Rychell Naevihn - The Flamboyant Fashionista

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Hutydan, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
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    "This is who I am- Always been."

    • Full Name: Rydellurean Ameriellis Naevihn Lo’Ravenkierh
    • Age: 128, visually appearing younger due to being an Altalar.
      • Birthday: June 3rd.
    • Gender: Male.
    • Race: Altalar.
      • Subtype: 3/5 Fin'Ullen, 1/5 Suvial, 1/5 Lesarra.
    • Sexuality: A disappointment to his father.
      • Very heavy male preference.
    • Preferred Weapon: Thick leather gloves with or without demi-gauntlet attachments (mostly for hand safety), a small buckler for defense when needed(usually strapped to an arm), and either a dagger or a crossbow (sometimes both, though with a heavy preference for the dagger), shortsword.
    Rychell (Ailor name), Ry, Rych, Rydell, Richard, Clown man, Cat man, Perdedor, Senior Calabaza, Solarius, Olli, Heinrich, Dead cat man, Orange, Orion, Ruth, Rychelle, Rachel.


    "I like to think I'm good at what I do- Am I?"
    70 proficiency + 10 hobby points.
    • Combat:
      • +5 Fast blades combat skill | +5 proficiency points.
      • +8 Extra heavy combat | +8 proficiency points.
      • +10 Unarmed combat | +10 proficiency points.
    • Knowledge:
      • +5 Linguistic Knowledge | +5 proficiency points.
    • Arts:
      • +5 Musical Arts | +5 proficiency points.
      • +15 Culinary Arts | +10 hobby points, +5 proficiency points.
    • Body:
      • Athletic training +10| +10 proficiency points.
      • Bodycare training +10|+10 proficiency points.
        • Aimed towards skin and hair care (oil treatments, for example).
    • Sorcery:
      • Spirit
        • Spell 1 - Fired For Battle | +4 proficiency points.
        • Spell 2 - One Path | +4 proficiency points.
      • Elemental
        • Spell 3 - Elemental Influence | +4 proficiency points.
    Body Shape:
    • Physical Stat: +23 (all combat skills - summarized), +5 (athletic training - half points) = +28 physical stat points.
    • Frame: Muscular, lean muscle.
    • Shape: Sculpted.
    • Fat percentage: Extremely low.
    • Common | Free language (10/10)
      • Learnt first, taught to him by his parents.
    • Modern Altalar | Childhood language (10/10)
      • Learnt secondly, along with Daendroque, taught by his parents.
    • Skodje | From Linguistic Knowledge (10/10)
      • Learnt recently.
    • Daendroque | Childhood language (2/10)
      • Learnt along with Modern Altalar, recently has forgotten most of it.
    Special Traits/Spells/Mutations/Quirks:
    • Double-jointed.
      • More prominently flexible when it comes to his shoulder joints.
    • Ambidextrous.
      • Though often with a preference for his right hand.
    • Seafood allergy.
      • Causing stomach aches and whatnot.
    • Slightly longer-than-normal ears.
      • Big ears, in other words, with a level of expression to them (meaning they can wiggle a bit).
    • Disconnect from certain things due to previous head trauma.
      • Basically left-over effects from a healed concussion.
    • Moderate to semi-high alcohol pain tolerance.
      • Often played down due to his dramatic nature, though alcohol tolerance was acquired through years of drinking.
    • Claustrophobia (fear of small spaces).
      • Not really a quirk but rather an inconvenience, causes Ry to hyperventilate and panic when in small (or very closed off/tight) spaces.
    • His position in Regalia would be that of an occasional wandering bard, though he doesn’t perform nearly as often as he used to. He did, however, come to Regalia in search of a new start after growing tired of traveling. Nowadays, have been around for at least a few months, he has taken the job of a bartender at a local restaurant, providing entertainment on occasion when needed, and seeking out thrills to fill gaps of boredom. In addition, his living situation is stable for the time being, although he does spend way more than he currently earns, often in things he doesn’t need, he has been trying to change this bad habit of his though.
    • Rychell had a fairly calm childhood, and his parents were rather caring towards him (though he began showing preference towards his mother early on), mostly due to him being the only male child his mother bore. He grew up, however, with a sister, almost identical to him aside from a different body frame (height and such) and eye color (she bore the same eye color as both her father and mother, blue), which often caused people to confuse them for twins because of the similarities in face structure. He was born in Daendroc, in a relatively healthy and wealthy environment (though not wealthy to the point of being considered a noble household, they were just well off) to Eillet’hiell Magle’Ehn Lo’Raven (mother) and Namas’haall Arthi’Onasius Vekierr (father), and was well cared for even by his sister, whom he formed a close bond with. As to when it comes to extended family, he has a few cousins, though he doesn’t keep in contact with them sadly.
    • A long term ambition of Ry’s has been, for a while now, becoming a proper court jester, though this is mostly in the realms of hopes than something he actively works towards. He does, however, have secondary paths he wants to take in life, like for example writing new songs and being an overall more successful bard, or becoming a father in the future, nothing really is set in stone for him though seeing as he worships the lady of ever-changing (Ellea). One thing is for sure, though, he always seeks the attention of those around him, especially from people he admires or considers friends, so in a way, this could be considered an ambition of his: to be seen, be remarkable, and remembered. Though most of the time his attention seeking habits stem from him being bored with life.

    "I- Don't look stupid, do I?"

