Archived Second Homebed (suggestion)

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A lost Architect of an ancient Helvetican Empire
Sep 9, 2012
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Before venturing into MassiveCraft years ago, one server I was dedicated to for awhile had a few decent plugins. One of them that caught my attention and I still question it's non-existence on MassiveCraft is the ability to set a second home. A location where the bed may not be useful but being able to spawn there would. Having one spawnpoint is useful but imagine having two? Using one for your Regalian home and the second for your faction home or vice versa?

Your friendly (no flaming) thoughts or opinions on this will be gladly thought about.
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supported, not necessarily only for prems but it could be a feature that would be attractive for roleplayers to get premium.
Right now we have homebeds, portals, faction homes, and numerous regalian warps. Seems like plenty for a server that encourages travel and walking.
I never traveled anywhere. Really, I never did. And I don't feel bad about it either. If this server really was encouraging travel then there'd be no portals. I feel that this idea would be really useful, especially for times when you have to move huge amounts of things from one place to another, for example moving a faction. Wouldn't it be useful to have a direct link from two places? You'd still have to travel to each place at least once, place a bed there, and just then be able to tp there and back. The way beds work in minecraft really does encourage travel, but only once. Just like in Elder Scrolls games, when you discover one place you can teleport there in an instant. Now if you were to enable two beds to be used I think it should only be available to premiums. That way there's more reasons to get premium, it's not game-breaking, nothing pay-to-win is being added, and it's quite useful. I had a dozen of times when I felt I needed a second bed, but I couldn't get one.
Le Support
However, What about not being able to set homes in enemy or neutral factions, to prevent constant spawn killing and raids
And if your faction enemies that faction, your home there is deleted
The lazy side of me supports this but I am fine with or without an extra bed. I don't mind the occasional challenge of having to find ways to get to various locations.
๖ۣۜSorry, but
-1 Support
The server encourages walking, as DrFong stated, and not to start any war, but I personally believe Premiums already have access to their portals and shouldn't have this. Can they not just use the same to travel from their one home to the other? That way, it also is convenient for those around them whom need to do the same. I don't think Non-Premiums should have it either, as I seem to barely walk around since the faction has portals set up, and there are warps to so many locations, let alone I have a home-bed...
Fine for me the way it is now. I don't have the feeling I'm missing something. Traveling is awesome!
I was thinking this would be more useful towards construction. I've been building in place farther away from my homebed recently and it's been a pain having to travel to and from that location to gather resources, that is why the second homeset would be valuable so that you may use it to build farther away places, easier. Yeah sure there's portals but that allows everyone to enter and exit as they please, meanwhile a bed is only you.
I dunno, it would be more RP if staff set up pre-built safezoned towns were built with roads connecting them... then people would actually, you know, travel...
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