Scammed By Xblack_pantherx

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Jan 26, 2013
Reaction score
Hi im powman898 i was knowned as a scammer during my early days but i stop scamming on 22th jan and payed back everything i owed but xblack pantherx(used to be my ally)Kept trying to destroy my reputation i know that what in the past cannot be changed but stop being an asshole. btw i paid them back so its ok right? I paid yukuro 50s and my soul to be cool with black panther on 26 jan(day before the scam)Then we were all cool then i see some of my frens getting premium it seems like some ppl sell premium for silver so i decided to buy 1 then xblack panther was the 1st guy to reply to my request he offe
red that he wants 100s for my premium so after some thinking i decided to agree
paying fist so i did paid him 100sthen he decided to change the topic and stuff and then finally it was a scam he did not want to pay back or give premium upon hearing this i instantly broke to tears as im writing this im still sobing and crying im 13 btw i know the staff cant do anything about this because they dont get involve in real money scams but i just want to let the community know about my story getting scammed 100s and betrayed*sigh*Its Really PAINFUL..... its even painful than wounds damage to body heal overtime but damage to heart Really Smashes ur moral and stuff so i hope u guys understand my story ps i was so sad when i was writing this post super sad i cant even stare at minecraft.
1) I will hunt Black Panther down and pummel him with my bare fists until he returns that money back.
2) It is your fault, and I don't believe the staff will do anything.
3) Only buy from people that are trusted sellers, and I would never pay first unless the amount of silver is something you are comfortable with losing.
4) I would never buy anything out of game for something in game. I would just buy premium with cash, and buy in-game items with in-game money. It's really confusing and stupid to mix the two up.
5) I have been scammed multiple times IRL and in-game, and I've quit being friends with many people that scammed me. I've also quit entire games that scammed me. I know how you feel.

Also, please put some punctuation on this. It is barely legible.
honestly, you could just donate your own money to get premium, which is much less problematic and there is no risk of this happening.
lol, i lost 100s to brettgross's stupid 1 melon block before but you dont see me smashing my computer with a mallet :p.
I lost probably 100s in diamonds (maybe more) to a hacker. But I didn't have proof so I couldn't get him banned. And glitches lost me 17 stacks of books. I'm a little angry, but I can live without.
I doubt, that general is the right place to post this...
Thx for reading my post plz share it (; sorry about my bad english I was crying and sobbing when I post this
My only suggestion for you... screenshot EVERY transaction. I've delt in large sums with Xblack before, and I screenshot. Because of this, they are unable to scam me without being banned. Thusly, I always get my money.

Also, to all those who purchase premium for silver, I suggest that you pay have before and half after. That way you don't completely lose your silver. On the seller side, you still gain some silver even if they decide not to finish paying.
I feel for the scenario you are in, but for you yourself... now you know how every person you scammed felt. I know you tried to repent, but it's still incredibly hard to feel sorry for you because of that. Don't scam. Also you knew what you were getting into by making a trade like that in the first place, as you say that you already knew that staff will not help for this, and they also discourage it.
upon hearing this i instantly broke to tears as im writing this im still sobing and crying im 13 btw... ps i was so sad when i was writing this post super sad i cant even stare at minecraft.
This is what I want you to do. Find a quiet place and just think for a moment. What affect does Minecraft, or any game really, truly have on a person's real life? Then ask yourself, "What am I doing?" I say this with as much respect as one can have for someone whom they've never met... consider taking a long break from gaming.
i instantly broke to tears as im writing this im still sobing and crying

its even painful than wounds damage to body heal overtime but damage to heart Really Smashes ur moral and stuff so i hope u guys understand my story ps i was so sad when i was writing this post super sad i cant even stare at minecraft.

Uh huh...

Maybe you need to take a break. It sucks that you got scammed but Minecraft is just a game. You can just get the 100 silver back eventually, you did it once you can probably do it again.

Maybe, you can learn from your mistakes.
The picture at the end right click and view image
He said to me that he gived u the money back when i asked if he was scamming,
The crying 13 year old parts of this mean nothing. Didn't you say you used to scam yourself? What goes around comes around. It good you tried to absolve your actions but the past will always come back for us all. Old enough to scam makes you old enough to be scammed. This is how all those people felt when you did it to them. It is a sad thing to sad your story but hopefully it will help you grow as a person.
100s isn't that much relatively speaking. Anyways as the saying goes
Check your self before you wreck yo self
Before making a trade always think of any adverse scams and what not but to be honest I have no sympathy considering you are a hypocrite.

Anyways, at least you had an active decision in losing your stuff, not to say it again but I lost something worth 10k of goods due to a server glitch.
The crying 13 year old parts of this mean nothing. Didn't you say you used to scam yourself? What goes around comes around. It good you tried to absolve your actions but the past will always come back for us all. Old enough to scam makes you old enough to be scammed. This is how all those people felt when you did it to them. It is a sad thing to sad your story but hopefully it will help you grow as a person.
This is one time that I can agree with Grixer. You reap what you sow, and this sounds like an awfully valuable lesson in learning how what you do can impact others.[DOUBLEPOST=1359500918][/DOUBLEPOST]
That's a really interesting screenshot. Alexopp was once a member of our faction but we had to kick him. Didn't know that he jumped to your faction. I guess he was the whole reason you guys attacked us in the first place haha.
Scammed people yourself huh?
you obviously weren't a very good one if you couldnt pick this guy scamming you, you can buy premium with silver so why would you ask this guy too.

no sympathy what so ever here, learn from your mistakes, thats all i have to say
Crying, sobbing... Its a game dude, you havent lost your job or someone you love, you lost 100s!
Why all that dramatization over in game money?

Ps: No i dont beleive you cried. If so you need help.
I think if you've got evidence then just report Black, last time I check, scamming was bannable. I remember it used to be bannable over 25 silver, but pretty sure they changed it to no scamming at all.
The last time I checked, here is how it works. If you are scammed for premium, the scammer will be banned, but you will not recieve your silver back. However, unless you can post proof that you were scammed, this is nothing but an accusation. You can use the /he tool to look up chat logs from where you were standing when this was taking place, as well as where Panther was standing if you know where, or could ask a staff to look into it. Unless some proof is shown, I do not believe that you were scammed by panther.
The last time I checked, here is how it works. If you are scammed for premium, the scammer will be banned, but you will not recieve your silver back. However, unless you can post proof that you were scammed, this is nothing but an accusation. You can use the /he tool to look up chat logs from where you were standing when this was taking place, as well as where Panther was standing if you know where, or could ask a staff to look into it. Unless some proof is shown, I do not believe that you were scammed by panther.

Look at what Artilles posted my man.
This was so long ago >.< I doubt he even still plays this game over his hissy-fit.
1) I will hunt Black Panther down and pummel him with my bare fists until he returns that money back.
2) It is your fault, and I don't believe the staff will do anything.
3) Only buy from people that are trusted sellers, and I would never pay first unless the amount of silver is something you are comfortable with losing.
4) I would never buy anything out of game for something in game. I would just buy premium with cash, and buy in-game items with in-game money. It's really confusing and stupid to mix the two up.
5) I have been scammed multiple times IRL and in-game, and I've quit being friends with many people that scammed me. I've also quit entire games that scammed me. I know how you feel.

Also, please put some punctuation on this. It is barely legible.

No one touches my panthor!
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