    • Eye Color: Brown hazel.
    • Hair Color: Pale rosegold with cool undertones.
      • Naturally a light warm blonde, dyed.
    • Hairstyle: Half up half down.
      • Currently reaching his mid-lower back.
    • Skin Color: Dark brown with warm undertones.
    • Clothing: Varying comfortable wear.
      • Often favoring bright colors and showing off some skin.
    • Height: 6 foot 6.5 inches (6 foot 7 inches if rounded).
      • Weight: Roughly 207 lbs.
    • Facial features breakdown: Slightly upturned almond-like shaped eyes, a ever so slightly longish slightly pointed nose with close-ish together nostrils set ever so slightly higher-ish (see reference), an average mouth with a ever so slightly bigger lower lip and between round and pointy-ish peaks, long pointed elven ears with pierced lobes, broad forehead due to elongated elven features though with a widow’s peak (often covered with a fringe), set on a V-shaped face. Rychell usually carries a resting smile, which happens to be his default facial expression, though he does smile with his eyes being wide open as well on occasion which sometimes makes them appear bigger than they actually are (alert eyes, in simpler terms). He does, however, have freckles on his cheeks, around and atop the bridge of his nose and going up between his brows, Ry also has a mole on his left cheek too, just under his temple and near his ear, one on his right cheek near his eye, and another behind his neck. His hair color could be described as an ever so slightly ashy light blonde, or cold blonde for simpler terms, and his hair texture is soft and silky due to the amount of care he takes of it and expensive shampoos he insists on using. Rydell’s hairstyle is often varying, though lately he has been opting to have it as long as he can manage, and all natural (as in, with no dye), mostly so he can show off how healthy he can keep it. In the topic of scars, he has a diagonal one on his right cheek just under his eye, though it’s only superficial, another smaller one across the tip of his nose, another one atop the left side of his lip (though again, small in nature), another running vertically (though superficially) on the front left side of his neck, a small one atop his head (covered by hair), and lastly one running vertically just under his left eye; all of which are often covered with makeup (with the exception of the one atop his head, of course).
    • Body details: Being nearly six foot six, Ry is just above average when it comes to height, his skin color falls between fair and very fair and has a rosy-pale tone, with warm undertones. Rydell’s body shape is athletic, meaning he has some muscle definition, which is only further supported by his very low body fat, thus giving him defined muscles and abdomen (for an Altalar, at least) though he does remain slimmer due to his Nelfin genes. If Ry lacked his current athletic body shape, he would have been lanky, seeing as he is not big boned, again, due to Nelfin genes. On the other hand, he has no physical disabilities to speak of, though he is double jointed mostly on his upper body (shoulders and arms), another thing worth noting is the soft nature of his skin, since he practices body care daily, which includes shaving and soaking in baths with herbs to help soften the skin (although he doesn’t grow bodily hair too fast on most areas, especially his limbs). Rych also has a few body marks, such as freckles on his shoulders, chest area and upper and lower back, as well as a few behind his neck, and a few small moles scattered around said freckled areas (the freckles in and of itself being light in coloration in comparison to ginger freckles). It’s also worth noting he has a few tattoos, more specifically a sunflower with some leaves and dog roses on his shoulder area (left), and a bird tattoo surrounded by flowers covering most of his back, he also has a small tattoo of dog rose flowers running vertically on the back (nape) of his neck, and another tattoo of a few flowers running across his lower back. He also acquired a few scars over the years, here follows a rough list of them: A scar atop his left feet (caused by an arrow), the neck scar mentioned on the previous section, another arrow-caused scar on his shoulder (though somewhat covered by his tattoo), and another on his left upper arm (left by an arrow that grazed past his arm); all of which are fully healed at this point.
    • Rydell’s sense of fashion boils down to anything flashy and colorful that he deems fashionable, though he often likes wearing jewelry like earrings and arm bracelets. He often won’t use the same clothes two days in a row, however, and will often opt to purchasing new outfits to expand his wardrobe so he’s never out of style, or cycling around said clothes to give off the impression he never wears the same thing twice. His preferred colors fluctuate, though he is biased towards pinks, magentas, cyans/blues, whites and greens, and also the brown of leather, as he often thinks it compliments his complexion and features. When it comes to weapons, he doesn’t usually carry any when on the surface, unless he’s heading somewhere he deems dangerous, or if he brings a backpack along to use as a storage for said weapons. He does, however, often have his instruments with him, mainly his lute, though sometimes also his flute and tambourine (often carried inside a backpack for easy travel). When heading towards the sewers, however, he will often wear something that conceals his identity, and carry weapons around for his own safety.
    • This Altalar’s true speaking voice is of a soft smooth tone when calm and relaxed, or simply when he’s tired, though when excited his voice goes up in pitch, the same goes for when the man is angry, except for the fact he often also fast-sings his sentences when angered. His typical tone is slightly joke-like and ever so slightly more high pitched than the true tone of his normal voice, and has a certain carefree outgoing quality to it, though usually this is just a play in his part, his voice itself also has a relatively long range, meaning he can go pretty high in pitch, but also go relatively low, this is mostly due to his musical knowledge but genetics also have a play into it. He does not have any accents and tendencies when sober or focused on keeping a particular tone/quality to his voice, however, he does often fall into a weird informal speech with a Daendroquian accent every now and then, this is because when he relaxes he tends to go back a bit into the language he spoke at his homeland and becomes less worried about sounding out proper words, favoring a rather thick accent (this results in sometimes comical interactions since, for lack of a better word, he can sound like a degenerate). Normally though, his speech patterns can be rather fancy, but lately he has been toning it down for simplicity’s sake.

    "I guess I always had a bit of a temper...Hahah.."

    • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
      • Rydell more often than not will pass out when faced with extreme fear, though he can have a less severe reaction if the emotion isn’t intense. He usually will take on the ‘freeze’ portion of the ‘fight-or-flight’ instinct, though he can also snap out of it and run away, unless someone he cares for is in danger. If that is the case, he’ll have a fighting response of sorts, and opt for attempting to cause a distraction so everyone else can flee the scene from the fear-causing factor.
    • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
      • If faced with unbearable amounts of stress, Rych is highly likely to fall out of his daily routines, causing (more often than not) him to have an unkempt appearance for as long as he feels on edge. However, if the stress is minimal, he’ll usually just appear tired and slower than normal, as stress often causes him to not be able to sleep very well and doze off into random streams of thought.
    • How would your character express feeling Happy?
      • When in a happy or chirp mood, Ry is prone to spontaneous singing and overly exaggerated hand gestures, he also happens to nod an excessive amount when in a good mood, which has become a habit since the man is rarely anything but happy and very easily entertained if not. Another body language he might use is the wiggling of his ears however, which is mostly involuntary and can give away when Rydell is in an overly-happy mood quite easily.
    • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
      • In all honesty, his views when it comes to law and orders that preserve it are somewhat chaotic, mostly due to recent events. He believes laws exist for a reason, but is not opposed to breaking them if it can result in the benefit of oneself and/or people he cares about. For example, if a law-reinforcing order poses a threat to ones he cares for, he will come to dislike them and wish them gone, though he often feels powerless in the sense he would not be able to do much about it. His views in certain laws, however, could be considered as that of a Jacobist, especially when it comes to Regalian laws regarding Altalar beliefs like religion.
    • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
      • Ry often feels indifferent about other races, but finds them somehow lacking, though he cannot pinpoint what exactly it is that he feels they lack. However, lately he has been presented with the point of view that maybe, even though they are lacking, those races still manage to accomplish, surprisingly, a considerable amount in their short life spans, so in a way he has a new found appreciation for them, though that appreciation is sometimes more due to pity both of the disconnect he now feels the Altalar have due to how long they live and to how little other races live in comparison. In other words, he just feels it’s a shame most of them live so little, especially friends and loved ones, and that perhaps he and the other Nelfin should be more grounded in the present instead of disconnected from it. To put it shortly, he still feels as if Nelfin are superior in a way, but he can at least appreciate other races.
    • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?
      • Rych is an active worshipper of the faith of Estel and falls under the inner patron of Vallea. However, he will often try to hide such thing due to Regalian laws, not speaking of such around those he does not trust. For example, he might, when saying goodbye, wish to a friend Estel’s blessings, though he will not do so to strangers, instead of wishing them simply blessings, or Spirit’s blessings, so that he does not come off as a heretic. Because of his faith, the man often prays to both Ellea and sometimes Estel, often enough to the point of insisting on having a dedicated altar for his inner patron inside his home (or any houses he deems like a second home), making it a designated praying area. Frequent prayers of his are for Ellea, whenever he feels things need a change or desperately wants them to stay the same, and to Estel for protection and safety of both himself and loved ones.
    • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
      • The man hardly knows much about them, so it generally isn’t something that phases him much, however, he does find it intriguing and is often surprised about what Magic and the Arcane can do, having somewhat of an appreciation or sometimes fear for some of it. This doesn’t necessarily cause him to be inherently scared of them, but more so wary and curious about them, taking a deal of precaution when faced with any, and often asking close friends and trusted people around him about the subject if he feels there’s a need for him to know more than he does currently. Magic, however, is a slightly different case, he finds it mesmerizing most of the time, unless it is offensive and aimed towards him with malicious intent that is.
    • How does your character feel towards their family?
      • With high regard for trust, Ry thinks highly of his family, especially his sister, though lately with the exception of his father whom he feels wronged him. He shows love and respect for them by praying, even if they have already passed away, and often has portraits of them and close friends made for that purpose, as he likes keeping them in frames around his bedroom and his designated praying altar. The Altalar also can come to consider his closest companions (friends) as a family of sorts, whom he will respect and love to the same degree he does with his actual family, including them in his prayers.
    • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
      • More often than not, he is insecure about his inability to protect his loved ones, though he is also fairly insecure about his masculinity and looks, even if he plays them off as a joke or not being a big deal for him, and over-compensates by complimenting himself (compliments that, quite often, he doesn’t mean anything by, and are more of a shallow way for him to play off his insecurities). He will often joke about looking like a woman, using self-deprecation as a form of coping with it. Ry also tends to try to appear tougher, more confident and overall more secure than he actually is in order to hide his insecurities from others, while at the same time getting infuriated at times when people cannot see through his facade, often leading to complicated times of self-reflection and feelings of shame when (and if) he does express being angry at “not being noticed”.
    • What is your character the proudest of about themselves?
      • There’s only a few things Ry is proud of, most prominently though is the care he has for his adoptive nephew, the son of his close Varran friend Delonia, whom he often finds joy in cooking for and has a never-ending appreciation for being called uncle by, loving the kid as if they were blood-related along with the child’s mother. Other things he is highly proud of extends but are not limited to: His cooking, how well he takes care of his hair, his fashion sense, his physical strength and how fast he can run (basically how athletic he is), among other minor things like small accomplishments and such. He sometimes will brag about those things to friends when the opportunity arises, but not often.
    • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
      • A big motivating factor for Rydell is the support and attention of his close friends, though, he feels as if he is “faulty” and feels the need to improve and better himself in some aspects, most prominently though his disconnect from certain things. His mind, however, is easily changed by the opinions of others, meaning he is likely to take suggestions on said betterment and such from people he respects, admires, or looks up to. Another moving factor that is also worth mention is that, recently, he has been trying to move away from himself and essentially become someone else, as he has a growing resentment for himself and recent actions, though his attempts to change haven’t led to meaningful results as of lately.
    • What is your character's biggest fear?
      • Some of Rydell’s more prominent fears are being abandoned by friends or family, since he’s more dependant on them than he likes to believe, and also because he craves attention. Another one of his fears would be losing his current physique, as he takes pride in being athletic. It’s also worth noting he has a certain fear for loved one’s lives when they are in danger, and will express that by nagging them and threatening (though not seriously) with a fate worse than death if they succumb to whatever is endangering their lives, while also worrying to the point of stressing himself out. The way he deals with his fear of abandonment is different, however, as he often will shut down and turn to drinking and sulking on feelings of sadness and depression, and furthermore, the way he would deal with the possible loss of his physique is by excessive exercises in a desperate attempt to gain it back.
    Weaknesses (optional):
    Note that some of these are not inherently a weakness, but is listed as such for the sake of keeping things organized.
    • Short temper | When it comes to certain things, as this is how he shows strong emotions, he will often scream-sing when faced with such. | Roll out of two must be made, if one he will break into singing, if two he will be able to push back the urge.
    • Disconnect | Rych doesn’t think before he acts more often than not. A roll out of two must be made when performing something that would require prior planning or extensive thinking, without actually having planned for it, if one the outcome must be “stupid” in nature and either the first thing he likely would think of or a dumbed down version of the intended action, if two he will carry out the action how it was intended to be.
      OOC Note: This doesn't inherently mean he can't plan things, just that he often doesn't do well when doing things "on the go", meaning if he doesn't plan something at least a few days prior he is prone to fail as he hasn't give it enough thought to work out flaws and such. This is also because of a healed concussion, which causes him to often be somewhat "dumber" than normal, in a way.
    • Homosexual tendencies | When near a man he deems handsome he will often compliment them, or if near his current partner he will often feel an urge to display love towards them. | A roll out of ten must be made, if above a five he will be able to repress such tendencies for the sake of public decency, if under a five he will carry out the action(s) if he so wishes.
    • Nearsighted | When not wearing his glasses (tinted or regular), he cannot see well things near or in front of him, meaning they appear blurred on the edges, though he can see things further away. He also needs his glasses for reading, which is mostly what he uses them for. In short, this is more severe when it comes to reading, and more prominent on his left eye.

