Second Notice, Master Of Secrets

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Carlit0o, Mar 25, 2022.

  1. Carlit0o

    Carlit0o Partnered Streamer Pog

    Nov 2, 2016
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    A notice in your possession...

    Simple, straightforward, and more bland than any other flier or poster plastering its info in comparison. Within your possession was a simple note from the Master of Secrets. How you received it left to your imagination. Clearly created via printing press, either due to being mass produced.

    We applaud the service of those who contributed last cycle to the Empire.
    The Master of Secrets shall furthermore be distributing the parameters once again. Specific times where his location shall be announced once more this week of 3/25/308.
    All Agents or seeking Initiates are expected to arrive either solo or with a partner. Dress disguised or be at risk of your own exposure or send an intermediary. If the Master of Secrets is handling an exchange, do not approach, wait till he is done before doing so.
    Initiates of pre-existing cells will be accepted, but highly scrutinized.
    Once you arrive there will be an exchange of trial parameters to those who are fresh to the cell. Unlike last time you’re approved to hold a conversation so long as it is productive to any cases you’re working.
    Furthermore, we implore nobility to approach the Master of Secrets with any concerns they may have in regards to their constituents in the peerage. Thank you.

    (OOC INFO)

    - Speaking about this on any OOC level should be avoided, as spy roleplay should be secretive in nature and that devalues the roleplay.

    - Powergaming or metagaming anything about any of this roleplay will put you on DNI with me and will lead to a report of your conduct to staff.

    - If you're found out to be actively trying to double-cross or betray in RP I'll merely warn you ahead of time there will be harsh roleplay repercussions if you're caught after all since this is an Imperial position.

    - You may DM me if you’re having trouble making the times I lay out with these posts to schedule RP directly while these phases are active.

    From 3/25/22 to 3/29/22 I will occasionally drop a message in OOC Notice Board that 'the Master of Secrets is at (***) location and is available to evaluate Initiates & Agents.'

    Thank you for checking this out, hope this'll be fun to do for any prospective rogue-like characters!
    • Winner Winner x 5
  2. Carlit0o

    Carlit0o Partnered Streamer Pog

    Nov 2, 2016
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    I didn't get to host as many sessions as I would like this week so I'm conducting this till the end of the week April 3rd!
    • Winner Winner x 2

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