Preserved Sheet Ruvaen Vendithas

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
Some dark basement
Chalsie's fac
Roleplay Guilds
Silver Lining Fleet
updates are in blue
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Basic Information:
Full Name: Ruvaen Vendithas
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Wulong-drowdar mix
Main Ambition: inner peace
Special Perms: NA

Physical Appearance:
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: Snow White
Hair Style: Ape like with hair all around face and around most of body with some bald spots
Skin Color: Dark Blue
Clothing: Simple brown robe. Often very dirty and sometimes he wears leaves around his body
Height: 6 foot 3 inches
Weight: 255 pounds
Body Build: average male
Weapon of Choice: cutlass

Personality Traits:

  • Good: Due to Ruvaen's evil past, he is always trying to be good. He works to be good and to make those around him happy. He is often seen giving money to poor even when he has little. He really hopes to redeem himself as good.
  • Realistic: Ruvaen is a realist. He doesn't create hope when things can't be logical. He will often give up lost causes. If he finds a beggar on the streets and doesn't see him doing anything with the money but buying drugs. He won't give the beggar a chance and won't drop a regal. He often only takes action when there is hope that something may turn out well.
  • Loving: Ruvaen is very loving to those near to him. Ruvaen lost all of his family when he fled the village. Because of this, he is very loving towards family and friends and puts them at upmost importance. He will often converse in fight just to protect a family member or friend. He also is always trying to brighten up a loved-one's day by telling them a joke or such and will feel bad if a close person is feeling bad.
  • Sarcastic: Ruvaen is very sarcastic. He is often uses it as a way to brighten one's day but can often come off as an insult. He will often say one thing and mean the exact opposite. For say, he was on a tour of some sort he would say, "wow this is one great tour!" He also often has a rude voice tone when being sarcastic.
  • Logical: Ruvaen is very logical in most situations. Unless he is full of rage, he is often thinking through situations to the best he can. He evaluates situations to find a logical answer. He may often take a second to sit and think.
  • Hypocritical: Ruvaen stood in front of the burning tavern saying: "who would do such a thing?". He often does the exact thing he tells people not to do or judges people for doing something that he does. For example, he will chug a beer and go to a friend that is drinking and say "tisk tisk, drunk."

  • Blind in one eye: Ruvaen is blind in his left eye. Though, it mostly appears the same as his other eye, he wears a eye patch sometimes. He tries to keep a good-looking appearance and will often debate wearing a patch or not. If he feels embarrassed he will often put it on. Though, he will often take it off if he feels comfortable. This gives him a shorter depth perception.

  • Memory Loss: Ruvaen has a memory loss. If he does not review learned information often he will almost always forget it. He doesn't know where this came from because he can't really remember. He might have been dropped as a child but he really can't remember. He will often spend large quantities of time studying in order to retain known information.

  • Epileptic: Ruvaen started having these "episodes" at around age 10. He gets them quite often now. When they happen, he goes into a intense deja vu and gets an odd smell in his noise and mouth. During the episode, he will daze off somewhere for about 2 minutes. He will often get a large headache afterwards and it can often be irreversible no matter how much water is drunk. It is often triggered when he has a sense of deja vu or indeterminate memory though , it can be often. He also has them often when he it's tired, or drunk but they can happen randomly.

  • Literacy: Ruvaen is very good with writing. He can often put a very convincing article on the notice board that will sway many's opinions. He has great ability to convey information and ideas through words.

  • Mathematics: Ruvaen is great with solving complicated problems. He has large ability to consider ideas and weigh values. He also has the ability to hammer a numerical value out of a situation. This can help him with financial issues and he often doesn't have to worry about rent.

  • Acrobatics: Ruvaen is very good with acrobatics. He can jump about and swing off of ledges. This can help him transverse difficult geography and help him climb about. He can use this to help him get an edge in fights as well as he often can dodge oncoming hits.

Life Story:

  • Ruvaen's mother was born in drowda. She always had a dream of exploring the world.

  • At age 15, Ruvaen's mother went out to explore the world. She asked a sailor to take her anywhere and to surprise her. They eventually arrived in the yang tzu islands.

  • Ruvaen's mother loved the people in the yang tzu and, though the "wulong" of the islands didn't treat her of hospitality, she seduced the leader of the wulong village and fell they eventually fell in love.

  • Ruvaen's mother had only realized that she had become pregnant when she returned home. After a while, she had given birth to a beautiful baby boy that looked like an ape.