    Personality and Abilities (Expansion):
    • Ry has a few behavioral oddities in the form of (sometimes inappropriately placed) singing, when experiencing strong emotions; another thing he sometimes does when uncertain, nervous or thinking is scratching at the top of his head, something he started doing ever since his head injury; other minor things he does include: excessive nodding and bobbing of his head, scratching of his chin and squint of his eyes when he falls deep in thought, twitching his ears at the sight of things of high interest, wetting a finger in his mouth before turning pages in a book, running a hand through his hair sometimes when he feels a little nervous or on edge, and twisting bracelets rings or armlet around when he feels fidgety.
    • A small summary of some of Rychell’s skills (not including things he has proficiency for): Being able to mount a horse and ride it, but not necessarily having cavalry knowledge; being a great cook, further evidenced by his knowledge in food sciences; he also has some knowledge on how to make sewing repairs (how to repair a hole on fabric, for example, but that’s all he knows) and has limited knitting knowledge (he knows how to knit scarves, but that’s about it); the man is also able to draw, albeit not well by any means, his drawings are mediocre at best. It’s also worth mentioning that other skills of his include cleaning and being able to keep his animals and plants alive.

    • Likes: The altalar often will show a biased opinion towards these things.
    • The rain | This has been something Ry likes since he was little, seeing the rain fall and later pass reassures him that, as bad as situations can get, they will always pass and give place to the sun. Because of this, and the sounds it makes, rain often soothes and calms the Altalar.
    • Reading | Particularly interested in novels, Rych is often put in a good mood after reading such, as he finds reading about romance or things like recipes inspiring and often wholesome (in the case of novels). He loves daydreaming about a recent novel he finished reading, or thinking about new ways to change and improve a recipe. Furthermore, this brings a smile to his face also because he has fond memories of his mother reading for him, and those happy memories more often than not surface when he does such, giving him faith and reassurance that she is smiling down on him wherever she is.
    • The aroma of Lilies | Since Rydell was a little lad, he has been exposed to such, and has very vivid memories of the smell. For similar reasons why reading brings him so much joy, this brings him the same memories of his mother seeing as she more often than not bathed in Lilly baths and used perfumes of the same aroma. Because of this, he associates the aroma with home and happy childhood memories, and often wears lily perfume himself, and also sometimes spritzes the aroma around his house after cleaning. It’s also worth noting, that in times of high stress, this sometimes can be an immediate soothing factor.
    • Teas and wines | Similar to the one above in a way, though with it’s own differences, teas (especially strawberry or lavender tea) and wines (grape or strawberry alike) bring him back memories (though of his father, not of his mother). These also happen to be his preferred beverages, which may or may not have been due to being exposed to fond memories of drinking tea with his father or watching him drink the strange liquid that is wine, either way, they both taste bittersweet at times, but still hold a special place in his heart despite recent events and falling outs with his father. In a way, it reminds him of days he wishes to take back, and have somewhat of a placebo effect in the way he feels tea and wine can solve all his emotional problems.
    • Cleaning | To this Altalar, cleaning is not only soothing, but something he turns to when he feels things are out of his control, being somewhat obsessed with cleaning his own house to the point it nearly always smells freshly clean (or if he wishes so, of lilies, since he often spritzes the aroma around). In short, cleaning (particularly of his house) makes him feel in control of something, and the repetitive acts of sweeping or dusting something off allow him to mindlessly do something, thus soothing him in a way.
    • Being cooked and/or cared for | In the rare the first occurs, it is sure to bring a smile to his face, as to him this not only reminds him of simpler days, but is also something he feels needs to be cherished: the cooking of others, family, loved one, or friends alike, is precious to him and he holds it dear to his heart (bonus points if the dish is fried chicken and/or custard, which happen to be his favorite foods from his childhood). On the other hand, being cared for (not so much like a child, more like reassuring words and compliments) is endlessly appreciated, as all reassurance is something he seeks, and this also helps with his insecurities in most if not all cases.
    • Other likes | It’s also worth mentioning a few more, albeit small, things that make the Altalar happy: things like receiving or giving gifts, new clothes, flowers (especially lilies and lavender, this includes flower bouquets and flower crowns, etc), and crying, among many other small things not mentioned above. All of those bring him joy in their own way; flowers for example, when received, will flatter the man and are sure to bring a smile to his face, though if they’re only around and not being gifted to him, he’ll simply find the environment pleasant; giving gifts, on the other hand, is something he does because he finds great joy in the smile of others, which in turn warms his heart when a gift is well received; when being gifted something, however, he will be happy and grateful, but will feel like he doesn't deserve it most of the time; about new clothes, he will feel confident and spark with joy when wearing those, and even more if receiving a new pair of such, this makes him feel beautiful even if short-lived (which momentarily helps with his insecurities). Crying, for him, is also just a way to let emotions flow out of his body, making him feel calmer afterwards.

    • Dislikes: Rychell doesn’t necessarily hate these things, but shows dislike towards them.
    • Seafood | Mostly due to his allergy, this often makes the man frown, partially because he cannot eat it in large quantities even if he wanted to, but also because (more often than not) he finds it gross and unappealing.
    • Being called a twink | This is such a low hanging fruit when it comes to insults, that in of itself is something the Altalar doesn’t like to be referred to as. He will often correct people, claiming to be a “twunk” instead whenever anyone but himself calls him a “twink”, and act irritated at the petty nature of the word even when it isn’t used as an insult.
    • Mazes and puzzles | Ever since his head injury, and even sometime before that, puzzles (and mazes, as well as almost anything that requires extreme focus to solve) have been nothing but headache inducing for the Altalar. As such, he often gets annoyed by them, since they’re sure to only bring a frown to his face and mess with his head.
    • Tight spaces | Not inherently a dislike, but more or less something Ry likes to avoid whenever possible as sometimes it can drive him into a panic-like state. In his mind, the walls on a tight room get closer and closer, causing him to hyperventilate more often than not. In other words, Rychell suffers from Claustrophobia.
    • Being outmatched | More often than not, when faced with someone that can do something he considers himself good at, but better than him, Ry will display signs of being grumpy about it, as this is also sure to bring a frown to his face.
    • Out of tune | Being it singing, instruments, or anything music related, if it happens to be out of tune, it is sure to get on the man’s nerves. This not only displeases him, but more often than not causes him to be annoyed, as he feels music related things should be left to those who are at least decent at it.
    • Other dislikes | Here follows a small list of a few other minor things that either displeases or infuriates the Altalar: Bad circus/work etiquette/environment (mostly because it was something like this that caused his head trauma to begin with, which infuriates him); most sour foods (due to personal preference); being looked down upon (this makes him feel insecure on the inside, more often than not, which is something he hates having inflicted upon him), and nobles (though his basis for disliking them is mainly due to how nervous he gets, in fear that he’ll mess things up somehow, so it really is more than a sort of “fear” than a dislike). These things often just annoy him, or just put him off or on edge, which he often shows either by being grumpy, overly nervous, or flat out frowning.

