed I was able to face whatever would stand before me... I could not have been more wrong.

There she was. Dreadfull as I remembered. Just seeing her made me feel cold ripples going down my spine as the light started to fade before me. With just a simple wave of her thoughts she trew the man aside. It took not long before she noticed me. Fire shall rain from the sky! she said. Death to you all!

Picture: Streets on fire

A moment later fire spread like water out of a broken dam. It spilled over the streets and onto the houses. Panic and chaos where the new order of the day. But was it still day? The sunlight was fading from all around us. Asif the darkness was a fog growing ever more thicker. untill the sun was but a vague circel of darkend yellow. I could see some drop to the ground giving up all hope as the light faded in their eyes.

Picture: The darkend sun

Did you see it? I sure did. A big shadow moved past the suns remaining light. A create of unseen size moving trough the air. There was no doubt. We had to run. But where to? As I turned arround I froze. There was something there in the darkness. Something evil. Something... Hollow. Being near it. I felt everything dying around me. My body going cold. My thoughts drifting away into the emptyness. No! I won't!

Picture: The entity

I turned back seeing the church not being too far away. With the strength that was left in me. I ran. I ran and I ran untill my legs gave out. I fell next to a woman holding her child in her arms. Schielding the girl with her life. I grabbed them both and pulled them with me. Hurry I cried out to them. To the church! Balls of fire flew around us. As the large being in the sky moved closer they began setting the sky ablaze. Go to the church for safety I repeated.

We made it. I couldn't believe it at first. The doors shut behind me asif forced with magic. Inside only a few people had gathered. The Lucky few that made it there before the chaos. Outside thunderstrikes counted the dead that fell. The roof cracked as the chandelier began to sling. I made my way to the nearest window and looked outside.

The sun had made way for the moon. The darkless lifted for a brief moment as the creatures lingered in the sky. Quickly I walked back into the main hall of the church asking for the aid of anyone capable of fighting.
We smashed a window at the back of the church to allow the woman and children to safely escape. It didn't take long before the darkness entered the church. The doors slammed open. One of the large doors flew straight over us into a rear corner leaving a trail of fire.

The creature slowely floated towards the altar as we rained waves of arrows at it. Two brave men charged with their battle axes steady in their hands. Upon contact they were trown to the sides of the hall leaving only me and a woman between it and the altar. You shall not take us the woman shouted at the creature. As I fired my last Arrow she charged forward. But a mighty blast from the front of the church blew us aside.

As I opened my eyes the altar was gone. The altar had now made way for the banshee. This altar is no more she said. She then raised both her arms. igniting the whole church. I and the woman were able to escape the fires dispite me strungling to keep her from going back in. As we made it past the entrance of the once mighty church. A beam fell down blocking the way back in.

The skies were filled with smoke. It was hard to breathe. Let allone see more than a few meters. A loud cry came from the interior of the church. I will be back! Are the rumors true? Is she alive? I didn't want to believe it. But how could I deny it? I couldn't. I just couldn't

picture: Church on fire

picture: altar devoured

Wasn't that just awesome? Can't believe something like this actualy happend while I was on xD.
For those that were there. Man didn't we get our butts kicked xD. And RIP @TheLoneShepherd. ;p

Message to staff:
Your awesome! I would love to see more of this! Been dying to see any lore related topics about it. But since none are posted asoff yet il asume this is for the entertainment of the community. (and man what was it a success :D!) Can't wait to experience the next event.

ps: A healthy tip, make more of the mobs killable. People were having fun fighting them!

Heres some pictures I made while I was there!
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Psst, just to let y'all know, but anything that happens in the factions world isnt compliant, so the Mrs. Baver attack isnt a lore compliant attack :)