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Full Name | Mikael
Heritage | Balten Ailor, Fueth Changeling
Age | 23
› Date of Birth | June 12th, 291 A.C.
Gender | Interchangeable› Pronouns | Any
Religion | FornossOccult| Abyss and Vortex Mage
› Magic Schools | Matter, Enchant, Body, Alteration, Holding
› Affliction | Neracanto Vampire
Occupation| Smuggler, Infiltrator› Affliction | Neracanto Vampire
› Affiliations | Dissolution Society
Eye Color | Silver with pink sclerae, naturally a deep scarlet.
Skin Color | Pale.
Hair | Blonde and shoulder length.
Height | 6'2 or 188 cm.
Body Type | Toned.
Oddities | Constantly changing appearance entirely.
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Core ConceptMikael is a shapeshifter mage hailing from the Balten lakes, given to their parents by the Fornoss god Fenra. His personality is cold and manipulative, even considered sinister by some. He now worships the Crimson Lady, Blodruna.
Alignment | Neutral Evil
Personality Type | ENTJ-A | The Commander
ReligionMikael is a Fornoss worshiper of the Vola gods, specifically Blodruna. They use their various forms and disguises to create death in their goddess' name without forgetting the poetry aspect either. -
ㅤ Smuggler at Heart| Criminal
Mikael makes a living smuggling various goods in and out of Regalia and selling them to buyers who don't mind the morally dubious origin. They may be found in places such as the Black Market for business.
ㅤ One of Many Faces| Changeling
Mikael was brought to the world by the goddess Fenra and as such is a talented shapeshifter mage with skill especially in the Body school of magic. Their skill in infiltration may be purchased by the right buyers.
ㅤ Blodruna's Carnage| Murderer
Mikael is a worshiper of Fortuna and as such may have prior allies or enemies due to the nature of their worship. Whether a Fornoss worshiper or someone who met one of their faces prior, some may remember the trail of blood they've left behind.
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Point Allocation› Attack Stat | Dexterity (1d17)
› Defense Stat | Magic (1d14)
1 Strength
› Athletic | Overstepㅤ
1 Constitution
› Training | Iron Willㅤ
7 Dexterity
› Ranger | Ranger Stance (Free)ㅤ
› Ranger | Ranger Tag
› Ranger | Ranger Viper
› Ranger | Ranger Entrapment
› Ranger | Ranger Evade
› Ranger | Ranger Shower
› Roguery | Escape Artist
› Roguery | Smokescreen
4 Magic
› Adapt | Magic Shapeshiftㅤ
› Adapt | Magic Mimicry
› Adapt | Magic Wardrobe
› Arcane | Arcane Warp
2 Charisma
› Speech | Undisclosed Presence
› Speech | Fiscal Presence━━━━━━━━━━━┛« 🗡 »┗━━━━━━━━━━━
Mikael is a seasoned ranger specialized in taking their opponents on from any distance with a high mobility. Each strike is aimed with almost surgical precision with a knowledge of their opponents' vital points.
They wield a shortbow and a variety of blades forged in their goddess', Blodruna's image, crimson in color and unconventional shapes and edges to perform very specific cuts.
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Heritage TraitsMechanic I | [TBA]Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages. Mechanic II | [TBA]Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options. Mechanic III | [TBA]Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
Common Vampire MechanicsMechanic I | Hidden ScourgeYou can magically hide your teeth and Afflicted eyes. This breaks during feeding. If you have the Shape Shifter Mechanic, using this Mechanic while shifted makes you unable to Combat Roleplay. If someone knows your real name and that you're a Vampire, this Mechanic doesn't work on them. Mechanic II | Long LivingYou live much longer than the average life span of your heritage. You can live up to three times as long, and you can visually stop aging at a chosen age (must be at least 21). Additionally, you are immune to non-magical diseases and Afflictions. Mechanic III | Sanguine BargainYou can grant immunity to Vampirism to any person willing to bargain with you. In turn, if the bargained person attacks you, reveals that you are a Vampire, or reveals the deal, they take massive damage (discuss together what this means before making the bargain). Mechanic IV | Mind SuggestionWith OOC Consent, you can mind trick Characters into doing your bidding without establishing full Mind Control over them. These simple verbal commands are undetectable, but cannot be more complicated than a single sentence. Mechanic V | Vampire TransformationYou can transform into a Vampire Form, which is a Monstrous form with a unique Vampire-themed design that you can create. This counts as a Disguise and a Monstrous Transformation (illegal in Regalia). You remain in Vampire Form even after reaching 0 HP.
Common Vampire MechanicsMechanic I | Vice MasterYou are a natural corruptor, able to detect what vices and corruptible traits others have (consent not needed). You can then also initiate a corruption cycle of another person, causing them to take on heightened vices, or go down a "corruption-arc" path where they become "evil" (this does require consent). Mechanic II | Universal SpeechYou can understand and speak all mortal and currently practiced languages from all the corners of the world. This Mechanic does not allow the understanding, writing and reading, or speaking of ancient or otherwise dead languages, or magical languages.
Society MechanicsMechanic | Watertight AlibiTwo times per month, you can abuse a network of sympathizers to get out of Greygate scot free for any crime except Treason. Your arresters still know what you did, they just can't do anything about it through the Metropolitan. They can still attack you.
Hobbies and TalentsAthletic HobbyMikael is trained mostly in mobility and speed, yet they have gone through rigorous training to reach the heights they are at now. Magic TalentMikael is an innate shapeshifter mage who has cultivated their talents during their years of living, with any library and tome they could gain access to.
LanguagesNative Languages
› Common | 10/10ㅤ
› Balten| 10/10
Studied Languages
› Skodje| 10/10ㅤ
› Sign Language | 8/10
› Altalar | 7/10
Universal Speech
› All languages (except ancient)| 10/10
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Thank you @Saaber and @Rowet for help and inspiration with the aesthetics!
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