    Relationships (Optional):
    A brief (somewhat silly) summary of Ry's relationships.
    • Ashryn’Ollia Makae’Lahn Lo’Ravenkier (sister) | Lowkey best sister ever, TWIIINING.
    • Eilleth Maglee Loraven (mother) | Miss my mommy, wish she was alive.
    • Namashall Arthionas Vekierr (father) | Daddy issues, pls bring my childhood back.
    • Olli Santiago Emeryllis (Olivia) | ex-wife, in good terms but no thanks.
    • Delonia Mij’auk | Marshmallow cat mom, GRR DO NOT HURT HER.
    • Yt’hree Tren’sa | Tall elf boif, lemme COOK.
    • Joseph Soryn | Big burly friend who kinda looks like Hennie.
    • Catalina de’ Grizio | Admirable boss lady with weird skills.
    • Connor Decimar | Bigger burly acquaintance.
    • Heinrich Bergjell| Old deceased friend, pls bring this hot man back.
    • Yasuke | Teenager boi, wanna adopted son.
    • Synne Lykke | Weird half-varran child, but a goodie.
    • Moe Lalean | Proclaimed brother, good bro with no blood relation, only known as ‘Moe’ though.
    • Aaminah Zaman | Can relate, shared dislike for most Ailors, and love for cranberry juice.

    "Madre didn't raise no bitch!"

