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Shelved Character Shale | Omar Idris

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


The finest Pasty
Staff member
Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
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⋞ 〈 Core Concept 〉 ⋟

'A Fallen Qadir Dorkarthi warbeast, that upon death, inhabited a vacant Necrotech golem vessel. Now forever an eternal groundskeeper for the Sanguine Afflicted.'

⋞ 〈 Character Information 〉 ⋟

Full Name: Omar Tamim Idris
Nickname: Shale, Tam, Hollow / Hal
Race: Qadir / Hollow - Warden Undead
Age: ?
Gender: Male / Golem
Eye Color: Brown / N/A
Qadir Racial Specials:
  • Qadir Buff 1
  • Qadir Buff 2
  • Memtech
  • Switchtech
Qadir Racial Abilities: N/A

⋞ 〈 Proficiencies 〉 ⋟
Proficiencies: 14/14 (+ Hollow Undead & Qadir Specials)
Strength: +2 points
  • Duellist Pack
  • Tactician Pack (Undead - Warden)
  • Warden Pack
Constitution: +4 points
  • Bastion Pack
  • Protectorate Pack
  • Counterplay Pack
  • Bruteforce Pack (During Mech-Suit)
  • Resilience Pack (During Mech-Suit)
  • Metallurgy Craft Pack
  • Earthenware Craft Pack (Hollow Undead - Artificial Hands)
Wisdom: 5
  • Artificer: 5
    • Barricade Pack
      • Medical Patent - Foam-mix Patent
    • Communicator Pack (+ Switchtech)
      • Body-chem Patent - Hair-chem Patent
    • Tracker Pack
      • Common Patent - Addiotic Patent
    • Mech-Suit Pack
      • Berserk Patent - Lifegiver Patent
    • Automaton Pack (+ Switchtech)
      • Lifecreater Patent - Chassis Patent
  • Technician: 0
    • Memblock Pack (Qadir Buff 2)
      • Hacking Patent - Mindslave Patent
  • Mechanic Children: (Nolonger a thing, ignoring for now)
    • Servo-golem Patent, Biotic Patent, Appliance Patent, and Momentum Patent
Dexterity: 2
  • Parkour Pack
  • Sniper Pack
Magic: 0

Charisma: 1

  • Ancient Speech Pack
Faith 0
  • Tech Invocation Pack (Qadir Trait)
Hollow - Warden Undead:

  • Deathmarch
  • Endless Watch
  • Leader's Rally (Tactician Pack)
    • Specials:
      • Warden's Will
      • Made to Serve
      • Eternal Watch
  • Common
  • Faraddi
  • Shadetongue (Undead)
⋞ 〈 Appearance Information 〉 ⋟


Standing at 6'7", Shale has no other features beyond his Necrotech Golem. However, prior to death, his skin was warm with pure black hair; Eyes were a dark rustic cedar and narrow features. Shale usually wears dark robes with a simplistic aesthetic.
Now, Shale's vessel is a Dark Teal Necrotech Golem, constructed previously to be utilized, now repurposed for their shade, that gives off a ghostly pale green hue from between the gaps within his face plate and cage. Abnormality comes from the Skin-adjacent layer mimicking features, crafted from Elastan, which suffers from wear and tear across Shale's entire form, exposing the Engineering below. The material itself locks into place in varying positions across his body, though most primarily attached to the Deathspeach or symbolic markings.

⋞ 〈 Life Story 〉 ⋟
Born in Farah'deen to Jasoor Emam Idris and Uthalma Idris, a normal, average family with a normal everyday childhood, Omar was raised into his interests revolving in Metallurgy and Engineering, until his early adolescence.

Majority of his adolescence was spent refining his craft with his family, learning, creating and earning until he was old enough to aid in the Smithy himself, becoming officiant in his craft enough to where the family worked in tandem with supplying the local Engineers.

The family travel North-West to the Regalian Archipelago, continuing their craft, living and thriving. This is until Omar became afflicted with the Cahal curse, traveling across the Archipelago alongside an alike group, before being captured by a Dorkarthi Coven.
Omar served first as an expendable, adapting to his new lifestyle until he tamed his affliction, providing within the Coven's Smith on occasion. In doing so he died, serving his new family with enforced honor.

