Here is an idea.
Roleplay character personal weapons.
Roleplay character personal weapons.
- One who has an approved roleplay character, can apply to get their named roleplay weapons in-game.
- These weapons would have a ridiculously high unbreaking enchantment, (to prevent loss by breakage) a infinity enchantment in the case of a bow, and a fire enchantment if applicable to the roleplay weapon. No other enchantments because these are supposed to be strictly roleplay equipment, not god weapons for raiding Magnimonious. (Or other people if you are in Mag)
- These weapons would also have the roleplay weapon name, and a description identifying the roleplay character whom it belongs to, the ign of the player it belongs to, and some other short description of the weapon. (physical characteristics, not history)
- These weapons would, even if you are not premium, not be dropped upon death. That way if you happen to be carrying it during the unfortunate event of a Mag raid, it will not be lost. (roleplay weapon, not pvp weapon)
- Diamond swords would not be applicable, because diamond would not be used to make a sword in roleplay. (and it could be abused to created diamond swords you would never lose)
- For obtainment, one would have to apply on the forums, and then contact a lore staff in-game.