    • Birth to “Ailor puberty”:
      • Born in June 3rd, 209 AC, to an Altalar couple in Daendroque, Rych had a normal uneventful childhood, along with his older sister. His parents were of high-middle class, and hey also happened to have a few Altalar friends, so Rychell grew up playing with kids of those “family friends” for most of his childhood along with his sister. At the age of thirteen, he’d slowly take more interest in his mother’s hobbies and grow a preference for her. She was a cook and entertainer, while Rychell’s father was a smith, so to young Rych his mother's work was more appealing than his father's. He took a liking to cooking, learning so from his mother, and later started performing with her at the age fifteen. From then on, he’d follow his mother’s steps, though still showed respect for his father’s line of work. In a way, that’s all his parents could ask for, since the Altalar like a “hybrid” of his parent's likings until around the age of 18. From then on, Rychell took on athletic training and self-defense (by his father's request), and began to practice them from this point forward along with a body-care routine. It’s also worth mentioning that, by the time Rychell hit age eighteen, he had learnt how to speak common, Modern Altalar, and Daendroqin as well.
    • From 18 to 30’s:
      • Being more “grown-up”, he’d move out from living with his parents on his 18th birthday, working as a “performer” as a source of income, albeit on the streets and not earning as much he hoped to. The Altalar neared poverty, living in the slums of Daendroque and resorting to thievery whenever he ran out of money, seeing as he was too embarrassed to ask his parents for income. This, of course, shaped his notion of what is right or wrong, as he’d live like this for a few years, until the age of twenty-two. That was when he met a Daendroquian (Elven) woman, who was touched by one of his performances and offered him a better temporary home. He later fell in love with her at the age of twenty-five, she reciprocated. They lived together as a proper couple (with some conflicts), until Rychell reached the age of twenty-nine, when he prepared for his pilgrimage, and later on the year of his 30th birthday, set out on that journey (the Altalar pilgrimage). Upon reaching the end of his destination, at the shrine of Talea (after visiting the other deity shrines), he’d choose the inner pantheon of Vallea. Nearing the end of the year, then, the Altalar came back to Daendroque.
    • Adulthood and present days:
      • After returning from his pilgrimage, he'd reconnect with his parents, introducing them to his lover, who he later married at the age of 35. Rychell kept contact with his family until the age of sixty-eight, when he and his wife faced issues, prompting Rychell to travel. The Altalar migrated to Dressolini at age sixty-nine, where he’d rent a small house in the slums for and continue to work as a street performer, although this time he’d dabble on more dramatic ones. Rychell lived like this until his late seventy’s, and when the lad turned eighty, he felt as if it was time for him to return to his homeland, Daendroque. Upon arrival, he headed first for his family’s home, finding his mother bedridden, this made him stay to take care of her, until she passed away. After the loss of his mother, Rychell began caring for his father instead, although this was short lived. After a few weeks of his mother’s passing, a housemaid came to find a letter containing a rather harsh revelation: Rychell an illegitimate child. Long story short, Rychell’s father grew to resent him for this, though with remorse as he still felt for his son. This broke Rychell’s heart (and as a consequence, lit up conflict with his wife), who not only now considered his “old father” dead (though not literally) but also set out on another journey, going from city to city until he met a traveling circus, where he’d be employed as an acrobat and work there until his 93th birthday, when he had to quit due to an injury. Rychell saw this as an opportunity to change his career-path, setting out to seek a new job, taking into consideration if he could somehow make his father proud of him again by choosing something combat-based as a new line of work; in short, this was when he joined a mercenary band. Later on, he’d meet (around the age of 120, when he adopted his trained Nimbinoldor) a Velheimer that would become a new role model, and essentially triggering Ry to realize something he had been repressing, which was further supported by experiences he had with a Slizzar a year or two later. The man would grow to be a close friend of the Altalar, to the point where Rychell attended the lad’s wedding (becoming good friends with his wife, prior), and even went as far as seek him out once he moved to Regalia, meeting with him there, along with his wife and his child (the Ailor’s). This prompted him to stay, after the burning of the North took the Velheimer’s life, since he didn’t feel it was right to leave the lad’s wife alone (they were good friends): Ry was made Regalia his new home, where he remains.
    • Birth to “Ailor puberty”:
      • Born in June 3rd, 209 AC, to a loving (albeit young) Altalar couple in Daendroque, Rych had a normal uneventful childhood, along with his older sister. His parents were of high-middle class, mostly due to how much the pair had saved over the years, but also due to Ry’s father being a smith (with was the family’s main source of income) and his mother performing on well-paying plays every now and then. They also happened to have a few Altalar friends, so Rychell grew up playing with kids of those “family friends” for quite a bit of his childhood along with his sister (from age 6 to 13). At the age of thirteen, however, he’d slowly take more interest on his mother’s hobbies and begin growing a preference for her (which only reinforced him being his mother’s favorite child). She was a cook and entertainer, while Rychell’s father was a smith, so to young Rych the thought of “making people smile” was more appealing than shaping things out of iron for money. In other words, he’d take a liking to cooking, learning a few things from his mother, and later on start to perform with her at the age of fifteen. From then on, he’d somewhat follow his mother’s steps, though still showing appreciation for his father’s line of work and even going so far as to “learn” certain things from him (mainly combat, since his father was well versed on it, even if he found that the work he was doing with his mother brought him more joy and most of his father’s teachings didn’t stick). In a way, that’s all his parents could ask for, since the Altalar was more or less of a “hybrid” of his parents likings until around the age of 18. From then on, Rychell took a liking to athletic training and self defense (as well as bow combat, though he wouldn’t learn this until later on in his life), and began to practice them from this point forward along with incorporating a body-care routine to his day-to-day life. It’s also worth mentioning that, because of his elven parents and the place he was born, by the time Rychell hit what would be considered “Ailor puberty”, he had learnt how to speak not only common, but Modern Altalar and Daendroqin as well.
    • From 18 to 30’s:
      • Being more “grown up”, and having reached what could be considered puberty if it weren’t for him being an Altalar, he’d set out to move from living with his parents on his 18th birthday, working as a “performer” (though taking a more musician side) as a source of income, albeit on the streets and not nearly earning as much as he’d hope to. The Altalar found himself nearing poverty, living in the slums of Daendroque and resorting to thievery whenever he ran out of money for supplies (food, etc), seeing as he was too embarrassed to ask his parents for the money he needed. This of course shaped his notion of what is right or wrong, as he’d live like this for a few years, until the age of twenty-two. That was when he met a thirty-seven year old daendroquian (Elven) woman, who was touched by one of his performances and offered him a home away from the slums. He later fell in love with the woman at the age of twenty-five, and she reciprocated. They lived together as a proper couple (though not without their own conflicts seeing as Ry had not abandoned his thieving ways), until Rychell reached the age of twenty-nine, when he began preparing for his pilgrimage, and then later on the year of his 30th birthday, set out on said journey (in other words, the Altalar pilgrimage, with his wife’s encouragement). Upon reaching the end of his destination, at the shrine of Talea (after visiting the other deity shrines, of course), he’d choose the inner pantheon of Vallea, much like his father once did. Nearing the end of the year, then, the Altalar set on a journey back to daendroque.
    • Adulthood and present days:
      • After returning from his pilgrimage, at the age of thirty-one, he set out to reconnect with his parents, and introduce them to his lover, Olivia (Olli). He then later married that same woman at the age of thirty-five (the Altalar lady being at 50 years of age at this point), which was attended by his parents and a few family friends. Rychell kept in contact with his family until the age of 68, when him and his wife sadly faced relationship issues, this prompted Rychell to travel elsewhere, as he felt as if his problems could be resolved by distancing himself from them (mostly to clear his mind). The Altalar found himself migrating to Dressolini at age 69, where he’d rent a small house in the slums for himself and continue to work as a street performer like he did back in Daendroque, although this time he’d dabble on more dramatic street performances seeing as that seemed to be what the appealed the local public the most. Rychell lived like this until his late 70’s, giving him a bit of time to pick up on a few words from language spoken in this environment (Dressalo), although nothing much from that language was learnt by him, leaving him unable to speak it fluently. When the lad turned eighty, he felt as if it was time for him to return to his homeland, Daendroque, to meet again with his parents and reunite with his wife. Upon arrival, he headed first straight for his family’s home, only to find his mother bedridden, this prompted him to stay in order to help take care of her, until she sadly passed away due to a heart disease that is. After the loss of his beloved mother, Rychell saw himself caring more after his father instead as he did not want to lose another close family member, although this was short lived. After a few weeks of his mother’s passing, while looking through the woman’s belongings, a house maid came to find a letter containing a rather harsh revelation: Rychell was, in reality, a child from an affair his mother had with another man. Long story short, Rychell’s father grew to resent him because of his mother’s wrongdoing, though with remorse as he still felt for his son, even if he was illegitimate. This of course broke Rychell’s heart (and as a consequence, lit up conflict with his wife, whom he would split up with, though it was mutual), who not only now considered his “old father” dead (the man he once was, not literally dead) but also set out on yet another journey, traveling from city to city until he stumbled upon a traveling circus, where he’d be employed as an acrobat (due to his athletic nature) and work there until his 93th birthday, when he had to quit due to a head injury (an injury which, in away, somewhat messed with his head and caused a certain disconnect, essentially making him more impulsive and less of a “think before you act” kind of guy). Rychell saw this as an opportunity to change his career-path (and also as a blessing of change given to him by Ellea), setting out to seek a new job, somewhat taking into consideration if he could somehow make his father proud of him again by choosing something combat-based as a new line of work; in short, this was when he joined a mercenary band, finally learning something he had been craving for a while: Bow combat. Later on, he’d come to meet (around the age of one-hundred and twenty, which was also around the time he adopted his first trained Nimbinoldor) a Velheimer Ailor man that would become a sort of new role-model for him and who Rych later would grow unspoken feelings for, essentially coming to realize something that the Altalar had been repressing for a while, which was only further supported by certain experiences Ry had with a shapeshifted Slizzar a year or two after his encounter with the Ailor. The man would grow to be a close friend of the Altalar, to the point where Rychell attended the lad’s wedding (and became good friends with his wife, prior the wedding was even considered), and even went as far as seek him out once he moved to Regalia, meeting with him once again, his wife and his child (the Ailor’s, that is). This somewhat prompted him to stay, specially after the burning of the North took the Velheimer’s life, since he didn’t feel it was right to leave the lad’s wife alone considering they grew to be good friends as well. In short, Ry was finally making Regalia his new home, where he now remains, often spending carelessly on luxuries for himself and others (though lately he has been faced with an outage of regals, since money is finite afterall), since he is not really bothered by the idea of falling into poverty again, and even somewhat grew to miss his thieving days. He also recently adopted a dove, in homage to his mother who seemed to love that kind of bird, but oddly enough named it after his ex-wife. Another thing worth mentioning is how more recently he's been struggling to change and get out of his spending habits, making efforts to stop his careless spending, although still somewhat relying on friends to remind (or sometimes force) him to take on a humbler approach to life.
    Being the only green-eyed child his mother bore, despite both his parents being blue-eyed, wasn’t much of an alarming thing at first. Rychell always took more after his mother, and somewhat looks a lot like her to an extent, although there has been always something mixed in that his father could never quite place. This was, though, brushed off for the most part, as Ry’s family (with the exception of his mother, who lied about this) simply figured it was mixed genes, and the Altalar must have taken after his grandfather or distant relatives (seeing that, at the time, Rychell’s mother had fallen out of contact with her relatives, and it wasn’t known to her husband what they looked like). However, after his mother passed away, it was later revealed that he was in fact not his father’s son, and really just an illegitimate child of his mother’s, born from a forbidden affair. This, as of lately, has been the source of conflict between the Altalar and his father (who, out of remorse, still sometimes sends the man regals, albeit rarely).