  • Ruvaen's mother was hungry to travel after her first expedition and after recovering from the birth, her and her son went out on another journey. The two had found their way to the deserts of farah'deen and rested in a qadir village.

  • The two loved the village so much that they decided to stay in the village.

  • Ruvaen grew up in this village learning math, literacy, and to speak farradi and common to communicate with those of the village as did his mother. Ruvaen ended up laboring for needs of the village (gathering foods and such) in return for some schooling.

  • At about age 10, he learned that the leader of the village was a soul mage. So he began the suck-up.

  • He did tedious chores for this old man for 5 years running amok and doing errands. Though, he didn't really like the old man and found him quite annoying as he would often yell for Ruvaen to do chores at all hours of the night but he put up with it to learn soul magic.

  • After these five years, Ruvaen grew impatient and asked rudely for the leader to teach him soul magic. The old man replied, "He He, one of the northern taint like you cannot learn any magics, silly one" as he chuckled. Ruvaen grew so angry that he stole all of the leader's muttala's, of which the only one labelled stated "akoni kahele", and he burned the leader's home and library.

  • Ruvaen fled the city and found a boat heading to regalia. He settled down in this city using his mathematics skills and begin to get enough money to get a financial foothold and staying in a vacant boat he had found (that used to be owned by akoni). He is now eager to redeem himself from his past evils.
  • Ruvaen had a massive seizure and fell into the harbor eventually drowning while sitting on the side of his boat.


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Just gonna pop in here and offer my two cents if you don't mind:
  1. I feel color blindness is a cop-out considering I'm not sure there would be a senario this would gravely affect unless colors were directly involved.
  2. His life story goes from 0-60 within a few sentences and is a bit hard to follow. Maybe separate his childhood and early teenage-now will bullet points? Make it more coherent and less temper tantrum with some fire thrown in?
  3. Interesting racial mix...maybe explain how that came to be? His mother and father's relationship?
These are what caught my eye, take it or leave it. Doesn't bother me either way. ^^
Just gonna pop in here and offer my two cents if you don't mind:
  1. I feel color blindness is a cop-out considering I'm not sure there would be a senario this would gravely affect unless colors were directly involved.
  2. His life story goes from 0-60 within a few sentences and is a bit hard to follow. Maybe separate his childhood and early teenage-now will bullet points? Make it more coherent and less temper tantrum with some fire thrown in?
  3. Interesting racial mix...maybe explain how that came to be? His mother and father's relationship?
These are what caught my eye, take it or leave it. Doesn't bother me either way. ^^
ye okie thank you,
about the colorblindness, is that he often will misinterpret ones race... like he would mistake a shendar for a ailor or something like that...
ye okie thank you,
about the colorblindness, is that he often will misinterpret ones race... like he would mistake a shendar for a ailor or something like that...
There are other tells such as if they appear pale white, they aren't a Qadir or if their ears are visable and pointed, they are an elf is some sort. Besides, if it's not that obvious I don't see someone getting that offended if he stated why he screwed up and apologized or just asked them. ^^

Another thing I noticed was how his personality traits contradict each other. If he's logical and good, why does he lash out at people? Is he extremely naive as well? Wrathful and Overly Irritable can also be combined as one seeing as one is the result of another.
There are other tells such as if they appear pale white, they aren't a Qadir or if their ears are visable and pointed, they are an elf is some sort. Besides, if it's not that obvious I don't see someone getting that offended if he stated why he screwed up and apologized or just asked them. ^^

Another thing I noticed was how his personality traits contradict each other. If he's logical and good, why does he lash out at people? Is he extremely naive as well? Wrathful and Overly Irritable can also be combined as one seeing as one is the result of another.

Also, literacy has nothing to do with swaying opinions, dear. It's defined as having the knowledge of something. So what I think you want is Literate. But just this alone wouldn't be enough to make people take a different aproach on a topic.
the book "common sense" by thomas paine swayed people's opinions against britain to start the american revolution(sorry for my irrelevance)
There are other tells such as if they appear pale white, they aren't a Qadir or if their ears are visable and pointed, they are an elf is some sort. Besides, if it's not that obvious I don't see someone getting that offended if he stated why he screwed up and apologized or just asked them. ^^

