Royal Oak Society


haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
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Layout stole from @MantaRey who stole it from @BullyTheScroofy



The Royal Oak Society is a nature society recently established by Juliette Howlester set on the goals of caring for the nature in and around Regalia as well as raising money for said wildlife's caretaking. Unlike many nature societies that grace the Crown City, this one will not be focusing on simply spending time in the wild or camping, but instead actively planting, harvesting, and all around keeping gardens, forests, and parks as they were intended to be- brimming with flora and fauna life.

In simpler terms, the goals of the Royal Oak Society are:

Promote the care of wildlife in the Regalia Archipelago
Encourage citizens of the Crown City to educate themselves more on the flora and fauna of Regalia
Raise money to support the care of Regalia's wildlife


Juliette Howlester: @AtticCat


Rodderick Howlester: @BullyTheScroofy
Randulf Howlester: @StarkFromAway
Aelfric Aherne: @GoldWolfGaming
Agatha Harhold: @Ryria
Lena Jacella: @SnugglyKittens
Kleopatros Nevardo: @greys_n
Eonae Seiell: @BlotBokt
Lliev: @NoRezForYou



The Royal Oak Society accepts most people into their rankings, save for those with known criminal backgrounds that could be damaging for the society's outlook. Commoners and nobles alike will both be accepted into the society, as well as there is no gender preference on who should join. We will be hosting events that will be raising money towards funding the support of wildlife care as this group is supposed to be taking on a less touched on type of charity compared to many- not focusing on the people, but more so the animals and plants that also inhabit the archipelago.

Currently, the headquarters of the Royal Oak Society is undecided but it will be handled soon enough- until then, it's more than likely that we will simply be meeting at the Howlester Castle or the Regalian Park.

If you would like to join the Royal Oak Society, please fill in the application below!


Character Name:
Character Race:
Discord?: [Not required, but recommended]
Character Application/Horticulture Proficiency [If Applicable]:
IC Letter:
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IGN: GoldWolfGaming
Character Name: Aelfric Aherne
Character Race: Ailor
IC Letter:

Dear Lady Howlester,

A wonderful idea this is! I do remember speaking to you about a garden and this has brought it to a higher level. I would love to join.

Spirit's Blessings,
Aelfric Hrothulf Aherne,
Reverend of Anglia,
Member of the Holy Synod
IGN: GoldWolfGaming
Character Name: Aelfric Aherne
Character Race: Ailor
IC Letter:
Dear Lady Howlester,

A wonderful idea this is! I do remember speaking to you about a garden and this has brought it to a higher level. I would love to join.

Spirit's Blessings,
Aelfric Hrothulf Aherne,
Reverend of Anglia,
Member of the Holy Synod

Father Aherne,

We'll be honored to have you as part of the society!

Spirit Bless,
Juliette Howlester
IGN: Ryria
Character Name: Agatha Harhold
Character Race: Anglian Ailor
Character Application/Horticulture Proficiency [If Applicable]: You can find my character app in my signature. While Agatha doesn't have any skill in gardening, she loves it.
IC Letter:

Lady Howlester,

As requested, I'm writing you a letter to formally request membership of the Royal Oak Society.

Agatha Harhold,
Minister of Commons
Imperial Dame of Kentwynstead
IGN: Ryria
Character Name: Agatha Harhold
Character Race: Anglian Ailor
Character Application/Horticulture Proficiency [If Applicable]: You can find my character app in my signature. While Agatha doesn't have any skill in gardening, she loves it.
IC Letter:

Lady Howlester,

As requested, I'm writing you a letter to formally request membership of the Royal Oak Society.

Agatha Harhold,
Minister of Commons
Imperial Dame of Kentwynstead
Lady Agatha,

Thank you for sending so swiftly! It'll be lovely having you.

Spirit Guide,
Juliette Howlester

IGN: namebadge
Character Name: Lena Jacella
Character Race: Half Elf
Discord: snugglykittens#0797
Character Application/Horticulture Proficiency [If Applicable]: +5 (Link)
IC Letter:

*The letter was wrote in a flowing feminine script, but there was plenty of grammar errors.*

"To the noble lady Juliette Howlester.

I would be honored if you would consider me to join your organisation. I have learned some about flora from my Cielothar roots and some further from what medical knowledge I have.
I would very much like the chance to learn more, and to teach others about it also.

-Lena Jacella"
IGN: namebadge
Character Name: Lena Jacella
Character Race: Half Elf
Discord: snugglykittens#0797
Character Application/Horticulture Proficiency [If Applicable]: +5 (Link)
IC Letter:

*The letter was wrote in a flowing feminine script, but there was plenty of grammar errors.*

"To the noble lady Juliette Howlester.

I would be honored if you would consider me to join your organisation. I have learned some about flora from my Cielothar roots and some further from what medical knowledge I have.
I would very much like the chance to learn more, and to teach others about it also.

-Lena Jacella"
IGN: greys_n
Character Name: Kleopatros Nevardo.
Character Race: Elf. (Half-Elf.)
Discord?: you got it
IC Letter:
"Dear Howlester,

I appreciate and heavily admire nature's best, and I'd enjoy working with others of the same ideals. Hope you'll have me.

Kleopatros Nevardo."
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IGN: BlotBokt
Character Name: Eonae Seiell
Character Race: Yanar
Discord?: BlotBokt, #0129
Character Application/Horticulture Proficiency [If Applicable]: +31, Application
IC Letter:
To the most esteemed lady Howlester,

Having spent my fair share of time enjoying the parks and gardens of the city, I fell it only just that I give back to them. I would be truly honored to be considered part of this organization.

Highest Regards,
Ronae Seiell
Character Name:
Character Race:
Wolond, Kathar.​
Character Application/Horticulture Proficiency [If Applicable]:
+30 in Horticulture.​

Dear the fine lady Howlester,

My name is simply Lliev, I come from Kathar decent which I am sure raises the alarm, but I ask that you hear me out. I've started to grace the slum-yards with the capability of my green thumb, ensuring the more exotic plant life may thrive and ridding weeds from the gardens. I'd like to expand on this, helping the city as a whole rather than just a single district. I hope to hear from you from you soon, following the address below.

Spirits guide,

IGN: BlotBokt
Character Name: Eonae Seiell
Character Race: Yanar
Discord?: BlotBokt, #0129
Character Application/Horticulture Proficiency [If Applicable]: +31, Application
IC Letter:
To the most esteemed lady Howlester,

Having spent my fair share of time enjoying the parks and gardens of the city, I fell it only just that I give back to them. I would be truly honored to be considered part of this organization.

Highest Regards,
Ronae Seiell
Character Name:
Character Race:
Wolond, Kathar.
Character Application/Horticulture Proficiency [If Applicable]:
+30 in Horticulture.

Dear the fine lady Howlester,

My name is simply Lliev, I come from Kathar decent which I am sure raises the alarm, but I ask that you hear me out. I've started to grace the slum-yards with the capability of my green thumb, ensuring the more exotic plant life may thrive and ridding weeds from the gardens. I'd like to expand on this, helping the city as a whole rather than just a single district. I hope to hear from you from you soon, following the address below.

Spirits guide,
