Season 2020 Progression Sendrassian War - The Disaster On Dregux [part One]


Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
Kinwrey, Gallovia
Roleplay Guilds
House Howlester, The Vigilant Shield.
The thunderous booming of thousands of soldiers moving in tandem permeated the many Islands of the Hadarian Warfront where Regalia was once again staring down their Sendrassian enemies in defence of Qar-Digmaan Cro Zzhin's Pro-Regalian regime. The clashing of steel against reptilian plate and the bellowing screams of dying soldiers harmonized with the battle cries of entire hosts of warriors amidst the calamity that was engulfing the Southern Theatre. The war had been waging now for almost twelve weeks and so far it was clear that this was entirely a defensive game. The Marshal Cabinet had gathered weekly since former Lord Chancellor von Drachenburg had given the order to reinforce the Qar-Digmaan's forces and the cracks in their resolve had begun to show -- outnumbered and pinned down on multiple Islands from the onslaught of over a quarter of a million void corrupted Allar descended upon Regalian Military Occupied Zones. With turmoil and despair ever apparent abroad for the Regalian Military, it was up to the numerous Generals and Admirals to ensure that the Digmaan's realm, one of Regalia's more prominent Suzerains, did not fall to ruin and weaken the Empire further.​

The might of Field Marshal Ino-Femunn's army, a feared and formidable force in the eyes of the Sendrassian Warlords, has made their presence in Dregux known for some time now. Word of the great imperial army group had reached every ear on the island as they marched on their targets. As conspicuous as they can get, the generals knew they would be facing some opposition soon. At what scale, however, was an unknown variable. Field Marshal Ino-Femunn had planned for this upcoming battle well and had prepared accordingly. With command over two other Field Generals, Theopold Kreiburg and Eddair Mac Conall, both seasoned in the Sendrassian War in their own right would take the outermost columns of a massive 70,000 man army with 20,000 to each Field General and 50,000 under Valarosta's own command. Even she, in her usually skeptical mind, was quite confident that they were easily able to outnumber the 22,000 Sendrassian force on Dregux and any additional reinforcements (which had been estimated to be about 20,000 additional troops) with very little difficulty.

The scouts Cazna and Yue-Liang had been tasked with keeping an eye out for this threat, riding about an hour ahead of the massive Regalian armies. Two hours and three days. Half a week of marching went by without so much as tracks being reported by the scouting parties. Not too out of the ordinary while on campaign, but such silence in a war like this is never a good sign. Towards the middle of the middle of the third day on the march all their scouts came riding out with haste, out of breath on their way to their respective commanders. The frontline soldiers murmured between themselves, curious of the findings. Distress fell on the officers' faces as they went on to report it higher. The eery silence that had stalked the armies was finally broken as the officers reached the generals. Trees in the distance were creaking and snapping like twigs. Something was coming. In perfect synchronization with the outgoing orders from the Marshal the hidden foe begun their attack.

Like clockwork, each General lept into action and their men immediately readied for an easy wedge tactic, a method to split the large army in two so that Mac Conall could deal with the Northernmost portion while Kreiburg cleared the Southern army. The Field Marshal took a deep breath, hoisting herself high atop her horse and riding to a small but high enough incline to watch over the columns that she had set out under Khaine, Mateo Silva, Thalion Amulgonnen and finally, Lithuandir Telarel. She watched as both Khaine and Mateo charged into the fold with their respective regiments but found themselves hitting a proverbial wall. While confident as the Maz-Allar appeared from the underbrush, yelling and discourse soon engulfed the vanguard. The ground had a light rumble to it and the jungle's trees and foliage shook violently. Valarosta's eyes surveyed the battlefield and watched as thousands upon thousands of Maz-Allar began to engulf her forces seemingly out of nowhere. Despite their best efforts, Khaine who commanded one of the center columns of Valarosta's force was unable to hold the line, even with the assistance of Mae Keppkuula, Nerissa and Anathema. The sheer force and numbers were too much to handle for both Mae and Anathema who, despite their best attempts at fighting back, suffered lacerations to the tendons of their back legs and fell forward into the mud, saved only by the quick and decisive actions of Nerissa whose swiftness got her to both downed soldiers in time to drag them both out from certain death. Carrying the two that were naturally in a lot of pain was a difficult task, and many Regalian soldiers suffered wounds attempting to hold back Maz-Allar shocktroops as the three escaped into the backline. Without any additional support and with very little he could do with the sea of Allar that was crashing against the Regalian vanguard, Khaine's column collapses and the Field Commander is forced to fall back.

