Preserved Sheet Ruvaen Vendithas

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There are still some significant barriers to approval.
  • I still find that his education is still not consistent with Lore. Qadir are not very accepting of outsiders so they wouldn't give in an education just out of the kindness of their heart. There has to be some pragmatic purpose for educating him. Just because you are nice isn't a reason for them to accept you.

  • Inability to taste does not weaken him in any way, so it needs to be replaced.
  • Epileptic can be used as a weakness, but it needs some sort of objective trigger that could feasibly come up in RP like head trauma or stress or something.
Tag me @TheOverseer__ once edits have been made.
Also, how do you quote the wiki? i have been trying to figure this out for a while now
I might be doing it wrong, but I just quote a random person, and replace their name with "Massivecraft Wiki".
The education thing is close enough. I think you underestimate how harsh it would be to grow up with nomads who have absolutely no trust in you and only tolerate your existence based on whatever utility you provide to them, but it's come so far from where it started that I am just going to call close enough.

I am still lost on the Epilepsy weakness, though. How many times if your life have you had Deja Vu? I may be odd, but I can probably count on one hand how many times I've had Deja Vu. Not sure how that will come up in RP. What even is indeterminate memory? Are you saying if he doesn't remember something completely, he has a seizure? Can you give an example so I can understand this better?
The education thing is close enough. I think you underestimate how harsh it would be to grow up with nomads who have absolutely no trust in you and only tolerate your existence based on whatever utility you provide to them, but it's come so far from where it started that I am just going to call close enough.

I am still lost on the Epilepsy weakness, though. How many times if your life have you had Deja Vu? I may be odd, but I can probably count on one hand how many times I've had Deja Vu. Not sure how that will come up in RP. What even is indeterminate memory? Are you saying if he doesn't remember something completely, he has a seizure? Can you give an example so I can understand this better?
I based this weakness on myself, I know when someone has one and I believe I could probably accurately roleplay itdoes say when he gets a certain loose memory, it's hard to explain but just trust me...
The education thing is close enough. I think you underestimate how harsh it would be to grow up with nomads who have absolutely no trust in you and only tolerate your existence based on whatever utility you provide to them, but it's come so far from where it started that I am just going to call close enough.

I am still lost on the Epilepsy weakness, though. How many times if your life have you had Deja Vu? I may be odd, but I can probably count on one hand how many times I've had Deja Vu. Not sure how that will come up in RP. What even is indeterminate memory? Are you saying if he doesn't remember something completely, he has a seizure? Can you give an example so I can understand this better?
So let's say he sees like a sign that looks kinda familiar and he can't get it off of the top of his tongue, he will have a seizure... again it is hard to explain... @TheOverseer__
Quote from epilepsy society: Triggers are situations that canbring on a seizure in some people with epilepsy. Some people's seizures are bought on by certain situations. Triggers can differ from person to person, but common triggers include tiredness and lack of sleep, stress, alcohol, and not taking medication.
Can you take my word when I say I know what I'm doing? @TheOverseer__
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I don't doubt your ability to RP it accurately, I just find it crucially important for the things on an approved character be objectively defined in writing on the sheet. With the addition to the documented triggers, and all of the other updates, going to go ahead and approve this one.
I don't doubt your ability to RP it accurately, I just find it crucially important for the things on an approved character be objectively defined in writing on the sheet. With the addition to the documented triggers, and all of the other updates, going to go ahead and approve this one.
Thank you!
And sorry if I came off rude in this app, it's been a long few weeks
Set this back to approved. No additional approval or re-review needed just to kill him off