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Played Character Rucholoc Khitarrciirn

This character is actively played.
Dec 4, 2020
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Rucholoc Khitarrciirn

    • Nickname(s): Ruco Khitarr
  • Race / Culture: Reason Cult Kathar

  • Age: 23

  • Gender / Pronouns: Male, he/him

  • Occult: Mageborn (Void)
Core Concept
Ruco is a College Dropout with one foot in the door of Chaos, the other in well-meaning empathy. While he tends to be rather noncommittal and jumps between hobby and organization alike, He is a sponge of information with intelligent (though not honed) deductive reasoning and knowledge on Cultism.

Appearance Information
Ruco is on the average side of 5'8, wingspan around 4-5 feet (though they are useless in the concept of flight). His skin is grey, with small decorative scars littering both his face and arms. He often dresses in Ailor fashion to match his green eyes, and weaves strands of gold tinsel into his feather-like hair.


Proficiencies (Unspent: 6)
  • Strength: 0

  • Constitution: 0

  • Arcane: 1

    • Sinistral: Leap
  • Wisdom: 3

    • Enchant: Bolts, Defense, Protect
  • Dexterity: 4

    • Roguery: Landing, Reflexes, Save, Escape
  • Faith: 0
  • Pannarokh (Parent)

  • Common

  • Body Claw, Arcane Ranged, Summon Weapon
Life Story / Plot Hooks
  • Rucholoc Khitarrciirn was born within the depths of the Heart of Avrost, the result of an unfortunate coupling which did not last; Even so, his birth mother (A rather calm and collected Bene-Rexit) attempted to, as well as she could, keep Rucholoc on the straight and narrow for most of his childhood– And his father, of the Cult of Divine, gifted him a mutation before he left to pursue greater pleasures. Rucholoc chose wings; a sign of free spirit, and natural curiosity he preferred to wear on his sleeve.

  • Coming from relative wealth and a loving (if perhaps visually neutral) parent, the only things that were thoroughly against him were the Ailor around him, and himself. His relation with Ailor around him became simple, as he grew and learned to manage scrutiny; If his silver tongue couldn't talk his way out of the situation he was in, Running was his best bet. This attitude stays with him throughout his young life, but his mother wishes more for him.

  • As Rucholoc comes of age to start pursuing his own adventures, his mother blessed him with one last gift; an education. At the age of 16, Rucholoc attended an Ailor school- The Regalian Diplomatic Academy.

  • This unfortunately only lasted him several years, before he took the personal easiest route forward; The parties were fun and the drugs were frequent, but he found himself completely stumped on the study and materials he was expected to understand. Not to mention the bias of his peers, and his mentors. Rucholoc drops out, a few years in.

  • Rucholoc finds his new frontier of knowledge in Regalia. One cannot stay away from the call of 'more' for too long.