The Field Marshal was concerned twofold, for the state of the battle which was quickly turning against her and for Khaine, who she watched weaving through the troops as he rushed to have them fall back. Just as he lifted a hand to signal, a spear soared through the air and impaled him through the right shoulder, pinning him to the ground. At this point the entire column descended into utter chaos with soldiers seeking a retreat and trampling over everyone and everything to do so. Desperately, the two Field Commander's on either side of Khaine's column sought to close the breach in their offensive wall. Mateo Silva and Thalion Amlugonnen called out atop the terrified screams and gruesome sound of flesh tearing and blood gurgling to rally the troops back into position. For a moment, both Mateo and Thalion caught sight of one another. The expressions on either face betrayed the same sentiment -- one of uncertainty and fear. It was clear that scouts had not been remotely correct about the number of reinforcements arriving. What was expected to be 40,000 Sendrassians at best, was nearly 120,000 and was already seeking to encircle and slaughter the Regalian host en masse. Raising his weapon, Mateo shielded himself from an incoming attack from a Maz-Allar who got a little too close for comfort, who was then promptly dispatched by Kabili Drulvaar with a few quick slashes of his dagger. "We can't stay here!" Drulvaar exclaimed, quickly cut off by the need to return to the fighting as more and more Allar flooded the battlefield. He looked back to Valarosta, who was already in the midst of a heated argument with her officers. Taking initiative, Mateo called for a retreat of his column, if only to put some much needed ground between his men and the Allar and possibly draw them back into better terrain. Thalion assisted, fighting off scores of Sendrassian troops that seemed to scurry out of nowhere, beelining for him in particular in attempts to collapse another Regalian column. This was however not required. Horns blew from the base camp, alerting the artillery to begin firing on the Sendrassians still emerging from the treeline to buy some time for the host to retreat. Lithuandir Telarel, the last of Valarosta's Field Commanders helped organise the hasty and risky retreat, even with the pressure building from all around. It was easy from higher ground to see that the other two Generals, Mac Conall and Kreiburg were equally at odds with the battle, both outnumbered significantly also. What mattered to Lithuandir now was saving lives and as many as possible. He signalled to the back lines to concentrate arrow fire and bombards on one particular opening in the jungle brush, the explosions from the bombard having hit what Lituandir wanted and collapsing some old pillars and temporarily blocking the clear path into the battle.

The echoing of bombards and screams reached Field General Theopold Kreiburg from Valarosta's middle column as she attempted to press in and split the overwhelmingly reinforced Sendrassian Army in twain. While Valarosta struggled with her retreat against 70,000 Sendrassian soldiers, Theopold was left to try and contain the Southern flank which was quickly dominoing out of all control. Left, right and centre Regalian soldiers were being slaughtered in droves in overwhelming numbers as hordes of corrupted Maz-Allar descended upon the unsuspecting Regalian troops and shattered the Kreiburg vanguard. Sweat rolled down Theopold's brow as he desperately tried to regain control of the situation though it was obvious that his entire army had succumbed to chaos. Artillery desperately tried to blast some sort of opportunity open from the backlines but to no avail, even with Emmeline Latimer in control. No matter how many shots she called out for, the Sendrassians that were dispatched by them were just replaced doubly. Shock and horror decorated the forty year old Nelfin's features as she tried to gauge the battle on Theopold's behalf but settled on the notion that this was not a fight they could win and thus sent word to Theopold advising him to follow Ino-Femunn's lead and pull back into a retreat. Handing off written commands to riders on horseback, she began assisting some of the artillery crew with salvaging the bombards, trudging through mud as she did her duty, hosting heavy cannons and mortars into the wagons they had been transported on alongside other men and women who were just as afraid as her.