Another thing I noticed was how his personality traits contradict each other. If he's logical and good, why does he lash out at people? Is he extremely naive as well? Wrathful and Overly Irritable can also be combined as one seeing as one is the result of another.
having anger is not the same thing as not being good. One can be logical and find anger in things and lash out on people out of rage. Like for example winston in overwatch, he is very intellectual being though rages into battle often. (Even I would punch myself now)
There are other tells such as if they appear pale white, they aren't a Qadir or if their ears are visable and pointed, they are an elf is some sort. Besides, if it's not that obvious I don't see someone getting that offended if he stated why he screwed up and apologized or just asked them. ^^

Another thing I noticed was how his personality traits contradict each other. If he's logical and good, why does he lash out at people? Is he extremely naive as well? Wrathful and Overly Irritable can also be combined as one seeing as one is the result of another.
yeah i could replace this with threatening I will do some more rework when I get a staff review... This is based off of my friend...
I have claimed this application. To make things easier, we are going to take it a piece at a time.
I think this may be an oversight as it is actually impossible for these two races to interbreed. Wulong can only breed with human subtypes. Since it is a Qadir Village do you mean Qadir-Wulong?

Please correct all references to Drowdar as this combination is not possible.

Refer to this page for all possible combinations and the results of the interbreeding.
wulong fall under the human catagory:
"Humans can interbreed with anyone under the Human or Nelfin classifications."
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Okay sure, Mixed it up by grouping it like they did the social classes. By that logic why are their eyes blue and hair white? Wouldn't the earth tone eyes and blonde, brown, black, or gray hair be dominant like Wulongs? And why would they be in a Qadir town? Both a Drowdar and a Wulong would be extremely far from home and they just happen to meet in this completely alien place to them and fall in love? There would need to be a lot more info in the life story to make this couple make sense.
Okay sure, Mixed it up by grouping it like they did the social classes. By that logic why are their eyes blue and hair white? Wouldn't the earth tone eyes and blonde, brown, black, or gray hair be dominant like Wulongs? And why would they be in a Qadir town? Both a Drowdar and a Wulong would be extremely far from home and they just happen to meet in this completely alien place to them and fall in love? There would need to be a lot more info in the life story to make this couple make sense.
I thought northern taint was always dominent. I will hhopefully have the backstory better by the morning but she was like an explorer... I'll explain it better @theoverseer_
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Okay sure, Mixed it up by grouping it like they did the social classes. By that logic why are their eyes blue and hair white? Wouldn't the earth tone eyes and blonde, brown, black, or gray hair be dominant like Wulongs? And why would they be in a Qadir town? Both a Drowdar and a Wulong would be extremely far from home and they just happen to meet in this completely alien place to them and fall in love? There would need to be a lot more info in the life story to make this couple make sense.
eye color fixed
Sorry about delay my family moved but not the internet
I still don't understand what you are even saying in the life story. The leader of a Qadir Village was a Wulong? Or she was traveling and was impregnated by the leader of a Wulong village that she was impressed by but then randomly leaves and goes to a Qadir village? How did she overcome all of the language barriers? Her child would be extremely large for her since she is a Drowdar and the size of the Wulong would be dominant. Even if she had a reason to leave her Wulong love immediately after being impregnated she wouldn't have had enough time among the Qadir village to learn enough local language to actually get help with her extremely risky child birth.

The skin and hair would not be as Northern Taint unless he was conceived in Drowda. These things are because of magic that exists on the continent, not because of genetics. So even though his mother has Northern Taint, her pregnancy in Yang Tzu in a Qadir village or wherever you are trying to say would not result in Northern Taint. I also don't get how at the age of 10 he has a very good attitude, but then at the age of 15 he snaps and burns a village down and steals a boat to liberate himself. That is not how things like that go. What about his mom? How did he even know how to operate a boat? How did he know where Regalia was? If the village was so hidden and secluded then how would he even know there were other places? I get that you want a unique character and I fully support that, but you've stretched everything so far that it has extended beyond improbable into impossible.

Please continue to expand the life story until there enough details to make logical sense of all of the hugely improbable things in his existence. Preferably decrease the number of hugely improbable things.
I still don't understand what you are even saying in the life story. The leader of a Qadir Village was a Wulong? Or she was traveling and was impregnated by the leader of a Wulong village that she was impressed by but then randomly leaves and goes to a Qadir village? How did she overcome all of the language barriers? Her child would be extremely large for her since she is a Drowdar and the size of the Wulong would be dominant. Even if she had a reason to leave her Wulong love immediately after being impregnated she wouldn't have had enough time among the Qadir village to learn enough local language to actually get help with her extremely risky child birth.

