Saabira Zakaria

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by seoulmate, Jul 20, 2019.

  1. seoulmate

    seoulmate Queenbreaker

    Aug 28, 2016
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    Full Name: Saabira Kadeeja Zekeria
    Age: 74 Years

    Birthday: June 19th, 233 A.C
    Gender: Female
    Race: Songaskia
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Preferred Weapon: Polearm

    Total Points: 60 in Total from Age.
    ☀ +25 Pole Combat Skill
    ❖ +14 Extra Heavy Combat Skill
    ❖ +10 Squad Tactic Skill
    ☀ +6 Athletic Training
    ☀ +5 Bodycare Training
    Body Shape
    ❖ 6 (Athletic) x 2 = 12, 14 (Extra Heavy) x 2= 28, 25 Pole Combat, 2.5 Bodycare. 12+28+25+2.5=67.5
    Body Stat is capped at 60 for Songaskians.
    ☀ Strongwoman Body Shape.
    ❖ Built Body Fat.
    ☀ Common (learned in childhood)
    ❖ Sofaal (learned at birth)



    Eye Color: Bright golden amber
    Hair Color: Wine mahogany red
    Hair Style: Curly and thick, gathered into a bun
    Skin Color: Dark chocolate brown
    Clothing: Traditional and exotic
    Height: 6 feet, 5 inches
    ☀ Despite her intimidatingly muscular frame, Saabira is a surprising form of beauty. She has fine, sharp facial features with a defined jawline and a thick hooked nose that is quite prominent. Her lips are plump and generally colored green. Saabira possesses the golden amber colored eyes of a Songaskian, and generally applies to her eyelids a purple fade for fashional purposes. Her hair is a thick, curling mahogany red, which she prefers to keep in a bun to be able to easily move around, but when it’s let down it hangs down to her back and surrounds her head in wild curls. Her ears are covered in intricate piercings and large earrings that dangle on the sides of her head. Saabira enjoys donning jeweled pieces of headwear to enhance her beauty, generally giving her a very regal and exotic look. Although she possesses thick horns that curve backwards as is natural for a Songaskian, she prefers to remain in her Lesser form so that she can fit more easily in Regalian society.

    ❖ What is underneath her gorgeous face is a kind of body that is quite uncharacteristic of a woman. Saabira has a ripped and muscular body that is wide framed and intimidating. Her muscles are extremely defined, her abs and biceps looking as if they are about to rip out of her skin. She has prominent veins on her arms that show how strong and heavy her body is. Standing at an impressive 6 feet and 5 inches of height, she is not only large-bodied but also intimidatingly tall. Saabira’s muscular body is not just for looks; she is just as powerful as she appears to be, capable of lifting heavy objects and swinging greatswords and poleblades around at the cost of agility. Despite her extremely built body, however, she still possesses a semblance of femininity in her features, the fat around her hips allowing her to maintain the shape of a woman despite the very prominent muscles on her body.


    ☀ Character Alignment
    Lawful Neutral - A lawful neutral character typically believes strongly in lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules, and tradition, but often follows a personal code in addition to, or even in preference to, one set down by a benevolent authority.

    Character Personality Type
    ENTJ - The Commander
    Bold, imaginative, and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way-or making one.

    Character's Religion
    Devout: 8/10

    Saabira was born on the blistering evening of June 19th, 233 A.C. She was born to her Songaskian parents in the far off lands of Farah'deen. Saabira lived a relatively normal life as she was raised until her military father began raising her alongside her brothers and sisters as a warrior. Trained in the skills of a pole-arm from a young age, she quickly became skilled in her work so that she was near an expert by the time she was a teenager. Her father raised her in the ways of the Veert. While not directly coming from the lineage, for years before her father they were raised as such, in the ways of the warrior, channeling their rage as they fought.

    As Saabira grew older, she found herself being brought along with her father to the war meetings and lessons, seeming to understand them better than her brothers before her. With the knowledge from her fighting days and from attending these meetings, Saabira threw herself into the military quickly. Joining along the ranks of the other Songaskian warriors, as a fresh new face to the military, Saabira endured many days of grueling training and hard work, learning to become used to the desert heat as well as learning to take hits from the warriors above her. Though she took the hits, she grew stronger until she was taller and bigger than some of the commanders in the Songaskian military. Saabira noticed while she was away at training that many of the comrades around her would indulge themselves in each other, which she did not mind. What she minded most was those who would toss themselves into marriage and leaving the ranks, thinking that a person was weak to leave the ranks due to a person of interest. She vowed herself to never marry and to never have children, fighting was her life and it is what she vowed to stick to, no matter what.

    Though she lived a life in the military she had never been in a full on war herself, until she found herself awoken and suddenly thrown into the First Songaskian War. A low ranking warrior, she fought her way tooth and nail through the fight, earning her scars as well as goods from looted cities after battles. Donning her jewels and fine garbs she quickly found herself flung into the Second Songaskian War. The second war was something she never expected, it hitting only a few years after the first. Saabira found herself on one of the ships that was retreated back to Regalia, suddenly being taken to the Crown City. As she had no money to get herself back, she was flung into a life of having to work herself back up in a city that hated her kind. Saabira is currently seeking work and attempts her best at making life go by, still donning her jewels and colorful garb and makeup, finding ways to keep the entertainment alive even after she took such a loss.
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    #1 seoulmate, Jul 20, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
  2. Arendan

    Arendan didn't see graphite

    Apr 30, 2016
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  3. Arendan

    Arendan didn't see graphite

    Apr 30, 2016
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  4. Follower

    Follower :3c Staff Member Roleplay Staff

    May 17, 2019
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  5. Follower

    Follower :3c Staff Member Roleplay Staff

    May 17, 2019
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    @seoulmate Your application looks mostly correct, however there are a few minor issues:
    • The Front Line Combat Proficiency no longer exists. They have been replaced with the Tactical Proficiencies, which can be found here.
    Please make the appropriate changes in Blue, and then tag me once you have done so.
  6. seoulmate

    seoulmate Queenbreaker

    Aug 28, 2016
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  7. Follower

    Follower :3c Staff Member Roleplay Staff

    May 17, 2019
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