The messengers ferried the commands by horseback to the frontlines where Field Commanders Gerard Kreiburg and Jayden Beahan were desperately trying to buy enough time for the Regalian host to figure out some sort of maneuver that would give them a cutting edge whilst simultaneously fighting off an attempted encircling maneuver by the Maz-Allar shock troop that were trying their damndest to split the retreat and slaughter as many of the Regalian State soldiers as they possibly could get their claws on. Both Field Commanders utilised their own regiments to the best of their ability, sacrificing countless lives in persistence of some sort of victory or stalemate that was seemingly not coming. Jayden spared a look at the soldier on his right who had blood trickling down his face after being nicked by an arrow, shaking but remaining strong as they fought off a couple of Maz-Allar units side by side. For a moment it was like a dance, the duo complementing each other's technique against these ferocious and feral foe. Another boom of a bombard shot sent both recoiling, the vibrations near knocking them onto their backs but thankfully only leaving them slightly dazed. Jayden jutted forward with his blacksteel khoptar and delivered another Maz-Allar to oblivion but the soldier that had been by his side was less lucky, taking a few arrows to the chest which left him laying in the mud to bleed out. After receiving word from the Field General, Gerard called for a retreat, much to Jayden's displeasure. Jayden's own men pulled him out of attempting to save the young soldier, ferrying their commander away as Jayden's compatriot disappeared amidst a sea of Sendrassian troops.

The Field General cursed under his breath, watching as the enemy closed in on their ranks. "General Kreiburg, we must leave now" called out a familiar voice. Riding up alongside the General's tent was Theopold's cousin Gerard who had galloped his way to the near shell-shocked Field General. Hosting him up onto the back of his steed, Gerard escorted Theopold alongside the General's officers out of the battlefield and as far back into the lines as possible. They passed by Alexa Haaven who was desperately trying to save the life of a young soldier by her side to no avail, defeatedly moving from the lifeless corpse to the next, trying and failing as the wounds were far too grave. She was hoisted away by soldier Hullinera Venicier when the enemy army encroached, scurrying off into the backlines with her whilst firing shot after shot back at their assailants with her soul essenced heavy bow. Theopold spared a glance back to the hundreds of Regalian soldiers who were willingly or otherwise sacrificing their lives to secure his and his officers. A twinge of pain and distress overcame him. This was the toll of war and it was not a pleasant realisation. The battle was all but lost at this point. With two columns in retreat and being pursued by the Sendrassian army, it was down to Field General Mac Conall to potentially turn the tide of the battle entirely.

Field General Eddair Mac Conall was new to Dregux and the scene that unfolded in front of his very eyes was far more than he had originally bargained for. It took very little of Mac Conall's own knowledge of General Command to know that this was not a battle he could win with only 20,000 soldiers and, with advice from his tactician, Greer Mac Conall, he gave the command to his Field Officers to begin falling back. Eddair's Drahl scanned high above the jungle, watching over the columns and those still attempting to fall back amongst Valarosta's. Greer pulled Eddair aside, explaining to his kin that hope was already lost and cited that the vast majority of the army would perish unless the Field Commanders were able to hold back the Sendrassian vanguard, by themselves with a token force, it was unlikely any more than half the army would survive at this rate. Eddair fell silent. He was unable to put the plan into words as his eyes traced the battlelines in front of him. With a quivering lip, he gave a single nod and Greer put the plan into action.

