"Wait, this was a bank?" Francis stands up from behind Mr.Paloin, holding a lit match. "I thought this was an alchemy lab!" Francis drops to the floor, frantically scooping something into his pocket.
Anyway, with regards to the OP. I always hate it whenever someone just decides to not only ignore the roleplaying people but to insult them.
Villager guy: Hey Jake, did ya hear about the attack on Regalia?
Villager 2: What attack? Oh wait... don't tell me...
Villager guy: Yeah, it was Mrs.Baver
Villager 2: How long is she going to keep attacking Regalia?
Villager guy: No idea, as long as she wants to I guess. Maybe she won't stop until Regalia's a flaming crater. Regalia's already damaged enough as it is.
Noob: Regalia isn't damaged at all, idiots.
Villager guy: ((dude we're roleplaying))
Noob: Why would you be roleplaying? This is minecraft, not dungeons and dragons! Nerds!
Villager 2
(this is a roleplay server, why wouldn't we be roleplaying?))
Noob: So by roleplay this server meant standing randomly and typing to people? LAME! You guys have no lives.
Villager guy: ((dude, we're just trying to have fun))
Noob: What fun? All you're doing is standing there typing to each other!
Villager 2: ((Hey roleplaying is actually very fun))
Noob: Yeah, for NERDS!
Goes to grind in darkroom for another 5 hours