Archived Role-play Combat

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to be more specific i am asking how people deal with combat in the middle of a role-play for example "bob attacks Alice with his sword" do you then roll? rp it out? check mcmmo level? or move to a pvp arena and fight to the death the winner having beaten the other? i need to know.
I'm pretty sure most people I know do it along these lines:
Player A: -Swings his sword towards Player B, attempting to cut a gash in his shoulder-
Player B: -Raises his own blade to block the attack before attempting to counter Player A's strike-
And so on.
And most people will probably equip a sword or axe if they have one, just to make it look better.
I'm pretty sure most people I know do it along these lines:
Player A: -Swings his sword towards Player B, attempting to cut a gash in his shoulder-
Player B: -Raises his own blade to block the attack before attempting to counter Player A's strike-
And so on.
And most people will probably equip a sword or axe if they have one, just to make it look better.

i would call that rping it out. I want to know if people enjoy what methods compared to others, thank you for the input though.
Nada, combat/PvP is fine as it is, So is RP I think it should be left alone. RP combat is rare and purely for fun and it is seldom "Good RP" as most people God-RP doing it I have seen a few good RP combats but that's not the point.
instead of disagreeing to a question that wasn't implying a opinion but rather a true question how about you tell me how you role play combat.
Nada, combat/PvP is fine as it is, So is RP I think it should be left alone.

i'm not asking it to be changed, and i would like you to inform me how you role play a fight, because i don't think there is a set standard on how you do it.

as for "fine" that is debatable. (not debating it here)
i'm not asking it to be changed, and i would like you to inform me how you role play a fight, because i don't think there is a set standard on how you do it.

as for "fine" that is debatable.
Oh I see, I never really RP fight but it's mostly. -Swings Axe/Sword- along that line of it when I do similar to what MarekDredros said.
What will and always will happen is the one with the higher stats triumphs over all that stands in his way. Unfortunately this isn't a good way to RP, but as it is the server's player base will not change on that aspect alone. Factions war each other with not a good reason, not "They pillaged our farmlands and burned our crops" but rather they say "U r to close to us." Which to be fair, is against the rules but you do not necessarily need to start a war over that matter alone. I find it rare to find players that can actually RP properly on this server, not knowing the persons name, not assuming they are a god in combat, not becoming all knowing. As well, as I find if you piss someone off OOC they will still come and raid you IC, which I can not fathom why, if they are a good RP'er their character is different than you they actually are. But, my post has become complaining about how our RP community is, there are still the few great people that understand how everything works and I highly respect that aspect. Our community is, although is of a younger group of players who have not fully learned the aspects of good RP yet.
In my experience its usually a matter of:

Smelly pointy ear : You is stupid face
Extremly handsome orc: Rohghash break you! -attempts to lodge his axe in the elve's face-
Smelly pointy ear : -Nimbly dodges the axe due to him being a smelly, quick, little elf-

Usually if you make the attempt and the recieving player doesnt act within 5-6 seconds then its considered a hit and you can follow through with the attack. Obviously such attacks that would outright kill the player can not work as you dont have the right to kill off a character unless under the right conditions.

Ive found most of the time this works well and most people tend to flow well with it, you'll always get the odd person who can just go full matrix and dodge everything and fling knives out of thier nose and kill you but hey its all fun and games :p you just need to ignore that sorta stuff
[Edit button wouldnt allow me to add and save it]

I know many players also use power levels aswell to judge how well a person handles themself in combat, so say a combatant with 1000 axes would easily outdo someone with half that in an outright axe fight.
Ugh. Those people from other immature pvp servers, came over here. I hate pvp factions, just everything they do is pvp. Thy don't trade,farm, mine. They train in the dark room, then go to pvp. It others me.
My view is basic, if you cant beat them in PvP (which is the proper form of combat in this server) you wouldnt be able to fight them in an RP fight, mcmmo is supposed to represent our characters stats, you shouldnt be able to RP as a martial arts expert if your unarmed is at level 26 :/ yea if you both have very high stats, there would really just be a good fight where mcmmo probably wouldnt really decide.
Personally, roleplay fighting while roleplaying it out is extremely fun! It just depends if you can do it and the person you're fighting knows how to roleplay back. That means, no god rp or anything. But, personally, I love it!
As long as no-one dodges every attack, or triple-backflips into a lightsaber decapitation, RP is best. However, dice roll seems cool too.
Ugh. Those people from other immature pvp servers, came over here. I hate pvp factions, just everything they do is pvp. Thy don't trade,farm, mine. They train in the dark room, then go to pvp. It others me.