Things were naturally intense on the front line as Natharia Mac Conall and Viggo Kensley fought back waves upon waves of the corrupted Maz-Allar foe. Alongside them, holding their own fought Triss Aduro with her spear, Alasdair Lachlan and Kaya Sorenvik. Each individual felt the pressure on their shoulders as the Allar broke through the layer of Regalian soldiers in the vanguard and rushed to defeat pray. Claw against steel echoed throughout the battlefield with the first to fall being Kaya herself after being slashed across the chest. Viggo immediately attempted to aid her but also succumbed from the brief distraction after being knocked across the head by one of the Sendrassian's with a blunt weapon. Alasdair saves the day here by looping through the attacks almost magically, avoiding killing blows and managing to trip Viggo's would be killer up just in time for Triss Aduro to dispatch them. Alasdair called forth a couple of soldiers to help him as the Highlander, Triss and a token force of 12 saw the Field Commander Kensley and the Sorenvik back behind the lines.

With one Field Commander down, the messenger from the Generals tent had only Qin-Uyr and Valentino di Callegari to rely on to carry out their plan. Both were unconvinced that it was possible but with the rate in which Regalians were dropping was to persist, it would not matter regardless and thus they reluctantly put the plan into motion. All men behind the original five lines of vanguard were to retreat while Valentino di Callegari and Qin bought some time. A tug of war commenced between this ragtag battalion of about 3,000 and the Sendrassian 30,000 whereby, somehow, Aaewynne Silbass, Fen'nan Solaveira and the two respective Field Commanders themselves outmaneuvered the attempted encirclement each time the Maz-Allar pressed forth to clutch the success of it. What felt like hours went by and the small army of 3,000 had practically been exhausted and decimated. With only a thousand still remaining, the two Field Commanders called to retreat with the rest of the army with, Fen'nan, Aaewynne, Qin and Valentino still unscathed.

For miles the Regalian force under Valarosta was hassled, skirmished and attacked without reprieve. The Field Marshal summoned all the best advisors and experts within the army to locate the best possible vantage point in the region to defend from before Regalian reinforcements could arrive. Scout Yue-Liang Hou pointed out an elevated plateau in the Southwestern part of the Island that the Regalians zig zagged their way towards, the pathfinding abilities amongst the army proving invaluable in getting the still sizeable force up and into defensive positions there. Three hours passed and during this time the Regalian armies under Valarosta, Eddair and Theopold worked tirelessly to ready the area for some sort of defence before the Sendrassians arrived once again. It was now or never and, for a time, Regalia held the advantage though it was obvious this advantage would not last the nightfall. The loud hum of something approaching in the distance filled the ears of the generals. It was uncertain exactly what it was until it appeared from behind the clouds. Bombards rang out from two airship, harmonising with the artillery on the ground. The advantage from the air was exactly what the Regalians needed and the unified Ino-Femunn, Mac Conall and Kreiburg army was able to fend off the vastly superior army and clutch a stalemate from the jaws of defeat. As the battle wound down, the two airships landed, the 5,000 troops making up the crew of both transporting 20,000 regals worth of preserved foods and spiced wine to the troops on the ground which was well needed after the intense battle. One crewman in particular approached the Ino-Femunn, saluting her and offering her an oblong package. Curious, Valarosta unwrapped it, tired eyes splaying over the contents. The first thing apparent was the sword, a cinnochra shortsword to be precise, with elegant engravings near the bottom of the blade and along its hilt. Dove wing patterns were etched into the surface and the words 'Big Sister' were clearly embossed in Kathar Elven along one side of the crossguard whilst 'Guardian' was engraved in magescript on the other. A smile, brief as it were, pulled at the corners of Valarosta's lips. A second package which consisted of a smaller container of preserved fruits, much richer in variety sat inside along with a note marked 'For Zzofia' on top. Under that note sat a letter, marked with the seal of the de Azcoissias while another bore a magescript seal. While this gesture had not saved this now pinned down army, Valarosta felt a sense of enthused vigor return, sending off a servant to begin writing up her commands for the morning whilst dedicating herself to sending a letter to Untingi to secure the safety of one particularly important Allar girl to her.

