Rp'ing Non- Canonically


Seen any Elves?
Jun 6, 2016
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The one thing.... the ONE thing... That annoys me most in my faction. Kids that decide that they're going to be a God from Runescape as their RP, refuse to have any weaknesses, pick a race from Runescape, and decide "Oh, I'm not going to even make a forum post about it"


Any rp annoyances that bother you guys? Please reply!
When people force the roleplay to go their way, and when they truthfully ruin it by acting extremely immature by having their character do "unnameable," things.
I've seen that quite a bit. They then remark things like they are invincible when you try and fight them. (I suggest kill them in game, who's your god now???!!?) xD
Almost all. They use god Roleplay to mask their sucky mcstats skills. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go search for my wireless keyboard coard, then bury myself in a darkroom,
I personally find roleplay that sucks in general to be bad. Like, a poor character and a poor plot. I like RP that reveals who you are and what you do in a fairly subtle or believable manner.

Good RP:

Agni - Oh no! It's raining! I need to get inside!
Me - Oh dear, here, this place is open.
Agni - Ah, thank you. I almost solidified out there!
Me - I know! Good thing I got you in the bank soon enough!
Agni - Oh, so this is a bank? Sorry, this is my first time in the city haha.
Me - Yep, it's a real bank. The only bank actually. I'm quite proud of it.
Agni - Well, thanks for the help. Seems like I'll be stuck here a while Mr..?
Me - Paloin. Mr. Paloin. May I inquire as to your name?
Agni - Sorry, I keep my name well hidden. Never know who may want to hurt an agni these days...

Bad RP:

Vampire - Oh no, the sun! I must get inside!
Me - ((You idiot vampires shouldn't be that poorly hidden))
Vampire - **burns away in the sun with an evil shriek**
Me - ((**facepalm**))
Vampire - **pile of ash whispers evil and lies into Mecharic's ear**
Me - ((lolno. Goodbye.))
Vampire - Noooooeeeeezz! Come back, I need to make you evil!
"Wait, this was a bank?" Francis stands up from behind Mr.Paloin, holding a lit match. "I thought this was an alchemy lab!" Francis drops to the floor, frantically scooping something into his pocket.

Anyway, with regards to the OP. I always hate it whenever someone just decides to not only ignore the roleplaying people but to insult them.

Villager guy: Hey Jake, did ya hear about the attack on Regalia?
Villager 2: What attack? Oh wait... don't tell me...
Villager guy: Yeah, it was Mrs.Baver
Villager 2: How long is she going to keep attacking Regalia?
Villager guy: No idea, as long as she wants to I guess. Maybe she won't stop until Regalia's a flaming crater. Regalia's already damaged enough as it is.
Noob: Regalia isn't damaged at all, idiots.
Villager guy: ((dude we're roleplaying))
Noob: Why would you be roleplaying? This is minecraft, not dungeons and dragons! Nerds!
Villager 2:((this is a roleplay server, why wouldn't we be roleplaying?))
Noob: So by roleplay this server meant standing randomly and typing to people? LAME! You guys have no lives.
Villager guy: ((dude, we're just trying to have fun))
Noob: What fun? All you're doing is standing there typing to each other!
Villager 2: ((Hey roleplaying is actually very fun))
Noob: Yeah, for NERDS! Goes to grind in darkroom for another 5 hours
The one thing. The /one/ thing that pisses me off, is not god rp, it's not Mary-Sueing, it's this line:

"I can't find my way back to my home plane."
The majority of the people who attempt to RP, to be honest. Oh, and people who don't how to use grammar or spell.
Also, the thread name is misleading. This is more of a "RP Annoyances" thread.