Clearly you have some issues with the pvp side of things.. but you've no right to go and call them immature etc etc, I've seen you rant on a few posts now and its beginning to urk me slightly. If you truley have an issue with pvp then dont participate. If you just want to Rp then focus on building up rapport in regalia and then begin building up an rp faction if you wish. Once your well known as something more Rp based then you wont be raided.

All your doing now by calling out people for thier prefrences for pvp is digging yourself a grave and painting a target on your forehead, it'd be best to lay low and keep those sort of opinions tucked away :). No intention of starting an arguement here just some friendly advice from rp'r to rp'r

Personally I like to delve into both sides of it. I pvp here and there and I get heavily involved in rp. Alas im getting off topic lol if you would like to continue discussing this, perhaps try and plan out something for you to not get raided or attacked or whatever is bothering you feel free to start a conversation :D
Well I see dice roll taking a few more minutes out of your time, so I would agree with RP'ing it out. Just as long as no one does stuff like:
Enemy: "-throws a fireball with his powerful mage abilities-"
Me: "Um-what?"
Clearly you have some issues with the pvp side of things.. but you've no right to go and call them immature etc etc, I've seen you rant on a few posts now and its beginning to urk me slightly. If you truley have an issue with pvp then dont participate. If you just want to Rp then focus on building up rapport in regalia and then begin building up an rp faction if you wish. Once your well known as something more Rp based then you wont be raided.

All your doing now by calling out people for thier prefrences for pvp is digging yourself a grave and painting a target on your forehead, it'd be best to lay low and keep those sort of opinions tucked away :). No intention of starting an arguement here just some friendly advice from rp'r to rp'r

Personally I like to delve into both sides of it. I pvp here and there and I get heavily involved in rp. Alas im getting off topic lol if you would like to continue discussing this, perhaps try and plan out something for you to not get raided or attacked or whatever is bothering you feel free to start a conversation :D

I'm not saying this server's pvp is immature, other servers are, and some of the people from that server are coming on here. I've been to a couple of servers and the people there know nothing of Role-Playing, It's all about who has the better gear and food. (God apples, Protection V, Sharpness V, Fire aspect II, Knockback II.) And they just insult and insult until they get a fight and then they double cross you and bring 2 of their friends and call you a pussy for not accepting the fight. That's literally what i've been through. They are very idiotic. (Some of them)
I'm not saying this server's pvp is immature, other servers are, and some of the people from that server are coming on here. I've been to a couple of servers and the people there know nothing of Role-Playing, It's all about who has the better gear and food. (God apples, Protection V, Sharpness V, Fire aspect II, Knockback II.) And they just insult and insult until they get a fight and then they double cross you and bring 2 of their friends and call you a pussy for not accepting the fight. That's literally what i've been through. They are very idiotic. (Some of them)

I can agree to this, not having it done personally but hearing people I know bitch like that and do in fact get friends from pvp servers.
It's rare, but unscripted roleplay combat can be fun. One time I was chasing this one woman down, and we fought. She said that I won because of my MCMmo level, however I didn't want to be the one to kill off her character (she was fairly new, and I wasn't going to kill off someone's character who was newer).
I generally prefer to avoid most RP combat unless it's in a roleplaying game that uses a D20 system or something similar. Letting anyone do anything (In the confines of characters) still leads to people wanting to 'win' the encounter.

So while it is possible to 'rp it out', I wouldn't bet my silver on most people allowing their characters to get stabbed.
In my experience its usually a matter of:

Smelly pointy ear : You is stupid face
Extremly handsome orc: Rohghash break you! -attempts to lodge his axe in the elve's face-
Smelly pointy ear : -Nimbly dodges the axe due to him being a smelly, quick, little elf-

Usually if you make the attempt and the recieving player doesnt act within 5-6 seconds then its considered a hit and you can follow through with the attack. Obviously such attacks that would outright kill the player can not work as you dont have the right to kill off a character unless under the right conditions.

Ive found most of the time this works well and most people tend to flow well with it, you'll always get the odd person who can just go full matrix and dodge everything and fling knives out of thier nose and kill you but hey its all fun and games :P you just need to ignore that sorta stuff

What etches me is I seem to note people are *Dodging* everything. In my opinion, A person can only dodge a total of 4 times, then they HAVE to receive damage, otherwise I call them of God-RP. Granted however, certain people I allow to do more. I basically have it that RP-Staff are more powerful than William, cause, well, obviously this is true in many cases. And depending on the Size/Weight of the other character, I base how much and how easily he attacks them/runs/escapes grip.
I think higher mcmmo should win to an extent, but after a certain point a higher mcmmo doesn't really improve the weapon much.. Especially if they are already really close, so say cap'n Gandammar get's in a fight with me, I'd die in about three second. But with cowboys they would be about even and roleplay it out.

