Archived Server Addition

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Resurrected Pirate Lord
Jun 6, 2016
Reaction score
Hello, I am not sure if there is already a section in the forums dedicated to this, but seeing as I could not locate one I decided to write a post myself. Since I have been on the server I have seen bounty hunters, mercenaries, assassins, and thieves. Just to name the friends I've made in my favorite hangouts. It occurred to me that since the server runs off an economy plugin, and people take out 'hits' on targets (for whatever personal RP reason they have), why not add a PvPBounty or Bounty plugin to the server? Have the people taking out the hits have to actually pay with their own IGM, or make it so that a persons bounty goes up as more and more people add to it (since some plugins only allow one bounty at a time, there is a difference between the two). We could have it localized to each 'world' or 'city' and then have a wall with the player heads of the highest bounties. I believe adding this plugin would fit with the RP theme of the server and be a welcome addition overall. Any thoughts or feedback on this matter would be appreciated.

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Bounty plugins always looked like a good thing on paper but in actuality this happens a lot
Person a puts bounty on person b
Person b gets his friend to kill him
They split the money
Person a has just given money to his enemy and his enemies friend
This made it pointless to put bounties on people since they would just get their friend to kill them
The past Bounty plugin, as I heard, caused players to literally swap their share. Friends would ask others to kill them and that one person would gain the money, it was then split among themselves from whatever pocket.

As patrickdxs and X0N3333 said, causes abuse, glitches and frank problems.
Hm true, the thought of friends doing it to get profit crossed my mind but bugs and glitches never occurred to me. But from the way you all say it, there used to be a bounty plugin but was taken down because of the flaws in how it worked and the way people would cheat it. I guess the 'Mercenary' just demanding payment makes more sense haha :)
If you want someone dead, file a bounty under player anouncements or on a message board in-game and demand proof (screenshot, the targets unique weapon etc.)
Because as everyone commenting above me have said, a plugin is likely to be abused again.
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