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Played Character Samantha Veltec

This character is actively played.


Inexplicable Explicative
Jan 22, 2014
Reaction score
a time or place.
Character Information
  • Full Name: Samantha Viktoria zu Veltec
  • Race: Wirtem Ailor
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Female
  • Eye Color: Emerald Green
Core Concept
  • Samantha is a fiercely loyal Tenpenny. While not the fiercest fighter, she makes up for her lack of strength with sheer commitment, standing even in the worst of odds with who she serves. Beyond her service, she is a humble and straight-forward person, indulging in simple pleasures and hobbies. She is nominally Unionist, being raised with Unionism in a Unionist culture, but does little to go out of her way to worship.
  • Strength: 7
    • Technique Parry
    • Bruiser Slam
    • Bruiser Flurry
    • Bruiser Parry
    • Bruiser Feint
    • Bruiser Tackle
    • Bruiser Agony
    • Weapon Throw (Free)
  • Constitution: 5
    • Rebound
    • Debuff Endurance
    • Interception
    • Breather
    • Bulwark
  • Wisdom: 2
    • Attack Command
    • Defend Command
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 0

Common (Free)
Calem (Native)

Appearance Information
  • Samantha stands at 5'7", typically wearing simple commoner attire (shirt, pants, nothing fancy). Upon their person at any given time they'd have a small pouch of regals, and a small pocket knife.
Life Story
  • Samantha was born in 291 AC in Calderliga, born to a mercantile family of a trade ship captain father and an apothecary mother.
  • Much of her youth was spent assisting her mother in the apothecary, fetching various herbs and mixing medicines. Once she was old enough, her father took her on a few trips up and down the Schoenn, teaching her a little about sailing and trade.
  • As Sam grew up, her parents wished her to take over one of the businesses; rather than either, she joined the Tenpenny school in Calderliga to become a pikeman. There she drilled and trained with her peers, her unit being one of the first to fiddle with the new musketes that went through the city, but they weren't allowed to keep them. Still, it gave her insight on the weapon, and its power.
  • Soon after finishing her drilling, the Tenpenny unit Samantha was a part of was shipped to Ostermark, but shortly after was forced to march back north and join the fray of the Drixagh Rebellion. Much of her time in the war was spent either on the offense or defense of sieges, never seeing battle in a field, but proving herself all the same as a competent Tenpenny.
  • Upon hearing of a demon incursion in the capital, and lacking work due to no ongoing wars, Samantha found herself a ship to the Holy City, seeking to aid where she can.
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Hello. Here's my review:

Core Concept
-Please add what religion Samantha follows, or if she's agnostic.

-Please specify which artificier branch that was chosen for your medical pack.

Outside of that, everything looks good and checks out. Please make the above changes, and tag me when your finished or if you have any questions!