However if your mcmmo is lower that doesn't mean you are necessarily one hit outed. You can roleplay a good fight but in the end you should still lose.
Judging your RP on your power level is smart, but what if you RP as a Mage? You can't judge that.

But to answer you question this is how I RP
Me:we don't need to fight -raising hands up to show is unarmed-
Orc: yes we do puny elf -lunges at elf we his axe-
Me: - blocks with arm braces but the knock sends him sprawling back-
Orc: -swings axe again-
Me: -summons wind to put Orc of balanced, gets back on feet-
Orc: fight like man elf, don't hide behind magic!
Me: I am quiet clumsy with a weapon so I think the fight would be over to quick. -breathes deeply and release his aura, to firey wings spread out behind him-
Orc: what the? -his face goes from anger to confusion to rage and the Orc charges-
Me: -tries to dive out the way but the Orc grabs my leg-
Orc: -raises axe- die!!
Me: -channels fire to burn the wooden handle of the axe cutting it in half-
Orc: you rat! -the Orc screamed kicking the elf on the ground-
Me: -grabs the Orc with fire still in his hand burning it horribly-
Orc: -stumbles back yelling in pain- you wimp you will die slowly -picks up axe balancing it for a second-
Me: - stumbles back up, holding ribs-
Orc: you should of stayed
Me: maybe -slowly starts healing his ribs holding the Orc won't notice-
Orc: now you will die slower -he said slowly moving foreward, limping from his burn-
Me: or maybe I will live?
Orc: I doubt it -preparing to swing the axe-
Me: -ribs were healed enough now but still acted hurt-
Orc: -swings axe, hopping to cut of the elf's head-
Me: -jumps back, but the axe cuts his chest he is now bleeding-
Orc: not fast enough elf
Me: and I guess your fast?....let's see if your faster then light
Orc: what are you talking about elf?
Me: this -throws glowstone dust into the air, the air shimmers with light. He starts to concentrate the light into a ball of light-
Orc: what the? What is that?
Me: -fires a beam of pure light-
Orc: -dives out of the way, but the light hits his shoulder burning the arm off- you rat of an elf you will die
Me: -runs forward channeling fire and grabs the orcs arm-
Orc: you will die for this -as he limps away-
I think your magic is a little op. Then again orcs tend to roleplay as op fighters.
I think higher mcmmo should win to an extent, but after a certain point a higher mcmmo doesn't really improve the weapon much.. Especially if they are already really close, so say cap'n Gandammar get's in a fight with me, I'd die in about three second. But with cowboys they would be about even and roleplay it out.

However if your mcmmo is lower that doesn't mean you are necessarily one hit outed. You can roleplay a good fight but in the end you should still lose.

This is exactly how i go about it.
I think higher mcmmo should win to an extent, but after a certain point a higher mcmmo doesn't really improve the weapon much.. Especially if they are already really close, so say cap'n Gandammar get's in a fight with me, I'd die in about three second. But with cowboys they would be about even and roleplay it out.

However if your mcmmo is lower that doesn't mean you are necessarily one hit outed. You can roleplay a good fight but in the end you should still lose.
Agreed. It would stop a lot of newbie god role-play. Then that means Cowboys1919 would be the strongest person on the server. That would be awesome. :D
I post something people like. I don't get positive ratings. A week ago I posted something talking about myself and one of the staff members rated it offensive.

Can someone make a bad luck brian meme about this?
Perhaps we should add dice just for dodging then?
i suggest a /roll plugin that displays a random number to everyone within a short range, 50 blocks or so. A example: "umbram sneaks up behind the target keeping silent" (/roll 20) ((13)) (/roll 20) ((12)) "umbram remains undetected sneaking up behind the target slowly bringing knife to his neck for the kill" (/roll 20) ((1)) (/roll 20) ((14)) "the target shoves back umbram preparing for a fight swinging" (/roll 20) ((11)) (/roll 20) ((19)) "the kind wounds umbram as he flees the scene hiding from sight"
The dice idea is good but it would make RPing slow and a lot of people wouldn't use it. But if tey did add dice make it every time you dodge the chance that you will dodge again is lowered.
I roleplay combat realistically and strategically. I draw it out by swift disabling attacks and half decent defensive procedures. It's too bad most people would rather just kill me then waste time suffering from wounds.
Ehhhhhh, something tells me that the dice plugin would cause massive spam in tavern fights and such in Regalia.
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