Archived Rp Advertisements

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
team sad
My idea is that we could have the official RP businesses and charters have their own advertisements in the [A] channel. Just infrequent messages that promotes the groups, like we already have with the races and jokes that come up in chat. It'd help new players find their feet with RP and also give businesses a little extra boost with activity.

I saw the 'Need supplies for adventures? Go to the market with /tp shop' and it reminded me of the Adventure Mart, and as I read I expected it to direct me there instead. @DrFong

Maybe, if possible, these messages could only show up when a person's in Regalia, so factions and PVPers aren't bothered by it? But it also might draw factions players to roleplay too, if that isn't a thing.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Over time the jokes get tiring. I like the idea. Could broadcast a random advertisement drawn from all approved charters, great gangs and main street businesses.
You ever see the same advertisement on YouTube over and over and over again? And then it just puts you off the products? You might run the risk of something like that happening.