The skin and hair would not be as Northern Taint unless he was conceived in Drowda. These things are because of magic that exists on the continent, not because of genetics. So even though his mother has Northern Taint, her pregnancy in Yang Tzu in a Qadir village or wherever you are trying to say would not result in Northern Taint. I also don't get how at the age of 10 he has a very good attitude, but then at the age of 15 he snaps and burns a village down and steals a boat to liberate himself. That is not how things like that go. What about his mom? How did he even know how to operate a boat? How did he know where Regalia was? If the village was so hidden and secluded then how would he even know there were other places? I get that you want a unique character and I fully support that, but you've stretched everything so far that it has extended beyond improbable into impossible.

Please continue to expand the life story until there enough details to make logical sense of all of the hugely improbable things in his existence. Preferably decrease the number of hugely improbable things.
The wiki says nothing about it being drowda locked, just 2 gens with out elf genes
I still don't understand what you are even saying in the life story. The leader of a Qadir Village was a Wulong? Or she was traveling and was impregnated by the leader of a Wulong village that she was impressed by but then randomly leaves and goes to a Qadir village? How did she overcome all of the language barriers? Her child would be extremely large for her since she is a Drowdar and the size of the Wulong would be dominant. Even if she had a reason to leave her Wulong love immediately after being impregnated she wouldn't have had enough time among the Qadir village to learn enough local language to actually get help with her extremely risky child birth.

The skin and hair would not be as Northern Taint unless he was conceived in Drowda. These things are because of magic that exists on the continent, not because of genetics. So even though his mother has Northern Taint, her pregnancy in Yang Tzu in a Qadir village or wherever you are trying to say would not result in Northern Taint. I also don't get how at the age of 10 he has a very good attitude, but then at the age of 15 he snaps and burns a village down and steals a boat to liberate himself. That is not how things like that go. What about his mom? How did he even know how to operate a boat? How did he know where Regalia was? If the village was so hidden and secluded then how would he even know there were other places? I get that you want a unique character and I fully support that, but you've stretched everything so far that it has extended beyond improbable into impossible.

Please continue to expand the life story until there enough details to make logical sense of all of the hugely improbable things in his existence. Preferably decrease the number of hugely improbable things.
wow I completely misread that, facepalm,
I will have this by the end of the day, sorry about that.
What you have now in the life story is sufficient. I checked on the apparent difference between the Drowdar page and the Racial Interbreeding page and the Drowdar page is more up to date, so the generation gap is the only real standard. The edit to go back to Drowda was still necessary for the logical consistency of being able to deal with an incredibly difficult pregnancy, though.

Now to review the rest:
  • Good and Loving are in direct contradiction to Wrathful and Overly-irritable - Bear in mind that everyone has exceptions to their normal personality. The traits should exemplify who they are overall.
  • Color blindness is a copout weakness and needs to be replaced.
  • Weak is illogical. First of all, you are the child of a warrior race basically mixed with a gorilla, you are going against your inherent nature pretty hard to be so weak. In addition, 20 pounds is not that much. Holding a 1 gallon jug of water in each hand is 17 pounds. Also acrobatics requires great physical strength to perform well. So if he was this weak he could not ALSO be acrobatic. Replace this with a different physical weakness.
  • Hyperacusis is nearly impossible to play out in RP because when people 'speak' the chat distance will always be the same. When you want/need to hear things it will be almost impossible to accurately distinguish in real time if you could have really heard it or not. Replace this with a different weakness.
  • Literacy and Mathematics: Why is is so smart? He is one part gorilla and one part warrior race that grew up in a nomadic culture would basically only tolerate him and his mother's presence if they were using being used by them. These traits are completely incompatible with the reality of his life. You would either need to completely rethink their life story to something where school and stability are a real thing, or replace these.
  • All the traits need more content. about 1-2 more sentences each.
What you have now in the life story is sufficient. I checked on the apparent difference between the Drowdar page and the Racial Interbreeding page and the Drowdar page is more up to date, so the generation gap is the only real standard. The edit to go back to Drowda was still necessary for the logical consistency of being able to deal with an incredibly difficult pregnancy, though.

