Sha-harran's Antiques


ash | hello sunshine
Nov 12, 2021
Reaction score
somewhere on your mind, mayhaps?
MANUCHI by Chad Farran & SARDANA by Kevin MacLeod



Sha-Harran's Antiques
Restoration & Repairs

Sha-Harran's Antiques is a recently founded family-owned business which is named after and run by a young couple, Kael & Rayyan. Though the small corner store is nothing to brag about, it has no small number of antiques and curio to peruse and learn about. Some from within the archipelago, some from overseas- nothing lining the shelves of the store goes hand in hand, but all of it has a story to be told.​

Alongside selling lost treasures and old curio, Sha-Harran's Antiques extends their services towards those looking to have their most cherished family heirlooms and belongings repaired, or even fully restored. Paintings, timepieces, vases; anything your heart desires can be restored and made brand new again- for the right price, of course. Perhaps you could peruse the stock of items littering the store's shelves while you wait, or you might be able to sell your less cherished treasures to the desk keep for a pretty penny!​

We do not provide refunds and will not be held responsible for the tactful manner with which the shop keeper carefully convinces the money to leave your pockets. It's not our fault you're gullible.


STOCK | Updated 5/10/311 [The Descriptions in the Stock list are NOT the descriptions on the lore items! These are just the descriptions that the shop owners use to advertise the items!]
Dancing Shoes | Classy but worn shoes. Ask the clerk, and they might tell you these shoes used to belong to a renowned Ithanian ballet dancer named Stelle Duval whose performances could drive grown men to tears and soften even the coldest hearts! What's that? You've never heard of Stelle Duval? You don't think she's real? Do you live under a rock?!

Hardened Chest Plate & Helmet Set | A distinctly Dwarven creation. The chest plate and helmet are both, in truth, battle worn, but the ornate Dwarven designs engraved into the metal tell a story of many hard-won victories, and the craftsmanship is surprisingly good despite how old the hunk of metal looks.

Qadir Engineer Crossbow | The craftsmanship of this crossbow is immaculate, and it looks newly refurbished despite how old the model is. It comes with a set of custom arrows and it looks to have once had words etched into the underside of the bow- but alas, it's been worn and scratched away with age.

Prototype Qadir Wind-Glider | These are far from finished, and the tag on the glider explicitly advises buyers to NOT attempt flight with them. However, despite being an old prototype, the textiles and thin metal bars holding the prototype glider together are all freshly cleaned. An ancient relic, restored anew!

Begena Lyre | This Lyre is in surprisingly good condition and doesn't even look refurbished. All it's original charm remains in tact, including the strings- though frayed- which have a sparkling golden tinge to them.

Mob Mace | This old mace once belonged to a young man who aspired to be a Lothar. However, the heinous ways with which he disposed of witches, demons and devils alike was deemed so horrific that even the Lothar knights refused him. Ten years later, still wallowing in self pity, this man was mysteriously found dead with his own mace lodged in his head and a note which read; 'Hypocrite.' How mysterious...

Writing Quill | This quill was once used by a ghost-writer from Gallovia who, once upon a time, retold tales of great heroes and wrote indulgent works of fiction. Recently, this quill was anonymously donated by this writer to maintain the sanctity of his identity... Perhaps if you buy this quill, you too might be able to retell tales as great as his.

Bellator Helmet | This old helmet, stained in long-dried blood and housed in a regal display case, tells a tale of an Imperial Bellator who suffered a great and tragic loss that resulted in his death. This helmet, once an heirloom in his family, was deemed a cursed object and hastily sold to the first buyer. However, shortly after receiving the helmet, the buyer died- and so too did the next highest bidder. Nobody has yet dared to try purchasing this relic due to it's eerie history...

Vampiric Chalice | Swiped right from the Dorkarth Realm! Probably. It still smells of rust and iron- though... that might be the rusting bottom of the chalice... - No, no! It's blood! Don't ruin the fantasy. You know nothing of Vampires, and this chalice most certainly is not cursed, because we do not have a license to distribute cursed objects. But if a Demon suddenly busts out of the GEMS inlaid in the chalice, that's none of our business. It's your problem now.

Ithanian Deerskin Gloves | These excellently crafted gloves from the prime of Ithania's aristocracy are made of soft deerskin, and lace trim lines the opening of the glove. If inquired, the clerk just might tell you these gorgeous gloves once belonged to Juliana Desideria Carlota de Lobo, the Mad Queen of Lusits, and that this was a special pair of gloves which she once reserved for slapping her servants when they failed to follow her orders. Is this the truth? No. No, most likely not. But it's easy to buy into the vision!

Syprelle Alboka | A peculiar instrument which, when played at just the right intonation, will produce an eerily auspicious note that is not unlike the emotion one might feel as dawn breaks over the horizon.

The Starvation | An old relic of a painting, which depicts the starving and suffering people of Essalonia upon colonization. Strangely, the eyes of these frail, emaciated people seem to follow you as you move- occasionally a hand reaches to touch you- but when you whip around to look closer, the painting is still. You can't prove it's cursed. Shut up.

EMPLOYEES | Updated 4/19/311
Owners | Kael Sha-Harran & Rayyan Sha-Harran​


| Currently Hiring!
Hiring gem-setters, jewelers & technicians! [For restoration and repairs!]
Hiring a bouncer! [Please have a backbone and don't let people steal the shop stock!]
Character Name |
Character Application |
Relevant Proficiencies |​



All the in-stock items listed on this page are actual in game lore items
that I'm looking to get rid of! You don't have to provide any actual OOC regals for it,
just come and buy it IC! Collectors welcomed!
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