Archived Rollplay Currency

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Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
The problem:

Imagine that your character is practically nobility. They live a lavish lifestyle, host numerous and exotic parties, and never leave home without their gold jewelry. As an avid RP'er, you find little time to earn any significant amount of regals. You feel frustrated as you sit at the slave market, knowing that you (the character) can most definitely afford to purchase a slave, but you (the player) cannot afford one.

Imagine you are a corrupt councilman, bribing a guard to carry out an arrest. Your dedication to the RP aspects of Massivecraft prohibit you from spending hours in a darkroom in order to earn money, yet its illogical to simply pretend to hand the guard a pouch of coins!

Do you see the problem? Why pay for IC services with OOC currency?
Here's my idea:

Basic Idea:

  1. When a player applies for a staff-approved character, they must select their profession, and their proficiency from a pre-made list. Each profession/proficiency would be assigned an allowance of RP currency, automatically provided on a weekly basis, if their character is approved. I will refer to this RP currency as "Silver/Copper", as an example. Here are a few examples:
    1. [Beggar][Beginner]: 50 Copper/week
    2. [Regalian Guard][Experienced]: 25 Silver/week
    3. [High Noble][Professional]: 500 Silver/week
  2. RP Currency can be used to purchase/sell (including, but not limited to):
    1. Housing in Regalia
    2. Slaves
    3. Services/favors/bribes
    4. Paying fines
    5. Entrance fees for special events
    6. Much more
  3. Certain positions can be "promoted" to the next proficiency level. For an example, the leader of the Regalian Guard could promote a Beginner Guard up to Proficient, resulting in an increased allowance.
  4. Certain positions can be obtained if the player has enough RP currency. For an example, an upper middle-class citizens could work their way to nobility with enough time, effort, and connections:
    1. Ex: Requirements for nobility:
      1. 1000 Silver
      2. 10 friendships with current nobles (must tag players for approval)
      3. Renting an upscale (or better) home in Regalia


  • Eliminates the need for full-time RP'ers to find time to earn Regals
  • Greatly encourages players to seek staff-approved characters
  • Adds more realism to RP
  • Adds more realism to IC monetary transactions
  • Reinforces the separation of classes (ex. poor people cannot afford the entrance fee to upscale events)
  • It's fun

Think this is a good idea? Drop a positive rating so it gets more attention! I would love to hear suggestions and thoughts, but please, no flaming or disrespectful bashing. Thank you!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think this is a jolly good idea, although yes, why don't we use regals?
While this is a great idea, and it would definitely help with RP quite a bit, I feel like it wouldn't work too well. Many role players have multiple characters, generally from different classes within the system. I support the idea of in-character currency completely, but there needs to be some way for it to distinguish between what character the role player is playing before functioning completely, and then there is also the problem of needing an approved character before receiving the benefits, which might turn newer role players away.
I don't see why you don't just get the money. It isn't particularly difficult to obtain.
Really like this idea. I know plenty of RP'ers who are trying to get the money to rent a house but don't have the regals.

The only thing against this that I can think of is that through voting you can afford the upkeep of any house in Regalia therefore having for house renting slightly unnecessary. (90% sure on that. someone might want to check the math)
I don't see why you don't just get the money. It isn't particularly difficult to obtain.
While sure, you can make a good deal of money by sitting in a darkroom for an hour, RPers would much rather spend that time RPing. Having to take an hour out of your time to kill mobs just so you have regals to RP can be quite annoying.

Really like this idea. I know plenty of RP'ers who are trying to get the money to rent a house but don't have the regals.

The only thing against this that I can think of is that through voting you can afford the upkeep of any house in Regalia therefore having for house renting slightly unnecessary. (90% sure on that. someone might want to check the math)
While it is all chance, and it's possible you don't get enough, I have a feeling that voting alone can get you enough to buy a house. You can get straight up regals from voting, as well as lore items that you could sell.
So this would be a different currency than those used for goods in the wilderness? I just wouldn't want the market suffer if we flood the system with regals obtained from thin air. ^^; Uh... Granted, if that's what that would do-- I don't know much about the Massive Marketplace :>
Tbh I think the main reason this is coming up is because of the slavery thing, which will probally pass in a few weeks.
@DrFong is completely right. This is really one of those things that'll pass quickly when some group of rebels kicks Qadir anus and slavery stops. I do agree, that with some tweaking, it could work. Perhaps have seperate money totals per nick name, but the user id also has to match? IDK. If it does turn into something, cool. If not, we'll survive.
Great comments so far, I love the feedback.

1. This would be difficult for players with more than one character. Perhaps it would be limited to one approved character.

2. I don't think this issue will go away once the slave trading stops; I believe this is a legitimate nuisance for many players.

@DrFong What if purchasing premium also gave the player RP currency?
Buy premium! You get a nice chunk of regals every month. It's enough to rent a house!
Bah im too poor of a college student to afford premium. I might as well be handing my wallet to my school.

On another note I do like the idea of having a separate amount of regals for your character. but as stated before I have multiple characters and would like a way to differentiate balences between the two. Mabye it doesnt have to be an in game system. Mabye it could be something worked on outside of the server?
why using silver and copper when we have regals?

copper and silver was the old currency on the server, and because the suggestion was a /separate/ currency system for those that RP Vs. PVP and the RP currency can be used on RP stuff, while the PVP currency can be used on the PVP stuff.
Love the idea! Though it would be better with just Regals, and not Silver and Copper, that way they don't need to switch up the whole economy plugin. And it won't be confusing with a mixture of Silver and Copper
The silver and copper suggestion was just an example to differentiate between the current system and the proposed system wasnt it? Cause for the explaination if both systems used regals then it would get a little confusing explaining the two different systems.
The only thing against this that I can think of is that through voting you can afford the upkeep of any house in Regalia therefore having for house renting slightly unnecessary. (90% sure on that. someone might want to check the math)
Voting a single time gets 6.8 (or something like that) in average. Voting 3 times a day (all three lists), will gain you approximately 20 regals.
A renting period is (if I'm not mistaken) 30 days. So you /could/ rent a house for 600 regals a month just by voting.

*is bout to make further comments about this suggestion*
*realises I don't know anything about RP*
*decides discussing RP is best left to the RP'ers*
Afk money grinding is not in our interests. Roleplayers must participate in the survival economy just like everyone else. Can't afford that slave even though your character is rich? Maybe spend less time romance rp'ing and more time trading, you know doing actual work like a self made rich character would do as well.

We will not create an economy next to an economy or a new money plug with no sinks.
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