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Sembrar Semillas.


Dec 11, 2018
Reaction score

Pamphlets are stuck up around Old Town and Daenloc. All seem to be written in Daendroque, evidently not meant for those unfamiliar with the tongue.

Una Rosa Marchita.
(A wilting rose)

Brothers and sisters, children of daen. I come to Regalia and I see a broken people.

I see the valiant, the cunning and the beautiful sons and daughters of Daenshore humbled to a state fitting the days of our enslavement.

I see a colourful aristocracy of Ithanians and Leutz-Vixans, of Anglians and Imperials, Dressolini and Velheimer… But I see no Daendroques. Our nobles are in exile, and we - the commoners - are without a voice.

I see our boys stolen by gangs like back home, I see our girls sold to brothels like back home, I see drunken men who look not to their children and I see disenfranchised women who care not for morals but only to keep themselves fed.

I see how the city watch spits on us, how the gentry looks down its nose on us like rats in the streets.

I see our last bastions, the hidden dragon and daenloc; a whorehouse and a slum, as lawless. Where our people are afraid and to some our troubled homeland may even seem a viable alternative to return to.

I see a field of roses, whose thorns alone cannot save it from the charging bull.

We are a broken people, brothers and sisters, and we can not depend on his majesty nor the powers that be to fix us. We can only save ourselves. There will soon come calls for fraternity, brothers and sisters, and for change. Are you ready to answer?

At the end of the pamphlet an insignia has been drawn: the skull of a bull crowned with an array of roses.
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