Restless in Binral, Omar's shade returned to the realm of the living, becoming a Hollow Ghül by repossessing the next to best thing that was within Omar's vicinity. A Necrotech Automaton affixed with a shadecore, originally owned by a cultist of the Cratos Machina working beneath the Dorkarthi Coven, titled Shale.

In his advanced years, from the memories and little personality Omar retained, he returned to the only thing he had. At first, the Coven were inclined to repurpose the Hollow, before coming to terms with the Cahal's loyalty. In undeath, Omar crafted and engineered equipment, utensils and so forth for the Coven, eventually leading him into the role of Groundskeeper, and has been since.

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: )
Last edited:
@Caelamus Changed Stealth Skill Pack to Engineered Machina Pack! Because Stealth doesn't exist + didn't really use it anyhow.

Update - 16/09/2022
Removed Disguise Kit for Light Shielding. (Never utilized + hard to do with Golem Body)
Removed Affliction Wisdom for Engineered Medica. (Curing capabilities not utilized nor as fun.)

Update - 13/10/2022
Updated to new Prof system for engineer to tech / artificer and strength profs from unarmed, flexible and blades to duellist, tactician, demolisher + constitution profs from light shielding to protect pack. As well as new Qadir specials.

Update - 13/01/2023
Updated to new Undead (Warden). gained tactician from warden, removed from prof buy. Added profs into firearms and removed demolisher pack from strength. Removed investment plus point buy due to affliction. Included profs during mech-suit instead of point buy. Scrapper switched to barricade in artificer + more con profs in general.
@Caelamus Updated shale to the Warden undead variant! Not a huge change, just a lil switch'a'roo + now he knows how to use firearms.

Think overall it'll be better for my CRP experience to have the opportunity to not be in the middle of it and be epic and have a gun way in the back. Just in case I am stress...

As usual, changes are in red ! Hopefully I didn't balls anything up. : )
Strength: +2 (3)
  • Duellist Pack
  • Tactician Pack (Undead - Warden)
  • Warden Pack
Constitution: +4 (7)
  • Bastion Pack
  • Protectorate Pack
  • Counterplay Pack
  • Bruteforce Pack (During Mech-Suit)
  • Resilience Pack (During Mech-Suit)
  • Metallurgy Craft Pack
  • Earthenware Craft Pack (Hollow Undead - Artificial Hands)
You should probably be more clear in your stats as stats do matter. Free packs don't give stats. For constitution for example, what is their actual stat? Is it 4 or 7? Why is it alternating?

Updated to be more clear. My thought process was 4 = points spent, then +1 for Earthenware Craft Pack from Undead Hollow, then it would bump to 7 if he was in mech-suit due to the 2 additional packs.

I did a poor job of illustrating that + was just incorrect. I wasn't sure if I gained additional stats so it's why it was in brackets / separate. I think I've fixed it? IK you said free packs don't give stats but if you could tell me which those are that'll be epic. Like does that count earthenware? ik it wouldn't for mech-suit now.
Updated to be more clear. My thought process was 4 = points spent, then +1 for Earthenware Craft Pack from Undead Hollow, then it would bump to 7 if he was in mech-suit due to the 2 additional packs.

I did a poor job of illustrating that + was just incorrect. I wasn't sure if I gained additional stats so it's why it was in brackets / separate. I think I've fixed it? IK you said free packs don't give stats but if you could tell me which those are that'll be epic. Like does that count earthenware? ik it wouldn't for mech-suit now.
Just assume any free pack you get doesn't give you a stat unless the ability says it gives you stats like old mechsuit, but even then you wouldn't list the stats given to you by mechsuit because those were temporary buffs inherited by using mechsuit irp.
It should just read as the base number. Like if you spent 4 into something then it should just read as 4, those free packs don't count. The stats matter just as much as the abilities do, if not more in some cases.

Strength: +2 points (3 total)
  • Duellist Pack
  • Tactician Pack (Undead - Warden)
  • Warden Pack
For example, this should just be read as 2, not +2 (3 total) because the Tactician Pack is just a free pack.
Updated Qadir Racial Traits renaming Investment Plus to Switchtech, removal of mechanic child and no longer disabling technician stuffs and added Tech Invocation Pack! Currently working on the changes along with the updates to the wiki !

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