Elsewhere, a gray sea met the Latimer fleet as the impressive Regalian navy made their way towards Driskaan. The blockade that ringed the jungle island sat large and threatening in the Driskaan Bay. Once the Regalian ships had been spotted ploughing the choppy sea towards Driskaan, a wedge of Sendrassian ships began to form in a first line of battle; seeking to sluice through Latimer's command ships. Captain Violetta de Piedmont spotted this maneuver first and signalled Latimer. Ten of the state ships then moved to meet the Sendrassian ships before Driskaan Bay. The Sendrassian forces opened fire upon the approaching imperial ships. The first sally tore through the lead ship. The nearby ships shuddered from the impact as their sister vessel was ripped apart by cannonfire.

The captain was struck through the chest with a flying piece of timber from the mizzenmast. Other crew members fared no better as they were thrown this way and that. Some falls were cushioned by the ship's rigging, others struck the deck with crushing force. The really unlucky ones were flung overboard, some sinking into the murky depths of the Driskaan waters without a trace. But the winds pushed the line ever forward, and soon these ten ships engaged with the Sendrassian line.

Watching the carnage unfold, Captain Muzhu Al-Vyzal analyzed the scene before him, then brought his ship alongside Admiral Latimer's. With Latimer's approval, Al-Vyzal had Jasper Cassim signal to the engaging ships to pull up leeward against the line of combat offered by the Sendrassians. Utilizing the wind, the Regalian fleet forced the Sendrassians to engage while also having to chase the ships across the bay if they wished to remain in the water. This tactic proved the saving grace to the state ships, and they swung back around to fire again on the Sendrassian line, who were reorganizing themselves, and were able to take out three of the dread ships. The last ship of the Regalian combat line was caught once the Sendrassians reformed, sinking it to the bottom of the bay. However, Captain Al-Vyzal's quick thinking and analysis of the wind and formations saved many ships and sailor's lives. And the use of leeward winds to engage on a line of combat were noted for future practice.

Captain Violette de Piedmont and Captain Susan Birch were on the lookout for the Sendrassian flagship escort. Wherever the flagship was hiding, it was not in the bay of Driskan or it's shorelines. The blockade was a hefty one, and it was Captain Susan Birch who surmised that, judging from the amount of offloading and onboarding apparatus on the island docksides, that Driskaan was an important trading port.

Bel-Gyarbrin Tibaerthus watched the returning eight ships coming back from their battle, Eigoth Latimer on board one of the remaining vessels, when he spotted a formation of serpents leaving the docks of Driskaan. Bellowing a warning, Jasper Cassim, frantically but expertly signalled the oncoming attack, allowing the fleets to prepare. Admiral Latimer had been preparing for this, and ordered the ammunitions developed at the Citadel of Athos to be loaded into their weapons. As soon as the serpents came within firing range, the flagship formation let out a torrent of fire. Serpent after serpent stuttered in their flight before plunging lifelessly towards the ocean floor. Eigoth Latimer watched with satisfaction, at first, as the advanced weaponry did it's job. Until the cries of the sailors alerted him to the fact that the shrapnel also was hitting their own returning fleet. The powerful Athos ammunition burst at such a powerful rate that the perimeter of it's target was well within the line of fire on all sides. Shrapnel tore through the sails of the ship he was on, rendering it incapable of movement. Calls to abandon ship were made, and Captain Violetta de Piedmont swung her own ship around to help evacuate the warship before it was scuppered into the sea.

Due to the volatile nature of the ammunition, Admiral Latimer withdrew, armed with new information both about the island of Driskaan, the nature of Athos ammunition in the field, and a new way of engaging on the seas due to the wise choice of captains.