Preserved Sheet Saana Raasaubi

This sheet was missing a prefix or has not been edited for a long period of time. Please create a ticket including a linkif your sheet was moved in error.

fix made, additionally noted beside it with a Green color that Werebeastism is active.

Additionally, noted statuses on mutations.
@Mollymock just wanting to check for religion compliance now that Bintaar is released. The faith in them would have come during cazna's time working with Xaella.

Estel faith moved to specifically Ammu-Loa
Bintaar faith set to Lantern -- his counterpart.

I think I did this right?

Backstory change highlighted red - profs shuffled to update.
@Mollymock Pinging for approval on updates for vampire event. Changed by Pride (Marty) at the prison conflict.

1. Graal Bloodline.
2. From Exist to Void sorcery per vampire rules.
@Mollymock Converted to Rokhaal by Coren IC. Sorcery marked disabled, religion updated for mindset, Rokhaal abilities linked.
@Mollymock updated to suvial, changed at Garden of Everchange - event ran by marty.
Nothing looks wrong, but you have 1 unspent Core point that you may want to invest into something. I'll go ahead and wait to approve until then, but please clarify if you'd like to leave it unspent if so. Thank you!
@Mollymock adding an exorcism to Saana's spellbook, this way she has both. Learned IC

War 1 -> Sage 1 (Hasn't been in any progs yet), justification linguistics and interest in ancient altalar history/culture.

Changes in red
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@Yurs Needed to change the conduit to something else per ig guidance. It's now a wand.
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@Yurs Points switched up. In red, changed spells out - added rougery. She's back to her original aesthetic of Darkness - Shadow.
Shelved 03/06/2022

Eh. After talking to people that would rather see me play her - taking a 30-day break.
For Return:
  • Name Retconned to having never been changed back to Cazna from Saana.
  • ...??
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@Caelamus Please reject this app, and may it never be reapproved again :gun: .