Salire Magnam Dance Academy
With the entourage of festivals and events that follow the months of the year, dancing is the very definition of courtly grace and elegance. One will come to notice though, that among the mass of stately gatherings thrown by the upper class of Regalia, many of it's younger members seem to have grown distant from the ballroom. As such, Lady Juliette of House Wodenstaff is introducing Salire Magnam Dance Academy, an official school of dance for the Regalian public, open to anyone whether you be a grand duchess' daughter or simply a maid inspiring to one day own the stage. Salire Magnam Dance Academy will offer dancing lessons for the blue-bloods and citizens of Regalia that need to sharpen up their skills a bit when it comes to the dancefloor and learn proper styles- or simply have it's doors always open for those that feel that their dips and twirls have become a little rusty.
It should be added that the studio's doors are always open to new students, though the administration does appreciate if you fill out the application so they have on record that you've attended!
OOC Information
Salire Magnam Dance Academy is a dance school owned and ran by Juliette Wodenstaff along with several others. It's purpose is to not only help characters learn ICly how to dance better- as I have noticed personally that many nobles seem to use the excuse of "Well I don't know how to dance" to get out of participating in an event- but it is also to help players learn how to roleplay dancing better from an OOC standpoint due to the fact that many are nervous that they'll mess up. While I'll admit that I am not the best dance roleplayer myself, I strive to also use this as a learning opportunity as practice does make perfect!
I will also be referencing (and recommending others reference) to @MrsCripple 's thread on lore compliant dance styles!
Wodenstaff Country Estate
Goals IC
- To help those of the noble court and outside it learn form of dance fit for Regalia
- To explore the dance styles of different cultures
- To spread dancing to those of the lower classes
- To help spread courtly etiquette to those not well taught in it or of lower classes
(Owns and runs Salire Magnam Dance Academy)
Juliette Wodenstaff (@AtticCat)
(Those talents in music that play for the students)
Raina Wodenstaff (@Nesstro) - Pianist
Dance Instructors
(Teachers that work along with students in dance)
Juliette Wodenstaff (@AtticCat)
Alexander Donsly (@TheMoistestMan)
Jean-Babtiste Lemieux (@Optimalfriskies)
(Frequent attendees of lessons, though it's not required to be recorded)
Lena D'Vaud (@HeyoBiggums)
Character Name/Application: (Application Optional)
In-Character Letter to Headmistress:
Tag: @AtticCat
Character Name/Application: (Application Optional)
In-Character Letter to Headmistress:
Tag: @AtticCat
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