Archived Safe Mobs In No Pvp Areas

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Nov 10, 2015
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After I began the server, I've never ever seen a horse. Today, I finally finally found one! I tamed it and everything, and then said, "Please don't steal my horse if that's possible," because others were around. Guess what one did? They killed my horse. I also had a pack of wolves and someone came around and killed them all. They did it for no reason, except for being a massive ****.

So I was thinking maybe tamed mobs would be safe in non-PVP areas. If this has some holes, please leave some suggestions.
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Hello xD! So one of the things on this server, thats different from the vast majority of other factions servers, is that here explosions dont effect blocks. So during raids, you cant destroy stuff. Well what you CAN do is kill animals. Thats always been allowed and, from what i understand, always will be allowed. I suggest locking up animals if you dont want people to kill them. Most factions actually have underground, undecidable bunkers where they have sheep, chickens, cows, pigs, etc. So they can have the animals with no chance of raiders killing them.
Hello xD! So one of the things on this server, thats different from the vast majority of other factions servers, is that here explosions dont effect blocks. So during raids, you cant destroy stuff. Well what you CAN do is kill animals. Thats always been allowed and, from what i understand, always will be allowed. I suggest locking up animals if you dont want people to kill them. Most factions actually have underground, undecidable bunkers where they have sheep, chickens, cows, pigs, etc. So they can have the animals with no chance of raiders killing them.
Oh, ok. I get it, but it was in a different world from my faction. It was a part of the wild.
I see. Well the wilderness here is tricky. See nobody really does anything with it since we have MassiveRestore an amazing feature that resets the wilderness consistently over the course of 2 weeks to a month. This way the staff can put more effort into creating amazing worlds since they wont be permanently griefed, since the wilderness resets to its origin. Unfortunatly there isnt really anything you can do about people killing your animals in the wilderness, mostly since you cant do anything about people killing your animals in your own faction either.

But i dont seem to catch the connection between your original idea and your situation you are basing it on.. the wilderness IS a PVP area.. thus the area that the players killed your animals was also a PVP area. So even if you idea was turned into a reality, it still wouldn't have prevented what happened to you.
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But i dont seem to catch the connection between your original idea and your situation you are basing it on.. the wilderness IS a PVP area.. thus the area that the players killed your animals was also a PVP area. So even if you idea was turned into a reality, it still wouldn't have prevented what happened to you.
Also to add to that factions are also considered PvP areas. The only non PvP areas on Massive are places like Regalia which to my knowledge there isn't really a way to tame mobs in Regalia as I'm pretty sure there aren't any even in Regalia. You may be able to spawn them with 10 bones/apples/fish but IDK I have never tried.