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Secretary Of Finance - New Policies


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party

From the Desk of the Secretary of Finance
Effective Immediately Upon Publication

Management of State Finances

1. All expenditures by other secretaries must be directed through the Secretary of Finance, who will determine where the state's finances are best spent.
2. Upon request, the Secretary of Finance may delegate spending of state funds to other secretaries, which they may spend on an agreed plan.

A. The Lord Chancellor must also review funding requests, and can veto delegations where deemed necessary.
3. All spending of state funds must be recorded in a weekly report, which is to be sent to the Secretary of Finance each Friday for review.

Bi-Weekly Economic Assembly
1. A trial system where title-holders, aristocratic family heads, the clergy, and other secretaries may assemble and propose economic reforms and new taxes, will be running once every two weeks in the assembly hall.


Altalar Financial Subsidies

1. The subsidies to Altalar citizens that were given by the previous Secretary of Finance are from this point onwards no longer being granted.


Tax for Arms Scheme
As of current, the state is currently breaking even with its revenue and expenses. This scheme hopes to amend that by expanding the privileges of noble and aristocratic families who do their part in supporting the righteous war against the Kathar menace.

1. Aristocratic families, after paying Levy or State tax for two consecutive weeks, will be permitted to have house guards equipped with non-military grade armaments.
A. This is only applicable for as long as the aristocratic family continues paying tax..
2. Aristocratic families who refuse to pay any taxes are hereby barred from operating any organization in the capital city. This includes heading knightly chapters. This article has been rescinded.
3. Noble families, after paying levy tax for two consecutive weeks, will be permitted to have house guards equipped with military-grade armaments, on the property the noble family owns.

A. This excludes projectiles and explosives.
B. This is only applicable if the noble family is also paying Imperial and State tax.
C. This is only applicable for as long as the noble family continues paying Levy tax.
4. Noble families who pay neither the State or Levy tax will forfeit their privilege of being permitted to have armed house guards in the city of Regalia.

In order to put the grant of expanded privileges into effect, the Patriarch/Matriarch of the family must acquire a signature from the Secretary of Finance and then permission from the Lord Commander.

Note: The 'Tax for Arms Scheme' is put forward with the approval of both Lord Commander William Howlester and Lord Chancellor Constanze du Brierust.

Signed by
His Grace, Louis Delmotte
Archduke of Basta & Irvelle
Baron of La Cresse
Secretary of Finance

1. Secretaries must request permission from the Secretary of Finance to spend state finances. Not doing so is theft, and will result in the Secretary being reported to the Lord Chancellor for corruption.

A. The Lord Chancellor can veto requests
2. An assembly made for discussing economic reforms will be hosted every two weeks in the assembly hall.
3. The Altalar subsidy scheme has been revoked.
4. Noble families can gain additional and lose current house guard privileges dependant on whether they pay tax.

A. Families must go through both the Secretary of Finance and Lord Commander to acquire these extra rights.

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Tax for Arms Schemes Amendments
The Secretary of Finance has noticed the immediate uproar in retalliaton to article two of the 'Tax for Arms Scheme' and has decided that it is in the best interest of the state to rescind that particular article. The Secretary of Finance apologises to the Aristocratic families who have been caused grief and inconvenience by the short lived law for his lack of foresight on the matter.

It was with hope that such a scheme would positively impact Regalia's effort in the Kathar War by raising funds to afford better armaments and a greater surplus of other resources, but it would seem that it has had the inverse effect, and is to the detriment of noble families involved in the war effort, as well as honorable knightly houses; dei Termini in particular.

The Secretary of Finance hopes that trade is able to return to how it used to be, and also pleads the Pavisa Order to allow dei Termini to retain their position in the order now that the law has been abolished.

To compensate for this mistake, should trade return to how it once was, aristocratic families who have had a positive impact on the Kathar war will be eligible for subsidies in business until the tide of the Regalian-Kathar war is turned in the Empire's favour. Additionally, Aristocratic families have been further compensated by an amendment in article one of 'Tax for Arms Scheme' which now allows them House Guard rights after only two weeks of paying tax

Signed by
His Grace, Louis Delmotte
Archduke of Basta & Irvelle
Baron of La Cresse

Secretary of Finance
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