Character Information
- Full Name & Title: His Lordship Rohan Vriere-Illumin Revel Coeur Bavere, Baron of Coulogne, Son of Aedan
- Heritage / Culture: Burdigalan Ailor
- Affinity: Aedan Godborn [Revel-born]
- Age: 25 [b. Feb 287. AC]
- Gender / Pronouns: Male/He/Him
- Religion: Unionism/Fornoss Syncrentism (Aedan)
- Occult: Yes
- Character Occupation: Aristocrat, Reveler, History Enthusiast.
- Eye Colour: Revelborn Orange
- Clothing: Aristocratic styles, usually looser garbs for more stomach room. Regal fashion at Imperial Assembly.
- Skin Colour: Pale.
- Hair: Ginger Auburn, long and curly. Thick beard.
- Height: 6'3
- Body Type: Burly
- Additional Features: Rohan looks strikingly like his father, the Fornoss God Aedan.
- Dimension Alignments:
- Abyss, Silence
- Schools:
- Matter School
- Elemental School
- Evergrowth School
- Gravity School
- Arcane Harmony:
- 100%
- Rohan is the Lord Baron of Coulogne, a prestigious title as Coulogne is considered the regional capital of the Duchy of Callas. He regularly holds court where others can put forward suggestions to what improvements he can make to life in the region, and strives to hold such Ducal titles.
- .. Has your character ever travelled through the Archipelago? Perhaps they stayed in Coulogne or came from there. Are you looking for a way into the workings of nobility? The Bavere Court might offer such a path.
- Rohan is a Godborn, the son of Fornoss God Aedan and Baroness Bianca Bavere. He is known also as a Revelborn and has many of his father's personality traits, especially those around drunken revelry and partygoing. He worships his father's Fornoss pantheon, a major difference from his previously predominant Unionist family. While he predominantly worships Unionism, he also saves a spot for the personal belief of his father as a Syncretised Fornoss member. Because of this he understands the concepts of Soldi/Svaldi and applies them often. As for other Religions and Backgrounds, Rohan is rather indifferent and really couldn't care less, his main worry is making sure the larders and cellars are full.
- .. Are you a Fornoss worshiper? Witness this son of one the Gods. Are you also a Revelborn? Perhaps you've heard of your high status half-brother.
- The Baron lives an extravagant lifestyle, his favourite way to socialize is by hosting his own banquets. He can conjure food and drink with a wave of his hand that is always coded towards his guests preferred palate, and it tastes unbelievably good. So good it can become strangely addicting, which often leads to those around him getting incredibly drunk, full, or dependent on his meals.
- .. Do you like to drink and make merry? Maybe you've attended one of the Baron's parties.
- Rohan has two academic degrees, despite his constant drunkenness. One is from La Riviere Academie de Vinification in his home province of Coulogne where he studied vinification, a topic he ended up brushing over. Instead he spent two years fratting in Regalia at the Archeological Academy, developing a curiosity for antiques and artifact collecting. He likes to fund excavations from time to time.
- .. Has your character attended the same academies? Do they have similar interests to the Baron? Perhaps they can collect Artifacts together or explore historic ruins.
- Rohan is the Lord Baron of Coulogne, a prestigious title as Coulogne is considered the regional capital of the Duchy of Callas. He regularly holds court where others can put forward suggestions to what improvements he can make to life in the region, and strives to hold such Ducal titles.
Combat Style: True Mage
Attack Stat: 6
Defense Stat: 4
Proficiency Points: [15/15 points spent]
Magic: 10
- Arcane Point Buy:
- Arcane Bolts [Stance]
- Arcane Healing
- Arcane Portent
- Arcane Cleanse
- Arcane Distortion
- Arcane Warp
- Arcane Shove
- Arcane Counter
- Arcane Echostrike [True Mage]
- Invocation Point Buy:
- Duelist Invocation
- Speech Point Buy:
- Hosting Presence
- Sanctioned Presence
- Stubborn Presence
- Political Presence
- Fame Presence
- Persuasion Stat: 15
- Fornoss Aeden Godborn Mechanics:
- Element Hearing: You can hear stories or histories from the elements, from example feeling battles that were witnessed by mountains, suffering felt by burnt forests, or cries for help carried by the wind. This cannot be used to metagame the actions of other Players, but can give you unique story insights in storied locations at the behest of an Event DM, or Progression, or your own Lore Story writing
- Natured Marken: You are a non-infectious Marken by nature, meaning from birth, but unlike conventional Marken, you are fully in control of yourself and never transform involuntarily. Anytime you do transform, you are still able to speak in humanoid languages. You however do not gain access to Marken Mechanics unless fully Transformed and lose them when transforming back into non-Marken form.
- Social Beast: You have an impossibly high tolerance for alcohol, drinking anyone under the table, and able to make cups or glasses magically refill themselves with the God's ale. You are immune to being arrested for Low Law violations, so long as what you have done isn't annoying or cringe-inducing for the Knights to deal with. Benign crimes receives just a slap on the wrist and an "oh you" from Knights.
- Ailor Heritage Mechanics:
- Mechanic 1: Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
- Mechanic 2: Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
- Mechanic 3: Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
- Arcane Point Buy:
- Inventory:
- Rohan usually carries a pouch on his person. It is where he stores personal items and with OOC permission, certain items could be taken out.
- A Regal sack averaging 500 regals. /roll 250 to steal. This replenishes per day.
- Imperial Identification Seal [Sanctioned Presence Pack]
- Keys to his Noble Estate
- Rohan usually carries a pouch on his person. It is where he stores personal items and with OOC permission, certain items could be taken out.
- Hobbies / Talents:
- Drinking, Feasting, Hunting, Collecting
- Defining Personality Traits:
- Arrogant, Gregarious, Greedy, Wrathful
- Languages:
- Common (Fluent) - The universal language was taught first.
- d'Ithanie (Fluent) - The language of Ithanians. He speaks a dialect called Burdi.
- Anglisch (Moderate) - Regalia's current court language.
- Letz (Moderate) - The admirable language of Leutz-Vixe.
- Other languages are the most basic greetings and words, or no knowledge at all.
- Trivia/Extra Hooks:
- While House Bavere is famous for its wine, Rohan is largely a beer drinker. His go to is a classic Dovrinik Viksfjord, but his all-time favourite is Kusikas. One of the few non-Eronidas who can handle the drink, it always pleases him seeing the look on people's faces as he inhales it. However, after downing a few of these Rohan can become incredibly intoxicated.
- Rohan isn't well-travelled. He has really only been between the Crown Isle and Callas. He wishes to visit Ithania one day, as well as potential adventures to Alorian historic sites.
- Rohan is well-liked among his subjects, and has a commoner's touch. Palais de Bavere is usually open to lower classes to work within, and the Baron visits various taverns he pours funds into across Coulogne City.
Note: Information in this section is not public knowledge. Only through interacting with Rohan would your character know any of these things.
- To be completed at a later date
- Inventory:
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