    "I mean, I sure hope I'm interesting."


    -Fun little facts about this boy-

    • Being raised in a high middle-class environment shaped the way Rychell speaks, this explains why he sometimes sounds a bit formal, though he has toned it down more recently for simplicity’s sake.
    • His mother’s favorite bird used to be a dove, hence why he adopted one later on and often replaces the bird with a new one whenever it eventually dies due to their short (in comparison to his own, that is) lifespan.
    • Rychell, along the years, has learnt to play quite a few instruments both to aid with performances and for his own and the entertainment of others. He can play the lyre, a bit of the tambourine, violin, lute, and the piano, as well as being able to sing.
    • His favorite color happens to be magenta and shades of pink or fuchsia, aswell as yellow, which he often wears. This, however, doesn’t help with his masculinity problems, since it sometimes makes him appear more effeminate.
    • From his years working as a performer/musician, Rychell ended up acquiring great singing skills and good control over his voice range.
    • While working on the traveling circus, Rychell learnt the basics of juggling and rope-walking while he was working as an acrobat, this was mostly due to the circus employees sometimes having to cycle around the acts so they wouldn’t be overworked. This helped the lad with his flexibility, which doesn't do much, other than help him with future performances and occasionally freak his friends out whenever he pulls a double-jointed move.
    • Rychell didn't split up with his wife until he joined a mercenary band, which only added to conflicts they had already been having for a while in their marriage. When they officially divorced, Ry was around 120 years of age.
    • After his sister's "passing" and after obscure family secrets were unveiled, Ry has now taken into his own hands to fill the gap his sister left. Being now in possession of her claymore, he has trained to wield it in honor of his beloved sister.
    • More recently, the Altalar has slowly started going back to his roots. Having fallen back into alcoholism, he now has become his most flamboyant self, indulging even more in fashion along with a yanar tailor and an odd artist, the trio has begun designing clothes in secret- For themselves mostly, even if Rydell ends up wearing them more than the other two of his friends.
    • Winner Winner x 9
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    #1 Hutydan, Feb 25, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
  2. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    "Can't get enough of me, huh?"
    -For those who can't get enough of Ry-

    ┌─────Scars/freckles/Fictical facial structure─────┐


    ┌─────Realistic facial structure─────┐


    ┌─────Peck/shoulder area─────┐

    ┌─────Nape (of the neck)─────┐

    ┌─────Upper back─────┐

    ┌─────Lower back─────┐

    #2 Hutydan, Feb 25, 2019
    Last edited: May 18, 2019
  3. HobblingHobbit

    HobblingHobbit ~Eating punks like you for second breakfast~ Aspirant

    Jul 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  4. HobblingHobbit

    HobblingHobbit ~Eating punks like you for second breakfast~ Aspirant

    Jul 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Alright, let's get cracking. @Hutydan

    Skill Information:
    • Racial buffs are not included in physical stat calculation, but your body care points are. Please adjust your physical stat equation.
    • Unless you invest more points into linguistics knowledge, your character is not allowed to have any knowledge of Dressolini. Either remove the language or adjust your points.
    • Under the section 'Special traits', mention that your character is a left armed cripple. This way it is more apparent and easily seen.
    Personality and Abilities:
    • In your life story you mention the hedonistic tendencies that he developed, add a sentence or two to your second body paragraph and elaborate on that. Overspending often times becomes a habit, does he have trouble managing his money?
    Life Story:
    • There is no mention of how your character became a cripple, you need to elaborate on this.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  5. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:

    These changes were made:

    Skill Information:
    • Racial buffs were removed from the equation and replaced by bodycare, bringing the total down to 35 points.
    • The knowledge of the Dressolini language was replaced by instead the knowledge of only two words, to make it still belivable that Rychell was able to get around on that country, but still not make it a full fledged language, I'll remove it completely though if this is not allowed.
    • Added the "doble jointed" trait to his special traits, something I intended to do from the beggining but didn't know that was the correct place to put it, please tell me if this is okay and I'll gladly remove it if it's not.
    Personality and Abilities:
    • I edited the personality section, the mentions of being a left arm cripple where left there from early drafts of this application, and therefore have now been removed to suit the newer draft.
    • I also corrected a spelling mistake in this section, I'm sure there's more but I'll run this through grammarly later to spellcheck further.
    Life Story:
    • Now that I edited the personality section, there wont be a need to edit this, but I did make a few changes and add a new trivia to explain things out and make the app overall more coherent.
    • I also changed a few age details, as I decide to make the character older, but I'll change it back willingly if need be.
    All changes are highlighted in red!
    Thank you so much for reviewing my app so quick, by the way!
    #5 Hutydan, Feb 26, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2019
  6. HobblingHobbit