Now to review the rest:
  • Good and Loving are in direct contradiction to Wrathful and Overly-irritable - Bear in mind that everyone has exceptions to their normal personality. The traits should exemplify who they are overall.
  • Color blindness is a copout weakness and needs to be replaced.
  • Weak is illogical. First of all, you are the child of a warrior race basically mixed with a gorilla, you are going against your inherent nature pretty hard to be so weak. In addition, 20 pounds is not that much. Holding a 1 gallon jug of water in each hand is 17 pounds. Also acrobatics requires great physical strength to perform well. So if he was this weak he could not ALSO be acrobatic. Replace this with a different physical weakness.
  • Hyperacusis is nearly impossible to play out in RP because when people 'speak' the chat distance will always be the same. When you want/need to hear things it will be almost impossible to accurately distinguish in real time if you could have really heard it or not. Replace this with a different weakness.
  • Literacy and Mathematics: Why is is so smart? He is one part gorilla and one part warrior race that grew up in a nomadic culture would basically only tolerate him and his mother's presence if they were using being used by them. These traits are completely incompatible with the reality of his life. You would either need to completely rethink their life story to something where school and stability are a real thing, or replace these.
  • All the traits need more content. about 1-2 more sentences each.
Now this I can work with, gimme a day
Literacy and Mathematics: Why is is so smart? He is one part gorilla and one part warrior race that grew up in a nomadic culture would basically only tolerate him and his mother's presence if they were using being used by them. These traits are completely incompatible with the reality of his life. You would either need to completely rethink their life story to something where school and stability are a real thing, or replace these.
This is slightly unclear, can you clarify?
The problem in those two traits is the that Wulong are one of the least mentally inclined races and Drowdar aren't particularly smart either (not dumb, but they aren't known for smarts) and your character is growing up in a culture where he would be a nomad and have no access to any real education. Qadir don't treat outsiders very well and generally only allow their presence due to any utility they might have for the group. Your character would be grossly uneducated and not predisposed to a great intellect. There would have to be major justifications in the life story for how he got so smart and I don't see a feasible way to do it provided his life story now.
The problem in those two traits is the that Wulong are one of the least mentally inclined races and Drowdar aren't particularly smart either (not dumb, but they aren't known for smarts) and your character is growing up in a culture where he would be a nomad and have no access to any real education. Qadir don't treat outsiders very well and generally only allow their presence due to any utility they might have for the group. Your character would be grossly uneducated and not predisposed to a great intellect. There would have to be major justifications in the life story for how he got so smart and I don't see a feasible way to do it provided his life story now.
don't worry, ill find one...
I am so sorry it is taking so long @TheOverseer__
next week is finals week and im moving and im the lead in a small play and everything is just so busy!
That's alright. Please just tag me when edits are done.
k so I did a small tweak that he labored for the village to fix the life story. Ruvaen did village labors for them in turn for education. It states that the Qadir are intelligent people on the wiki and I think they would be able to teach one math and literacy if they are of use to the village. I also think that Ruvaen would have a mental capacity to obtain this information as mentality comes from whoever he has the most dna from, his mother, if I am not mistaken.
@TheOverseer__ would this be correct?
the sad thing is that I will probably use this character once...
  • Epileptic: Ruvaen started having these "episodes" at around age 10. He gets them quite often now. When they happen, he goes into a intense deja vu and gets an odd smell in his noise and mouth. During the episode, he will daze off somewhere for about 2 minutes. He will often get a large headache afterwards and it can often be irreversible no matter how much water is drunk.
when you have 2 today and it helps you with a character... lmao...
There are still some significant barriers to approval.
  • I still find that his education is still not consistent with Lore. Qadir are not very accepting of outsiders so they wouldn't give in an education just out of the kindness of their heart. There has to be some pragmatic purpose for educating him. Just because you are nice isn't a reason for them to accept you.
Wiki said:
The Qadir are always very distrusting of outsiders, but extremely calculative and pragmatic as well. If assisting an outsider stands to benefit them, they would certainly extract as much favor from the situation as they could.
  • Inability to taste does not weaken him in any way, so it needs to be replaced.
  • Epileptic can be used as a weakness, but it needs some sort of objective trigger that could feasibly come up in RP like head trauma or stress or something.
Tag me @TheOverseer__ once edits have been made.
Epileptic can be used as a weakness, but it needs some sort of objective trigger that could feasibly come up in RP like head trauma or stress or something.
For the reason they treated him with any hospitality is becausehe did labors for the village as stated in backstory @TheOverseer__