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Played Character Sakineh The Wandering Enchantress

This character is actively played.


Feb 3, 2014
Reaction score
Lazurite Lair
Character Information
  • Full Name: Sakineh
  • Race / Culture: Savent Asha [Legacy of Magic x2]
  • Age: Young
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female
  • Occult: Mage
Core Concept
Sakineh is a Savant Asha Enchantress who travels from place to place in the world to experience differing sights and smells. They enjoy creating magical trinkets but also enchanted treats for friends and new faces they meet.

Sakineh worships the Baskarr pantheon to an extent, they aren't really into killing elves and more wishes to help heal the past to create a better future.

Appearance Information

Sakineh is a Savent Asha, though they themselves are more a fusion between Avian and Mammalian types. Their head is that of a snowy owl but with antlers and around the base of their neck and shoulders they have a layer of white fur that continues down the rest of their body. Their arms however are covered in feathers as well, they have a feathered tail and they have digitigrade legs that end in hooves. In essence, they are a fusion of a Snowy Owl and a Deer.

Combat Style
Sakineh is a Mage, specializing in ranged magical bolts though they prefer to not fight where they can avoid it.

Hobbies and Talents
Alchemy Hobby
Medical Hobby
Magical Talent
Technology Hobby [Living Metal & Arctech]

Strength: 1

Building Scale Pack

Constitution: 0

Intelligence: 3

Tech Resist Pack
Tech Exhaust Pack
Hook Shot Pack

Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0

Magic: 10

[Adapt PB: Magic] Shapeshift Pack
[Adapt PB: Magic] Oceanic Pack
[Adapt PB: Magic] Safeguard Pack
[Adapt PB: Magic] Wardrobe Pack

[Mounted PB: Magic] Getaway Pack

[Legacy of Magic] Magic Bolts Pack
[Legacy of Magic] Magic Warp

Magic Cleanse
Magic Bolster
Magic Disengage
Magic Feather
Magic Revive


Current Legacy Chosen: Magic x2

-Asha can control a special liquid metal called Living Metal, that can harden and reshape on their command, and they can telekinetically move around.
-Asha claws act like matches, capable of causing flint and steel sparks when struck against surfaces or each other, useful for making fire.
-Asha are omnivores, but are capable of consuming raw and even spoiled meat without digestive or illness troubles.
-Asha have a limited body language to do with tails, that can communicate only the following: words "like", "dislike", and "favorite".
-Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in the dark and low light environments without needing an external light.

Savent Heritage Traits

-Savent Asha makes use of the regular Asha Heritage Traits including Legacy's Will.
-Savent Asha can manifest feathered wings, which while not in combat allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of rockets).
-Savent Asha can turn any metal-like substance into faux-Gold or Silver with their touch.
-Savent can still use the Asha Living Metal Mechanic, but it is Gold or Silver instead.


Plot Hooks
  • Sakineh hails from the Savent homeland of Qelis, living in one of the smaller kingdoms.
  • Sakineh has traveled quite a lot, but for several years spent time visiting Ithania before moving on elsewhere.
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