Sadia Tahani - Character Sheet

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Mettappiness, Feb 4, 2020.

  1. Mettappiness

    Mettappiness Professional Burrito

    Jul 12, 2019
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    Basic Information
    • Name: Sadia Tahani
    • Age: 40
    • Nickname(s): Sadie, Tahani
    • Race: Qadir
    • Sexuality: Biromantic Homosexual
    • Gender: Female
    • Preferred Weapon: Quartershot Pistol (Steel)
    • Marital Status: Single
    • Dominant Hand: Left
    Inventory Information
    • Handkerchief
    • An expensive-looking clutch
    • Various bolts and unfinished gadgets
    • A roll of wool and a needle
    • An extra handmade dress
    • A Soul-enchanted clock
    • A paper with an address to her store
    • Hairbrush
    • A canteen that’s ¾ full of water
    • A red sketchbook and pencil
    • Satchel
    • Uncharged quartz (about two pounds)
    • A small strip of purple ribbon
    Skill Information


    • 45 Points + 10 Hobby Points
    • Arts Proficiency
    • +25 Threads Arts (-10 Hobby Points) [15]
    • Magic (Whimsy Sorcery)
    • +2 Conning Familiarity (see Special Traits) [17]
    • Combat Proficiency
    • +3 Light Bow Combat [20]
    • Science Proficiency
    • +25 Finecraft Sciences [45]

    • Common (Learned from travel)
    • Faraddi (Learned from travel and parents)

    Body Shape
    • Physical Stat: 3
    • Body Shape: Average
    • Body Fat: Low
    Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

    Visual Information

    • Eye Color: Brownish-hazel
    • Eye Shape: Normal almond
    • Hair Color: Black
    • Hair Style: Medium and curled.
    • Clothing: Qadiric-style dresses with golden bracelets and/or a necklace.
    • Height: 6’0”

    Personality and Abilities

    • Alignment: True Neutral
    • Personality Type: Logician (INTP-A)
    • Religion: Esrah Alwattah (2/10)
    Life Story

    April 14th, 268 AC -
    Sadia Tahani was born to Aisha and Taavi Tahani in western San-Lume, Ithania. Her family owned a shop, where her mother did the tailoring and her father did the clock-working.

    276 (8 y/o) -
    Her mother taught her how to sew, leading her to her first needle prick. She cried, but Aisha helped her patch it up.

    282 (14 y/o) -
    Up to this point, Sadia has been helping repair small tears in shirts and dresses for the store. Additionally, her father had also begun teaching her how to make small animated spiders and other useful clockwork. They were not the richest in the hivre but were certainly better off than most of the citizens. One night when the Qadir had slept in the workshop, she awoke to the sound of the front lock breaking! Two mysterious figures broke into their store and began to plunder the clockwork and golden dresses on display. She knew there wasn’t enough time to get her parents, who were about a block away. So, she grabbed Taavi’s pistol and fired it. Sadia didn’t want to hurt them, just scare them. However, she accidentally shot through one of their hands, causing all of them to flee the scene. Later, she was excused for self-defense (though her parents had to replace everything damaged in the retreat) and only the one with the shot hand was caught.

    286 (18 y/o) - The Qadir finally decided to move away from her family. She didn’t know where she wanted to go, but she now had clockwork and tailoring under her belt. She left San-Lume and journeyed across the Paysec Desert, looking for the Varran ruins she had heard of. It was a trip of solitude and solo hardships, which was difficult yet almost therapeutic for her for the rest of her life.

    287 (19 y/o) -
    Sadia returned to the hivre and continued to help her family. As a precaution in case anyone were to try and attack the store again, she taught herself how to shoot with a pistol she made.

    289 (21 y/o) -
    The woman had honed her skills and was ready to open a business of her own. She left home once more, this time leaving Daen as a whole. She bounced around Aloria, offering her talents. As Qatil cores could be nearly impossible to obtain in places with almost zero Qadirs, she was able to make a lot of money. She wasn’t as rich as a noble, but could certainly buy many luxuries.

    295 (27 y/o) -
    Sadia eventually found enough courage to ask out an Isldar woman, who surprisingly said yes. Unfortunately, they were unable to continue things as Sadia had to head to a new city due to her work. However, the woman gave her a parting gift--a purple ribbon. The Qadir has kept it with her ever since.

    298 (30 y/o) - She eventually found herself in the city of Mooriye, where she studied the marvelous clockwork, most of which she had never seen before. She decided to stay there a bit longer than the other cities, as she wanted to learn.

    302 (34 y/o) -
    Tahani leaves Mooriye with a heavy heart, new knowledge, and a bit of coin. She continued her journey around the world, visiting as many places as she could and involving herself in their culture. She never let her beliefs get in the way of her work or culture appropriation.

    307 (39 y/o) -
    The Qadir found herself in Regalia, where she learned about the many different Ailor lifestyles. She was amazed at how diverse the city was and wanted to experience it.

    Present Day - Sadia Tu’mir now resides in Newtown, Regalia. She is planning on opening a physical store to sell clothes and clockwork like her parents but will be a freelancer until that day comes.

    #1 Mettappiness, Feb 4, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020
  2. MantaRey

    MantaRey repairing the gens Staff Member Lore2

    Jun 6, 2016
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  3. MantaRey

    MantaRey repairing the gens Staff Member Lore2

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Here's my review:
    • Under clothing, change "Arabic" to Qadiric or Farah'deen fashion. Just a little something I noticed.
    • Include a scale ranging from 0/10 to 10/10 under Religion. This is to show how faithful she is to her religion of choice.
    Make your edits in a legible, different color, then tag me in a reply when you're done. @Mettappiness
  4. Mettappiness

    Mettappiness Professional Burrito

    Jul 12, 2019
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  5. MantaRey

    MantaRey repairing the gens Staff Member Lore2

    Jun 6, 2016
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