    HobblingHobbit ~Eating punks like you for second breakfast~ Aspirant

    Jul 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    You're 10 points too high in your skill information section, and are missing the +10 Historical knowledge buff. You need to remove 10 points, and add +10 Historical Knowledge. @Hutydan
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  7. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Attempted to reduce the point costs by then like instructed, changes are in red
    Also added historical knowledge as a proficiency thingy (I though that I could only choose one of the racial bonuses, so that's why it wasn't there, I chose the +10 to anything of my choice and though I wouldn't be able to also have the historical knowledge one)

  8. HobblingHobbit

    HobblingHobbit ~Eating punks like you for second breakfast~ Aspirant

    Jul 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    One last change and you're good. Any and all characters older than 150 years old require special permission to play. You either have to apply or reduce their age. @Hutydan
  9. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Sure thing!
    • Added a new trivia thing that I forgot to add before, I highlighted it and all other changes in red.
    • Changed his age from 198 to 128 to be under 150, and changed the age on his backstory aswell to make it coherent.
    • Re-calculated the proficiency points, I still feel like I did the math wrong, but I added a little section in red, the points system confuses me a bit sometimes- so I looked at another app of a character of the same race to see how they applied their points, they calculated it as 80 points- Either way I changed things around to give him more proficiency in certain things and less in others, because it wasn't making much sense as it was
    • Removed visual arts entirely since I didn't mention it at all on his backstory and it didn't make much sense to have it there

      Hope this is okay!

  10. HobblingHobbit

    HobblingHobbit ~Eating punks like you for second breakfast~ Aspirant

    Jul 11, 2014
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  11. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thank you so much! ;u;

    any edits I make from now on will just be to make the app more aesthetically pleasing
  12. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Made a rewrite, changed some backstory bits and added optional stuff, needing a re-review
  13. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    small bump!

    edit: changed the tag to "Needs reviewer" since I don't know if HobblingHobbit is still staff and if I should tag them or not
    #13 Hutydan, Apr 16, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2019
  14. Speedl0rd

    Speedl0rd getting closer

    Sep 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
    add rachel
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Claimed for aspirant re-review.
  16. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Please make the following edits:
    • Review over your proficiency points. You have some categories that do not match with the explanation to the right of them. For example, you have +6 fast blades | +8 proficiency points
    • Update your body stat accordingly. Please be wary and double check your math. Include half (0.5) into the body stat calculation.
    • Please remove illiterate languages. Only list the languages your character knows and is allotted to based on race, free languages, and linguistics. You can still icly be illiterate to languages, only knowing a few words, but it doesn't need to be mentioned in this section.
    • The Life Story is compliant and well written, but I'm very sorry, the word limit for the lifestory is 800-900 words. You have 1590. Please find the less pertinent sections to Rychell's life story and include them in a spoiler for extras.
    Tag me once you've made the following edits in blue.
  17. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thank you for picking my app! Here follows the changes I made:
    • Edited the proficiency points as you asked to avoid inconsistencies.
    • Updated the body stat, please let me know if it's still wrong so I can change it again! Also specified the frame max being due to racial limitations.
    • Removed illiterate languages as per request.
    • Cut and edited the life story so it would be 898 words long as opposed to the previous 1590, and added the uncut version as a spoiler for extras.
    • Sadly though I lost my prefix, I hope that's alright (I can't put it back myself)
    All changes are highlighted in blue for easy finding, though I highlighted two entire sections as I can't really highlight what I removed, but it's there to indicate it happened, thanks again! @JarrettdaCarrot
  18. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
    Likes Received:
    The +10 altalar boost doesn't add to the body stat total, as it is a racial boost. Remove the +20 heavy bow combat skill from the bodystat summary.
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  19. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Removed the +10 altalar boost proficiency from the body stat total as asked, and also changed the weight (from 179 to 180 for the sake of rounding it up, since it's easier to remember).

    Changes are in blue, though I couldn't highlight what I deleted @JarrettdaCarrot
  20. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
    Likes Received:
    +6 fast blades +2 unarmed combat skill + 1 literary arts + 22 athletic points +2,5 bodycare training = 33,5
  21. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thank you!- Sorry again, I'm not so good with the body stat calculations, but thanks for the help!

    The changes were made in blue again, @JarrettdaCarrot
  22. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
    Likes Received:
    No problem! Approved.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  23. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hi! I changed his proficiencies and some aesthetic things, aswell as his ring of choice (swapped from Ellea to Vallea)
    Needing a re-review! changes should be highlighted
  24. PresentMediator

    PresentMediator You betcha Supremium

    Oct 21, 2017
    Likes Received:
  25. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Changed the proficiencies to reflect the new update, nothing else was changed
  26. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
    Likes Received:
  27. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Visual Information updated, nothing else was changed
    @Caelamus lmk if I have to tag this for re-review because of that, pretty please
  28. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    @Caelamus changed the race mix to reflect the altalar update, hopefully the new mix justifies his current appearance
    Also changed his body build- It's still muscular, but no longer due to having a Vallea ring as that got removed from lore
    edit: actually,,, I also feel like changing his profs to accommodate for spirit sorcery, so I'll be doing that and highlighting it
    #28 Hutydan, Nov 3, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
  29. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    @PapidaCarrot Tagging cause.. idk if I should've tagged you or Cael, so I'm re-tagging just in case
  30. Messtro

    Messtro Flower Goblin

    May 23, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Heya, I'll be claiming this for re-review! @Hutydan
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  31. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Oo- Thank you!
  32. Messtro

    Messtro Flower Goblin

    May 23, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Please put down from what two schools your magic is from.
  33. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
  34. Messtro

    Messtro Flower Goblin

    May 23, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thank you. Approved then, it was a wonderfully done app!
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  35. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Thank you so much!
  36. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    @Nesstro Pssst! sorry, I had to update this AGAIN- all that was changed is the proficiency section
    removed one of his spells, changed around points from it and from fast blades as to give him more bodycare and food sciences skill
  37. Messtro

    Messtro Flower Goblin

    May 23, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Your body care points should be towards 5 now instead of 2.5.
    Other than that everything looks good.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  38. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Changed that one bit as asked! @Nesstro
  39. Messtro

    Messtro Flower Goblin

    May 23, 2016
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  40. Hutydan

    Hutydan pfp by me

    Feb 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    ..Yet again it is I! I had to update the app due to the new physical stat calculations
    I had to change the points around to still be able to maintailt he muscular frame, and also added a shape section due to his athletic points
    I also added two more bullet points on trivia to hint at the new extra heavy combat proficiency I added

    AND on top of all that- I changed the title of the app

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